I didn't know you worked for a newspaper Katie. I'll have to use that to my advantage for my eventual world domination plot...
But there are so many topics about comics to write about. Franklin Richards brought up a great idea to write about the rise of fangirls. Since you're female you can throw in some of your own opinion, and it would give you a little more credibility. You can work some first person perspectives really well with that type of article.
There's the topic of comic sales dwindling since the 90s, and how it impacts the comic industry's future. There's a really good thread in the Indy comics section about this, and there's some good insight there.
You can also write about independent comics, and how the market for them has increased or decreased over time. Image's foundation, Top Cow, Wildstorm, Dark Horse, and more can give you some good companies to write on.
You can write about comics in the black community. Like the female topic you can give a first person perspective on this, and the Soul Glo thread could give you some good Hypsters to "interview."
You can write about the rise of manga in America, and how it affects the comics industry today.
There's the comic movie boom that started this past decade. Hell you even can write about whether or not Blade or X-Men started the comic movie craze. That's a good discussion that you could write a whole article on right there. There's some interesting thoughts on that.
You could also write about how big crossover events are becoming the norm with the two biggest comic companies, and how it's affecting their sales.
You could write about your favorite writer or artist in comics. Same thing with your favorite characters as well. *cough* Gambit *cough* There are websites dedicated to writers, artists, and comic characters, so the research for that is only a Google away.
Or you could write a vanilla, but safe, story about how comics came to be. It wouldn't be groundbreaking, but it can show your writing skills for future reference if you want to stay on the safe side.