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Catwoman and Batman


is awesome
May 19, 2007
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This was meant to be a comic book. And hopefully it still will be. The story is not in great detail. Mostly no "he said" and "he replied" because i was just sending it to the artist in order for him to get an idea for the panels. so at first some of the dialogue might be confusing, pertaining to who is talking, but you'll figure it out. but yeah, basically this was a rough version of the story. never had a chance to refine it, and in fact, it's not finished. but i'll post a new section every day until i get to the point that i finished writing. if people are liking it, i'll finish the story. leave comments, critiques and suggestions. =) i was trying to set up my own batman universe. so here is page one of my yet to be drawn Batman comic.

It’s another cold night in Gotham City.

Images of Batman pummeling two thugs in a dark alley.
At the same time, a beautiful raven-haired woman checks her watch, alone at a table in a restaurant.
Batman has the two men tied to a street light and he disappears into the night.
The woman takes a sip of her wine and checks her watch again as a man hurriedly walks into the restaurant, straightening his tie. This is Bruce Wayne. “I’m really sorry I’m late. I got caught up at work.”
The woman stands up. “It’s okay, Brucey. But I really have to be somewhere. I hope you understand.” She grabs her purse and kisses him on the cheek. “I’m sorry Bruce.”
Bruce looks disappointed as she walks away. “But I’ll see you tomorrow?”
She looks back.
“For the charity dinner.”
She smiles. “Oh yes of course. See you then, Mr. Wayne.” She walks away sexily.
Bruce is left standing there, alone and feeling bad for missing their date.

It is 11 o’clock. We are at SFA Jeweler’s. A security guard does his last rounds.
Outside, a shadowy figure runs across the rooftops.
Bruce Wayne, morose, walks into his manor. He hands his jacket to Alfred. “A fast date, Master Bruce.”
“She had to leave suddenly. I was over an hour late.”
“Sometimes Bruce Wayne has to make sacrifices so that Batman can thrive, sir.”
“I know, Alfred.”
Bruce walks along a huge empty hallway.

The Shadowy figure dives into the airduct of the jewelry store.

Bruce stands, looking in the mirror. Taking off his tie.

The security guard walks through the jewelry store. We see the shadow again.
“Who is this woman, sir? If you don’t mind me asking.”
A whip cracks and wraps around the legs of the security guard. Tripping him.
“I met her at a fundraising event.”
We see the guard tied up, mouth covered with tape.”
“She is an animal rights activist. A really good person.”
The silhouette of a cat appears over a safe.
[FONT=&quot] “Her name is Selina Kyle.”

There's part one. I'll post part two later tonight. or perhaps tomorrow. Depends on the reaction. =D Hope you enjoy it.

really, really good. I can't wait for part 2
thanks =) if i get a second comment i'll put it up right away. otherwise, i'll wait an hour. put a little time in between em
Police cars rush down the wet Gotham Streets, toward the jewelry store.
Off in the distance we see the batsignal.

Gordon stands on the Gotham Police Department rooftop. Batman lands behind him. We see him stand over Gordon’s shoulder, silhouetted by the light of the Batsignal.
“I wasn’t going to waste your time with this one. Just a robbery. But now there’s been another. Two jewelry stores. Their safe’s were robbed. They were bothing holding large amounts of diamonds before distributing them out to jewelry stores in Metropolis.”
“Any leads?”
“Officers on the scene this time got a description of the perp. She’s a woman.”
“Not much of a description.”
“A woman in a catsuit..”
“Hmm. I’ll need all the information you have commissioner.”
“Listen. Batman. I want you to hold off on this one until we have some better—“
He turns around and Batman is gone.

probably should have posted that with the first part. so that's like part two of part one =D i'm posting another part in a second
The next night, the crème de la crème of the Gotham elite file in to Wayne Manor for a fundraiser for the Wayne Medical division of Wayne Enterprises. Bruce stands near a large fountain set up in the middle of a banquet room. He welcomes his guests as they enter.

