childhood toys

Demon Within

Aug 25, 2005
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What childhood toy altered your life if any? For me it was my 9th birthday gift from my grandfather, an Xmen board game. This single toy altered my life to this day and maybe even forever. Do you have a toy like that and if so what is it how did it affect you?
That Power Rangers thinger mababer...
A mouse trap my mother left me under the refrigerator!! SHE HATED ME!! SHE REALLY HATED ME!!
Vibrating Harry Potter Broomstick.

Oh I wish I was a kid when that came out.
E. Bison said:
A mouse trap my mother left me under the refrigerator!! SHE HATED ME!! SHE REALLY HATED ME!!
Oh, no that was me. Sorry about that. :o
hiya EB! how're you doing? :)

i think the most life changing gift i ever got was a book about wolves when i was in 3rd grade. it made me love reading.
E. Bison said:
A mouse trap my mother left me under the refrigerator!! SHE HATED ME!! SHE REALLY HATED ME!!

Ill have to talk to your mother about that when I get home.
E. Bison said:
A mouse trap my mother left me under the refrigerator!! SHE HATED ME!! SHE REALLY HATED ME!!
you're not getting tired of posting a new M.Bison picture in your new posts. I couldn't do that.
I can list the ones that I will always remember, I can't say anything has altered my life. I was such a little tomboy.

I ranted and rave about the green machine
, this is it's second coming and wanting a race car track.

I also remember a case you could wear on your wrist that held a car, such a geek. Strawberry Shortcake doll and accessories, one of the few dolls I played with.

My easy bake oven, that cake was terrible.

Playdoh was awesome.

I had some Star Wars action figures that I cherished, Luke and Han.
hungry hungry hippos. It taught me about the nature of the universe.
G.I JOE, Thundercats, Voltron, M.A.S.K to name a few. definetly classics
0.o Ty Beanie Babies.......................
My God Parents gave me a Big Wheels I must have went through 3 sets of tires on that thing.
I had a big collection of:

Ninja Turtles
Aliens (like the movies)
uh...can't remember the rest.
Electronic KITT toy, my ultimate childhood fave :up:
Power Ranger and Ninja Turtle action figures and Legos.
My Ninja Turtle Action figures followed by my X-men toys, every friday after school me mum would take me to Toys R' Us and buy me a toy :) :up:
8Ball2/JanG5 said:
I had a big collection of:

Ninja Turtles
Aliens (like the movies)
uh...can't remember the rest.

Immortalfire said:
Electronic KITT toy, my ultimate childhood fave :up:

chaseter said:
Power Ranger and Ninja Turtle action figures and Legos.

Erundur said:
My Ninja Turtle Action figures followed by my X-men toys, every friday after school me mum would take me to Toys R' Us and buy me a toy :) :up:

yeah, but how did those toys ALTER YOUR LIVES??? solidified my fandom..of Knight Rider for years to come?
blind_fury said:
yeah, but how did those toys ALTER YOUR LIVES???

To be good, do not judge others just because they are different from you, and follow the ways of Bushido.
Changed my life ...and a lot more lives I imagine.

blind_fury said:
yeah, but how did those toys ALTER YOUR LIVES???

After the xmen board game I became very interested in comics and reading. Comics and reading led to video games and action figure collecting because i wanted to learn more of the Xmen and others like that and make my own Xverse in my house. This became creative thinking and opening of the mind for different ideas to create my own stories. I can trace alot of my choices in life now to that board game because of the doors in my mind it opened.
I would have to say a go-cart. It made me mechanically inclined. My dady taught me a lot about the internal combustion engine with that 5 hp briggs.

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