Classic Film Trailers


Thriller Night
Dec 15, 2007
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Some of the best film trailers stand out for different reasons, some for editing, suspense, comedy, or just plain straight hype for the film. I love everything about movie trailers and its close to being one of the best things about going to the theaters, i honestly have about 6 gigs worth of trailers on my computer alone


Think of the best movie trailers you've ever seen or can remember of, and try to tell us why their so special in a sense. if u have a youtube link (or other) feel free to put it up so others who may not be familiar can check em out

and if u have trailers that stick with u for the wrong reasons, put those up as well

here are some of mine to get started (sorry i would have tried remembering more classic films but i couldnt come up with too many yet, ill put some up later)


Grindhouse (Trailer 1): Just the whole theme of the trailer was great with the homage to Grindhouse cinema is perfect. With the cut up reels and narration making it a great trailer, and Cherry Darling blowing on her leg, err gun barrel in the end is the perfect finishing touch.[YT]u3Gxqe0YQqk[/YT]

Shoot 'Em Up (Red Band Trailer): one of the most fun trailers u could ever watch, with Mötley Crüe perfectly matching the excitement of the film's action, "that part of it u got right."[YT]ikmZb4YsFnM[/YT]

The Matrix: Reloaded (Super Bowl Trailer): maybe it was because i was watching the Super Bowl when it came out of nowhere, or maybe it was because it was bad@ss. [YT]LjW73rAGq7w[/YT]

Star Wars Ep: II Attack of the Clones (Teaser-Breathing) : Sure the movie was alright and it was coming off a somewhat negative response to Episode I, but you know when you started hearing the breathing of Darth Vader over a montage of shots you started to sweat.(but they couldve got rid of the at the bottom right tho)[YT]fZfVS8Ig44U[/YT]

The Dark Knight (Trailer 2) - of course this ones gonna be up here, honestly, how many trailers come out that make people recreate them in several different ways and posting them up on youtube. no brainer. certified classic in my opinion.

The Terminator: the one that started it all, and wow, i had no clue u could have so much gory/violence in a trailer. well back then i guess. (i know they probably got away with alot worse back then) [YT]TPG-tKLAJuE[/YT]

Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanomo Bay (Trailer 2): OK u dont think this trailer is hilarious, something is wrong [YT]tELTtVX_jbQ[/YT]

Scream 2: "Hello Sidney...Remember Me?" gotta love it [YT]9U87t8x4ix0[/YT]

Meet The Spartans (Sanjaya) - Yea i know the movie sucks, hell i havent even seen it, but one of its trailers (tv spot actually) succeeded in making me laugh. "Stop kicking people into the Pit of Death!" (Kicks Sanjaya) "I'mmmm not gaaayyy!!"
and yes...i know its Meet The Spartans. (this spot is more of a fave than best anyway) gasp sorry

Semi-Pro (Teaser) - if this teaser didnt catch your attention, i dont know what can haha


Spider-Man 3 (Trailer 3): This one gave me way too much of the film in one trailer, 2:58 is too long for a trailer, and it actually assured me that i would be disappointed with the film for some reason. (try watching the trailer w/out sound and u'll see what i mean, it feels like u've seen the entire movie. they could've left it after the 2nd trailer which was fine, or just stuck with the (300) trailer)[YT]CiWUlKBJtxs[/YT]

Jarhead: this ones on my list because of how good of a job they did in fooling us into thinking this film had action it. the trailer & music had me hooked but the film didnt :sleepy: , so in a way maybe this should be on the list for "best", but no ill put it here cuz they didnt give me my money back. [YT]Ur2h8hpd87E[/YT]

Epic Movie: huh? o this ones up here because, well its Epic movie.