A quartet plays and waiters with trays walk about the crowd and the guests hobnob amongst themselves and Wayne stands alone.

Then she enters. Selina enters wearing a strapless black dress. Bruce smiles as their eyes meet.

“Selina! Right on time.”
“One of us has to be.”

He grabs her a glass of champagne and they cling their glasses. A man approaches.

“Who is this lovely lady, Bruce? She couldn’t be with you, she’s far too gorgeous.”

Bruce smiles. “Ha, Selina Kyle, this is an old friend of mine, Harvey Dent.”

“Of course, the District Attorney. I’m just used to seeing your head about 10 feet bigger.”

“Hey, those billboards are your tax money at work. Great party, Bruce, I’ll talk to you later.” He watches a waiter walk by.
“There’s some shrimp puffs with my name on ‘em.” Harvey leaves.

Selina: “Seems like a nice guy.”

“Yeah. Harvey and I go way back.”

“So who else is here?”

“I don’t know. Buncha stiffs. I don’t always get along with the people at these functions, but it’s for a good cause. The more money we have for hospitals and healthcare in Gotham, the happier lives the citizens can lead.”

“That’s noble of you.”

“I’ve just seen Gotham change so much over the years. Poverty creates crime. Crime can only lead to more crime. Anything I can do to make a difference is worth it. I only wish I could do more.”

“Well, Bruce, I think you do as much as any one man could possibly do.”

A snooty older woman in a mink stoll bumps into Selina and keeps walking by.

“Excuse me, miss? Is that real fur?”

The woman turns and looks down her nose at Selina. “Of course. At $6,000 it better be.”

Selina looks angry. “People like you make me sick. They have to kill as many as 65 minks just to make a fur for a disgusting old bag such as yourself. And it's because of snobby, decrepit, women like you that twenty-six million minks are caged and slaughtered every year. All just so you can look good at your rich friend’s cocktail party or the christening of your brother’s yacht. I’ve chosen my words carefully, because this is Mr. Wayne’s home and he is a good man. Believe me if this were anywhere else they would have been far more scathing. Now get out of my sight.”

Selina looks drained. You can tell she has a true love for the well-being of animals.

“I’m sorry, Bruce. I didn’t mean to cause a scene. It’s just that, when I see someone wearing so many innocent, murdered animals, I just—“
“No, Selina, it’s quite alright.” He puts his hand on her shoulder. “I love your passion. The fact that you aren’t afraid to speak your mind is one of the qualities I like most about you.” She smiles and they kiss.

“These people bother me anyway. How about taking a walk in the garden?”

“I’d love to.”

Bruce and Selina walk outside and take a stroll in his yard. There are hedges, flowers, etc.

Bruce: “Beautiful night.”

“Yeah.” They sit down on a bench and look at the stars. Bruce looks at her.

“Your eyes look majestic in the light of the moon.”

“Aw Bruce…That’s so—cheesy.” They both laugh a little bit and then their eyes lock.

“I’ve never met a woman like you Selina. And I don’t even know very much about you. But that mystery draws me to you even more.”

“A little mystery can be a good thing.”

“I agree.” They sit silent for a moment. “You don’t wear much jewelry do you?”

“No. Not really, why?”

“I don’t know. Again, most women I meet at all these charity functions wear fur, tons of diamonds, that kind of stuff.”

“Yeah, I don’t wear diamonds. With all the conflict diamonds out there, it’s sickening that people can make money off of them. On top of the toll is takes on the human beings in those nations, there is also the untold damage it takes on the wildlife. Hundreds of thousands of animals displaced and killed.”

“That’s horrible.”

“It is. But there are things to be done that can hurt the people who deplete these countries and ecosystems of their resources.”

Suddenly Bruce notices something in the distance. It’s the batsignal.[/FONT]

“Selina…I’m sorry but I just realized there’s something I have to do. You’ll have to excuse me.”


