Cinematic Art Direction


Jun 7, 2006
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Has there been any clear info on the actual "style" of this film. Obviously, it is live action and we have already seen the orange gi's, so do you feel they will try to stick with a very vibrant color scheme to keep an anime feel, or will they go a more 'live action' or serioues route with a darker scheme, possibly a color filter that so many movies use now.....

your thoughts...what would you like to see?
They seem to be going the 'brights' route, but we should really wait and see - a lot of people have raised the interesting point that the colour could be neutralised a little in editing or colour filtering.. or whatever the technical term was that seemed so clever at the time :huh:

Although it's nice to see dedication to the manga/anime, I'm not sure it'd be a great route for a live action adaption as it might be impossible to take seriously. I liked what they did with the X-Men costumes (and the in-joke reference to Wolverine's yellow spandex 80's costume in X1). Something in between reality and the anime would be just perfect for me - like an adaptation of Goku's gi, and the sketches that people have suggested for Piccolo. How about you?
kinda feels like speed racer now.
I would to see it look like the images in "Hero" with Jet Li.

This story line is so completly fantasy. You couldnt pull off a reall life senario. So, they mine as well have fun with it, make the grass fields super green, really blue skys. Why not right?
Hard to say at this point what they exactly will be going for in a art direction, I can only hope that they atleast bring in the elements of what Dragonball had and translate them well enough into reality.
The costumes look like something out of double dragon so that's not a good sign. But what i'd want them to do is watch any old school martial arts movie from jackie chan to bruce lee to jet li to give it an authentic asian feel and mood. And considering the director's asian, that could very well be the case.
Um.. James Wong is American and his background has been in American TV/Film... Just because he's ethnically Asian doesn't mean he can give an "authentic asian feel and mood".... He's mostly known for Sci-Fi.
My point is he's ethnically asian and therefore has first hand experience being one which might give the film a better chance of feeling nothing like the last dragon.
I wouldn't mind that.
speed racer looks nice, but it also looks like a cartoon, therefore im torn as to what they are trying to achieve..visually speaking, of course
i won't really judge the art direction until i see Picollo, but if the Goku-looking costumes are anything to go by....then the art direction probably won't be that great. Chatwin's hair in a semi mo hawk doesn't really give me much confidence either considering long, spikey hair is one of the staples of DBZ imagery.

as for James Wong, he's never really done a stylized movie. the worlds of Final Desination and the One were realistic for the most part and the fact that he's trying to ground DBZ in a semi realistic world doesn't sit well with me. imo, the last thing DBZ needs is realism. sorry to say but i don't think this movie will even come close to the style of the very anime-inspired Speed Racer movie. it'll probably be more in tone with Dead or Alive or maybe Kill Bill without the style. unfortunately, i don't think we'll be seeing too many jaw-dropping locales or costumes.

like i said though, i won't really judge anything until i see Picollo. for me, him along with Goku's costume will be the deciding factor on the art direction of this movie.
Hey Dorky, check out the picture up on my blog and tell me what you think of Goku's hair. The quality isn't so great but I think it actually looks pretty nice. Definitely better than the first side view we got and better than the second picture we got (which appears to have just been short and neat because Chatwin wasn't in hair/make-up yet).
Hey Dorky, check out the picture up on my blog and tell me what you think of Goku's hair. The quality isn't so great but I think it actually looks pretty nice. Definitely better than the first side view we got and better than the second picture we got (which appears to have just been short and neat because Chatwin wasn't in hair/make-up yet).

in the words of Mr. Horse from Ren & Stimpy..."no sir, i don't like it." looks like all they did was put a bunch of gel in his hair and combed it straight upwards. i don't know what they were going for but i know it's not Goku. like i said...long, spikey hair is one of DBZ's trademarks and it upsets me that they couldn't even get that right, especially considering i used to style my hair DBZ style on a daily basis. here are a few pix of me messing around with my hair when it was longer...

crazyhair.jpg's embarrassing for me but each of those hairstyles took no longer than 15 minutes, which goes to show that a faithful DBZ look can be done for a live action movie in a timely fashion. that's taking into consideration that i'm not even a hairstylist, my hair is thick and stubborn, and at the time, it wasn't even that long...


Chatwin's hair is medium length and points straight up when they could easily style his hair similar to the way i used to style mine. considering they're giving Bulma unnaturally colored hair, i don't see why they tamed Goku's hair. imo, my hair makes this...


...look normal and uninspired. it also doesn't help that, in that picture, Chatwin still looks scrawny.

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