Strange Wilderness: Hmm this movie looks alrite (I happened to like Grandma' Boy sorry) but this trailer confuses me with the whole repetitive shark laughing bit, i mean is that supposed to be funny? i honestly stared at my TV confused like i had bad reception or something. That same clip over, and over, and over, and over again in that trailer could lower the IQ of even a mentally challenged person. Make it stop please. [YT]QbqFq1rbusg[/YT]

Live Free or Die Hard (Teaser): hey the movie was great but wait, what the heck is this movie about? (when watching the teaser)

& pretty much every other 70's film as they just throw in so many random clips, and give away so much of the film as well

A bad trailer was the one released for Superman II. The follow-up to one of the greatest comic adaptations ever. It gave away way too much and the narration was just weak. Of course this is hindsight, but considering the masterpieces of 70's cinema I expected better. Nowadays the dialouge pretty much is the narration. I just noticed it on a repeat DVD watch-of which this is one of the few sp. features.

If I had the time or interest I'd cut my own for it. Start the thing off by WhereTF is SUPERMAN!!
Fail .

for putting the Meet the Spartans trailer in "best" and the shark section of strange wilderness in "worst" (It's a crap movie, but that was EASILY the best part of the trailer)
One of my favorite trailers:

Fail .

for putting the Meet the Spartans trailer in "best" and the shark section of strange wilderness in "worst" (It's a crap movie, but that was EASILY the best part of the trailer)

"easily the best" doesnt make it funny, not to me at least (just annoying), the sanjaya one is alot more watchable to me than that shark thing

and the meet the spartans one ....ehh the first time u saw that.....

i know u laughed......chuckled....or something
One of my favorite trailers:

wise choice :bow:

SurfDUI said:
A bad trailer was the one released for Superman II. The follow-up to one of the greatest comic adaptations ever. It gave away way too much and the narration was just weak. Of course this is hindsight, but considering the masterpieces of 70's cinema I expected better. Nowadays the dialouge pretty much is the narration. I just noticed it on a repeat DVD watch-of which this is one of the few sp. features.

If I had the time or interest I'd cut my own for it. Start the thing off by WhereTF is SUPERMAN!!

and yea i think i see what u mean (if this is the right trailer)

another classic, king kong (1933)[YT]_CSLN23h3Lo[/YT]
I think that the trailers of There Will Be Blood are just fantastic. With the strange string music, the misanthropic voice-over, and while not telling that much about the story it definitely radiates a strong vibe, an intensity. I hope the flick lives up to it. Since I have yet to see it. ;)

The best trailers are the ones that actually represent the movie. For example the trailers of No Country For Old Men were cool when I hadn't seen the movie yet. But watching them after having seen the film they're pretty much off the mark.

I like it when the trailer doesn't tell you all about the story, but gives a brief impression of the movie, the atmosphere. Just enough to draw you in to the theater to discover the movie. A good example is the teaser to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

I hate revealing trailers. In the 70's they showed pretty much everything. Plus they were usually very badly structured.

I also like it when the trailer isn't just clips from the movie, but really something different. Something they specifically made as a trailer. I'm sure you all remember the great Batman Begins teaser. It's creative and intruiging.
The trailer for 300

The originalk trailer for we own the night.
I think that the trailers of There Will Be Blood are just fantastic. With the strange string music, the misanthropic voice-over, and while not telling that much about the story it definitely radiates a strong vibe, an intensity. I hope the flick lives up to it. Since I have yet to see it.

The best trailers are the ones that actually represent the movie. For example the trailers of No Country For Old Men were cool when I hadn't seen the movie yet. But watching them after having seen the film they're pretty much off the mark.

I like it when the trailer doesn't tell you all about the story, but gives a brief impression of the movie, the atmosphere. Just enough to draw you in to the theater to discover the movie. A good example is the teaser to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
u pretty much summed up all the trailers i have uploaded on my myspace, cant believe i forgot to put assassination of jesse james in my list, ive loved that teaser since it first came out, its unreal. :up:

kill bill: vol 2 - after vol. 1 i was hyped for the 2nd one. the trailer definitely delivers. the voiceover by uma thurman is perfect, and the noir-ish feel of her in black & white driving in front of a screen is too cool to pass up[YT]NSR7xRGBnOE[/YT]