“But will you stay? And wait for me. I mean it might be a little while but—“

“I’d love to.” She smiles at him.

“I’ll be back, Selina. Talk to Alfred and make yourself comfortable.”

That oughta hold you for awhile. More tomorrow.
sorry the formatting is all messed up =\ the copy and pasting is all messed up for some reason. pretty sh-tty.
there's been a couple readers. you can leave bad comments too if you want =D
great stuff could you double space it? hard for captain clown to read... how is it creating stuff for the hype? kind of just push it out huh?
I really like it, dude. I'm a writer but tend to stick to the horror/thriller genre. I started out doing Fan Fiction but found it very hard; I applaud anyone who can do it without feeling stilted by other concepts of the same universe.

thanks =) yeah. i have another part to the story. i never finished it. but if you want me to post the next part then i will. and if you like that, then i will probably try and finish the story. double spaced =D
woo hoo, I feel like an old man asking for doublespace heh
I really like it, dude. I'm a writer but tend to stick to the horror/thriller genre. I started out doing Fan Fiction but found it very hard; I applaud anyone who can do it without feeling stilted by other concepts of the same universe.

thanks a lot =) i have my own vision for the characters, as i think we all do, and i don't let any past stories hinder me. they only inspire me.

i also am a big fan of the horror genre. that is what i enjoy the most. but this was supposed to be a comic and the artist was awesome, so i wanted to do it.

shall i post the next section?
and this is my part 3. i haven't written anything on it in a week. and until i started writing this, i hadn't written anything in a year. i got lazier and lazier. but i need to start writing again. this was a good project to get me to do that. so since i'm posting it now, and in hopes that my artist will return, i will try and crank out another section tomorrow. but here is part 3 of my catwoman/batman story. leave comments and suggestions. open to criticism =D

Downtown, cops surround an abandoned building. Lights shine on the boarded windows. A SWAT team is awaiting its orders. A detective gets on the megaphone. “If you do not release the hostages, we will have no choice but to take you down by force.”

Inside the building, the criminals are getting nervous. A couple hostages are bound and gagged, sitting on the floor. One of the men is holding a female hostage at gunpoint, while looking out the window.

“We’ll have to kill one of these hostages. To tell them know we need business.”

In the background, Batman drops down from the ceiling. He knocks the gun out of the other criminals hand with a Batarang. The criminal with the hostage turns around and Batman throws the first criminal into the other.

The cops outside can hear the commotion inside. The criminals come crashing through the second story window, tied together. They hang there knocked out and the hostages come running out the front door. The cops look confused. Batman swings off into the night.

Bruce looks exhausted. He walks through a his house and sees a fire in the fireplace. He walks into the room and see Selina sitting on the couch, feet up to her side, just watching the fire.

“There you are. It’s past midnight. I was starting to think you wouldn’t come back.”

“I couldn’t leave you here alone.” He opens a bottle of wine and pours her a glass. She sits on the carpet in front of the fireplace and invites him down. He sits next to her. They drink and look at the fire.

“I’m really glad you stayed.” She puts down her glass.

“So am I.” She begins to kiss him and they start to lay down. They succumb to a night of passion.

Sunlight shines through the large window of Bruce Wayne’s living room.

Embers sizzle out in the fireplace. Bruce is asleep on the couch. Selina is nowhere to be found. He wakes up and is disappointed to find that she has left. He sees a note left on the coffee table. It reads, “Sorry Brucey, had to go. I had a great time. I’ll call you later. –Selina.”

Bruce walks through his TV room and turns on his huge plasma screen TV. He walks into the kitchen as the sound of the news echoes through the house. He goes into the refrigerator and gets out some eggs. “In other news, there has been another Jewelry store theft.” Bruce walks back into the TV room. “Early this morning, a Jewelers in downtown Gotham was robbed of an as yet undetermined number of diamonds. It seems as though the thief knew exactly what they were going for and possessed expert safe-cracking skills. This is the third in a string of recent Gotham jewelry store robberies. The suspect is thought to be a woman who dresses in a cat suit. A full description of the woman has yet to be released. More on this story, tonight at 11.”

