Cindy Sheehan has really lost her mind.

I honestly feel sorry for her. The death of her son took a very heavy toll on her, obviously. She may not have made some good choices during her grieving process, but I think some people take a lot of joy in adding to her grief.

I was hoping for a video. :(

She's extremely tactless. While feel sorry for her loss, she seems to have devoted her morning to placing blame and letting hatred fester inside of her rather than healing, and learning to let go of her son. And that's never a good thing. Look at Batman.
I think Cindy Sheehan and Tom Cruise should get married...they are perfect for each other.
The grief seems to be taking a severe toll on her. I'm not saying that she's to be absolved, but she seems to be slipping into some kind of psychosis over the death of her son and the power of being a somewhat public figure. I mean falling asleep on your son's grave and dreaimg of him on a regular basis?:marv:
StorminNorman said:
I think Cindy Sheehan and Tom Cruise should get married...they are perfect for each other.
And leave Charlie Sheen alone with his asian prostitutes and bottles of Vodka?
CConn said:
And leave Charlie Sheen alone with his asian prostitutes and bottles of Vodka?

He can have all that, plus Katie Holmes!
Why, exactly, is this something that anybody else besides the family of Casey Sheehan needs to be concerned with?
I think this picture that she did for ROLLING STONE MAGIZINE shows her anguish.

I mean, how can you not just randomly burst into burst into tears thinking about your long lost son in a photo session for Rolling Stone Magizine? It's the most logical place to me to express grief publicy for the loss of a loved one. I mean I think it's nearly impossible for her to do that to get some publicity....that is unless she has something to publicize?....

Well, maybe here's what she's publicizing....

a book.
bored said:
Why, exactly, is this something that anybody else besides the family of Casey Sheehan needs to be concerned with?

Why do people care what happens in the lived of Hollywood celebrities? American's are noisy nosiy people.
bored said:
Why, exactly, is this something that anybody else besides the family of Casey Sheehan needs to be concerned with?
Because we have nothing better to do.
bored said:
Why, exactly, is this something that anybody else besides the family of Casey Sheehan needs to be concerned with?

I'd agree with you if she was reasonably private with her anguish.

However, she's been very public about it. When you go public, it becomes the public's business.
That RS photo actually looks like she's trying very hard not to laugh.

You know, I don't like the Bush administration either, but please, for the love of God, could people stop blaming the Katrina and Rita disasters on them already?
Cyclops said:
That RS photo actually looks like she's trying very hard not to laugh.

You know, I don't like the Bush administration either, but please, for the love of God, could people stop blaming the Katrina and Rita disasters on them already?
you mean Bush didn't make the flood come?
Cyclops said:
That RS photo actually looks like she's trying very hard not to laugh.

You know, I don't like the Bush administration either, but please, for the love of God, could people stop blaming the Katrina and Rita disasters on them already?

I was probably a gitty laughter of all that dough she has coming in.

BTW, Hurricane Katrina was/is Bush's fault. I mean what do you expect people to do when the news says category 5 hurricane is approaching a city whose elevation is under sea level? Leave?!...

Here's a newsflash, this isn't the marvel universe. People don't have superpowers in real life. I mean LEAVING a city is a near impossiblity. Bush should have bombed that Hurricane instead of Iraq.
yeah, another conservative vs. liberal thread. oh what fun.... :rolleyes:
Elijya said:
yeah, another conservative vs. liberal thread. oh what fun.... :rolleyes:
yeah, one that obviously compels you with supernatural force to come in and say "yeah, another conservative vs. liberal thread. oh what fun.... :rolleyes:".
Dew k. Mosi said:
you mean Bush didn't make the flood come?

No. It was Cheney. He was aiming the hurricane at Cuba, but you know ol' Dick... his aim just ain't what it used to be...
Man-Thing said:
yeah, one that obviously compels you with supernatural force to come in and say "yeah, another conservative vs. liberal thread. oh what fun.... :rolleyes:".
no, I thought there was an actual story to be found in here, instead I just find the old run of the mill "my side's better than yours" while listing petty reasons and arguments, and making excuses. This goes for both sides.
Man-Thing said:
I was probably a gitty laughter of all that dough she has coming in.

BTW, Hurricane Katrina was/is Bush's fault. I mean what do you expect people to do when the news says category 5 hurricane is approaching a city whose elevation is under sea level? Leave?!...

Here's a newsflash, this isn't the marvel universe. People don't have superpowers in real life. I mean LEAVING a city is a near impossiblity. Bush should have bombed that Hurricane instead of Iraq.

For the record, for those that think nuking hurricanes to put them out is a feasible idea.

Hurricanes are the equivalent of many thousands of nukes. Adding one more is going to do very little to stop them. But you will end up with a radioactive one if you try.
Elijya said:
no, I thought there was an actual story to be found in here, instead I just find the old run of the mill "my side's better than yours" while listing petty reasons and arguments, and making excuses. This goes for both sides.


No one in this thread has said anything remotely related to "my side's better than yours".

Besides, if you saw something like this in the comics forums I think you would have a legitimate gripe, but since this is the community forum your argument doesn't hold any water. I mean do you really hold all threads that are uninspired or useless to this same standard? Do you come in and say "Oh great another Natalie Portman thread":rolleyes:

If you don't like them, then I think your wasting your time posting in them is all that is unless your argument is valid.

BTW, I've noticed that this only seems to happen when it's something that is posted from a user that is conservative. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think your whole "It's both sides, I'm really a moderate/indepentant" sticht is a bunch of bologna.
War Lord said:
I'd agree with you if she was reasonably private with her anguish.

However, she's been very public about it. When you go public, it becomes the public's business.
It's still none of my business, public or not. Therefore I don't concern myself with it.
Her actions are kind of weird, but hey live and let live. Just let the women grieve her own way. Respect her. It's okay to oppose her political views in public, but personally attacking her over her way of treating her dead child is by all means a very disgusting intrusion of privacy! On this issue not a sinlge person alive on the planet should say a single unkind word towards her.

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