Cast Flint and Lady Jaye.


Sep 10, 2004
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Should Flint appear in the movie who should play him and his lady love, Lady Jaye
Personally, I say save them for Joe 2. That way, they can be featured more prominently and not be relegated to the background (we're already likely to have Duke, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Hawk and 'Rex' all getting major roles). As for who should play Flint and Jaye? Dunno... John Barrowman and Nora Zehetner?


Evangeline Lilly for Lady Jaye.

She's sexy, she's tough. Exactly what Lady Jaye needs to be.

There are a couple guys who I think could play Flint, but my current first choice is Nathan Fillion.

Nathon Fillon can do any part he wants as far as I'm concerned. He's awesome. He can play me, in my own life...I'll just stand aside and watch.
Evangeline Lilly for Lady Jaye.

She's sexy, she's tough. Exactly what Lady Jaye needs to be.

There are a couple guys who I think could play Flint, but my current first choice is Nathan Fillion.


That's exactly who I was gonna pick. :woot:
Evangeline Lilly for Lady Jaye.

She's sexy, she's tough. Exactly what Lady Jaye needs to be.

There are a couple guys who I think could play Flint, but my current first choice is Nathan Fillion.


That's pretty much spot on. :word:
No because Tom Jane would have made a WAY better Duke.

But hey, don't listen to me because apperently my casting choices suck.
Tom Jane as Duke. Wow, I never thought of that. Great idea...far too late though :(
Personally, I say save them for Joe 2. That way, they can be featured more prominently and not be relegated to the background (we're already likely to have Duke, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Hawk and 'Rex' all getting major roles). As for who should play Flint and Jaye? Dunno... John Barrowman and Nora Zehetner?



I like these ideas. :up:
Evangeline Lilly for Lady Jaye.

She's sexy, she's tough. Exactly what Lady Jaye needs to be.

There are a couple guys who I think could play Flint, but my current first choice is Nathan Fillion.


Best choices.:up::up:
Evangeline Lilly for Lady Jaye.

She's sexy, she's tough. Exactly what Lady Jaye needs to be.

There are a couple guys who I think could play Flint, but my current first choice is Nathan Fillion.


I like your picks. :up:
I've always though Ashley Judd was very Lady Jay-ish, but since they're going for younger i would like to see Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley in there.
Loving Evangeline Lily for Lady Jaye...great choice!!

What was her 'quote' that appeared on her file card??
i'd say michael vartan and jenifer garner respectively

Luke McFarlane

for flint he fits in with the casting of tatum and can be cocky

watch over there to see him as a soldier

Side note conciquently I want Erik Palladino for Shipwreck
Lena Headey is very similar physically to how I remember Lady Jaye being, but since she's currently starring in 'Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles', that might rule her out as a potential candidate. For Flint, I think David Boreanaz fits the bill physically, although he might be a little too broad in the shoulders and face.
Nathon Fillon can do any part he wants as far as I'm concerned. He's awesome. He can play me, in my own life...I'll just stand aside and watch.

Testify! The same goes for Adam Baldwin. The more Browncoats, the merrier!
Testify! The same goes for Adam Baldwin. The more Browncoats, the merrier!

Agreed. Baldwin for Rock n Roll. And if Fillion is Flint, you need to have Morena Baccarin as Jaye even though she's not a physical fit for the role (hey, they've had more drastic physical changes, right?). Their chemistry would be perfect! And while he's not exactly a browncoat (though still a Whedon alumnus), who thinks Alexis Denisof could pull off a Lt. Stone (Sigma 6)?
i'm kinda surprised that Flint hasn't been cast yet, or worst yet, even mentioned in any of the script reviews...:(
Agreed. Baldwin for Rock n Roll. And if Fillion is Flint, you need to have Morena Baccarin as Jaye even though she's not a physical fit for the role (hey, they've had more drastic physical changes, right?). Their chemistry would be perfect! And while he's not exactly a browncoat (though still a Whedon alumnus), who thinks Alexis Denisof could pull off a Lt. Stone (Sigma 6)?

Adam Baldwin has the right look for Rock n' Roll. I'm not a big fan of Lt. Stone. He's one part Flint, one part Big Ben, with an eye patch for garnish. Nothing about him stood out to me or seemed original.

i'm kinda surprised that Flint hasn't been cast yet, or worst yet, even mentioned in any of the script reviews...:(

At this point, I thnk we have to assume he and Lady Jaye are be saved for a sequel, which definitely sucks, as I'm a huge fan of both characters. But maybe that will allow them to be done right if/when they show up rather than get shoehorned into this one.
lt. stone has an eye patch?
we're not talking about the gi joe extreme character are we?
We're talking about the Sigma 6 Lt. Stone, not the GI Joe Extreme one. Same name, but they're different characters.

Sigma 6:


Sigma 6 Stone is a British agent and a friend of Duke's, who pilots the Dragonhawk helicopter.

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