BvS for me infinitely superior to first AOU teaser.
It's been said before but Marvel movies are kind of goofy, I love them, but it's so light, so fun, not in a bad way, but you see what I mean, it's like there are no stakes, no sense of tension or danger, you know (obviously you do with DC movies as well but much less so) the heroes are going to live to see another day, you got characters cracking jokes every 5 minutes, zingers & one-liners aplenty (Joss Whedon for the win), it all seems inconsequential like it doesn't really matter.
That's why Daredevil is so great, it doesn't feel like it's part of that universe at all, it's dark, brooding, tense, brutal, serious, far closer to what DC would do and that's refreshing, obviously Daredevil can't die, at least not for a whileeeeeeeeeee, but he's getting the s*** kicked out of him and you feel every impact.
DCU on the other hand, TDK trilogy, MOS, what little we've seen from BvS, first of all, it's on a totally different & superior league visually (Marvel movies have this assembly line, going through the motions feel to them), and it's so much darker & serious, I kinda hate those who complain about it being that way, that's it's not fun, that it's depressing, you want pure ridiculous fun? go Marvel (and no, that doesn't mean there cannot be any levity), DC movies definitely feel to me like they are more than superhero movies, more than simple popcorn movies that you'll forget all about a couple of weeks after seeing them.
They feel like they aspire to be more than, I know many people love to hate on MOS, but it has more feel & heart to it (for me) than anything Marvel has put out out there, I know it must seem like I'm hating on Marvel but it's just two completely opposite approaches.
When I watch something like the TDK trilogy or MOS, or BvS trailer, I feel like I'm watching something that feels grander, more epic.