His phone rings. “Hello?”

“Hey, Bruce. Where are you? You disappeared last night, and now what? You forgot about lunch?

“Oh. Sorry Harvey. I’ll be right there.”

Bruce races over to the restaurant where he is meeting Harvey. Bruce walks in to the restaurant and sees Gordon sitting with Harvey at the table.

“There he is. Starting to get worried about you. Bruce, this is Police Commissioner James Gordon, have you two met?”

“I don’t believe so.”

Gordon: “It’s a pleasure.”

“Likewise, Commissioner.”

Gordon: ”Please, call me Jim.”

Dent: “Waiter! Drinks!”

They eat and talk about things.

“So how about that philly you had with you yesterday, Bruce? She was something.”

“What’s the matter, Apollo? Not used to seeing your buddy with better looking girls than you?”

“Just not you, Bruce.” Bruce laughs. “Speaking of women, commissioner.

What’s all this talk about The Catwoman?”

“Ah, I don’t know Harvey. It seems like every day there’s some new threat to worry about. With the mob, the gangs, and that Joker card killer, it seems like things are getting worse and worse. At least she isn’t killing anybody.”

“You know what the problem is? It’s that damn Batman. He’s creating criminals faster than we can put them away.”

Bruce just takes a drink as they talk.

Gordon: “I don’t know, Harvey. He means well. He does things the police can’t do. I think he is doing good.”

“He’s a vigilante. He’s a menace. He’s out there, playing by his own rules, and taking on the underworld all by himself. He’s breaking the law.”

“But he gets things done.”

“For now. How long before he messes with the wrong people? Or worse. If this guy does know what he’s doing, how long before he spawns more just like him. People without the skill or the sense. We can’t have a bunch of costumed men running around Gotham shooting any kid on the street who tries to steal an old lady’s purse.”

“Well we can worry about that when it happens, Harvey. I have faith in Batman. I’ve met him. His heart is in the right place. I think if you talked to him you’d feel the same way.”

“You’re pretty quiet about this, Bruce.”

“Just listening to you guys bicker like school children.”

“Well what do you think?”

“About this batguy? I have no idea why somebody would want to risk their life in such a way.”

“Exactly. He’s a menace, and a loon. He’s crazy. There’s something wrong with the guy.”

Gordon: “Leave him alone.”

“Ah, we better cut it out, Bruce. Jim doesn’t like us talking about his bestfriend.”

Gordon: “He doesn’t interfere with your job, Harvey. Don’t interfere with his.”

A waiter brings the check.

Bruce: “You paying, Harvey?”

“I’ll flip you for it. I’ll call it in the air.” Harvey flips a coin. “Heads.” It’s heads. “Heads it is. Looks like you lose old friend.”

“Fair enough.” Bruce reaches for the check. Harvey goes to put the coin in his pocket but drops it. Bruce picks it up and looks at it. It’s a two-headed coin. “You still have this old thing?”

“Haha. Yes I do. It’s good luck. It was my father’s, you know that. And you have no idea how many free lunches this baby has gotten me.”

What's gonna happen? dun dun dun. You'll have to return to find out =D or...you don't have to. i don't care =)
heh good luck drawing that out haha great stuff though
thanks. yeah, lots of dialogue. dude seemed to enjoy it though. he just hasn't be online in awhile. he drew a couple concepts for the first page or two, i don't know if he'd like me posting them though. but they are pretty sweet.
also, i gotta establish these characters early so that if there were future issues, you already know dent, and selina and gordon.
cool stuff, I cut down all my initial dialogue just because its a paint to draw, oh well im out gnite

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