X2: X-Men United (Teaser) : the dialogue between Prof. Xavier and Magneto during their game of chess creates an incredibly tense and dark mood, and is the perfect way of showing that difficult times lay ahead for the X-Men (through clips of the mansion being raided), and with some powerful shots inluding Magneto declaring the war has begun (and "you should've killed me when you had the chance!"), and Wolverine running and slashing at the camera at the end is badass (teaching other films how to structure trailers in the process), as i instantly became psyched for the sequel.(A must-see)[YT]yp-8QP4nHv4[/YT]

kill bill: vol 2 - after vol. 1 i was hyped for the 2nd one. the trailer definitely delivers. the voiceover by uma thurman is perfect, and the noir-ish feel of her in black & white driving in front of a screen is too cool to pass up[YT]NSR7xRGBnOE[/YT]

Plus they used Il Triello by Ennio ****ing Morricone. Which just might be one of the best pieces of filmmusic ever written.

1995's Mortal Kombat. I saw this movie back when I was 6 years old, and everytime I see the trailer, I still get geeked.

The original 1979 trailer for Alien. One of my all time faves.
X2 and Reloaded are some great ones, I also thought Kill Bill vol 1 had a better trailer than vol 2. also the trailer for 300. The phantom menace trailer and the trailer for jurassic park.

oh and then there is this
Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl

I dont think this was the trailer shown in theaters, but I was at a movie with my mom when I first saw it, kinda on the passing of my own LoTR craze, the trailer I saw, I remember being shorter, with a little more suspense leading up to the part where Barbosa is talking to Elizabeth, that slow walk and he says "Ya best start believing in ghost stories Mrs. Turner, yer in one!"

And his face turned to the skeleton as he walked into the moonlight. It was just amazing to me.
I think that the trailers of There Will Be Blood are just fantastic. With the strange string music, the misanthropic voice-over, and while not telling that much about the story it definitely radiates a strong vibe, an intensity. I hope the flick lives up to it. Since I have yet to see it. ;)

The best trailers are the ones that actually represent the movie. For example the trailers of No Country For Old Men were cool when I hadn't seen the movie yet. But watching them after having seen the film they're pretty much off the mark.

I like it when the trailer doesn't tell you all about the story, but gives a brief impression of the movie, the atmosphere. Just enough to draw you in to the theater to discover the movie. A good example is the teaser to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

I hate revealing trailers. In the 70's they showed pretty much everything. Plus they were usually very badly structured.

I also like it when the trailer isn't just clips from the movie, but really something different. Something they specifically made as a trailer. I'm sure you all remember the great Batman Begins teaser. It's creative and intruiging.
You just exactly what i was about to post:word: (you rock)

1995's Mortal Kombat. I saw this movie back when I was 6 years old, and everytime I see the trailer, I still get geeked.

yea u are so right, i remember when i saw the trailer for the time i turned to my brother and grabbed his shirt when i was in the theater. it definitely grabbed my attention :yay:
star wars ep. IV

wow i bet back then this trailer blew peoples minds. its pretty cool, yet kind of funny to watch it now (with the jump cuts and sound that goes out at times)[YT]9gvqpFbRKtQ[/YT]

"somewhere in space... this may all be happening right now"

1995's Mortal Kombat. I saw this movie back when I was 6 years old, and everytime I see the trailer, I still get geeked.

I have to second that! I was like 13 when the movie was released. I've never been a big gamer, but at the time I was obsessed with the Mortal Kombat game so when I saw the trailer I was like :eek:

star wars ep. IV

wow i bet back then this trailer blew peoples minds. its pretty cool, yet kind of funny to watch it now (with the jump cuts and sound that goes out at times)[YT]9gvqpFbRKtQ[/YT]

"somewhere in space... this may all be happening right now"

That was actually a cool trailer. I've seen documentaries and TV specials where it was "claimed" that the trailer was made fun of. In fact...I remember Mark Hamill saying that. I don't know. If I was around in 1977 I would have thought it was cool. :huh:
That was actually a cool trailer. I've seen documentaries and TV specials where it was "claimed" that the trailer was made fun of. In fact...I remember Mark Hamill saying that. I don't know. If I was around in 1977 I would have thought it was cool. :huh:

i guess they may have been confused, giant dogs, a guy in a black pastic costume, a golden robot? whats going on?! :huh:

Someone was gonna post this eventually so...


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