Comic Red X?

Mar 30, 2006
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Who thinks that DC may actually make a comic-book Red X character? When Harley Quinn became popular enough, the out her into the comicverse, so could it happen with Red X?
I think Red X was maybe an homage to the Red Hood; Indeed, the Hood is Jason Todd, whom BB speculated to be the X's true identity.
Red X also acted alot like Jason.
And if I could order his death by telephone, I would totally do it.
Seriously, if he was only looking out for number one, why was he always trying to impress Robin?

But the point is, one Jason Todd is entirely too much for any given universe.
rigel7soldiers said:
And if I could order his death by telephone, I would totally do it.
Seriously, if he was only looking out for number one, why was he always trying to impress Robin?

But the point is, one Jason Todd is entirely too much for any given universe.

I never thought to compare him to Jason Todd. I don't know if that makes me see Todd in a positive new light or if it makes me think of Red X as being less cool...
If they were to bring Red X into the comics I would have preferred that to be Jason instead of Jason going by the Red Hood since that was who Joker was before he was Joker which was not for that long anyway.

I LOVED everything from Under the Hood to OYL with Jason being Red Hood just not the fact that he was the "new" Red Hood.
a comic red x would kick @$$ and i think Jason should be him after he learns bats is right and he is wrong about how to fight crime
Well...if they were to bring Red X into the comics..wouldn't he be in the Teen Titan series? Or do you guys think he should be involved with Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Teen Titans...and if this character becomes important enough...Justice League?
i am thinking more of a solo character no that i sit and think about it i guess more like working for himself not good but not bad either
I am just curious because I mean he was created in the Teen Titans show.
I really doubt it. Red x may be popular on thse boards to some but overall he's lame.
what is red x and who is red x, the only show i saw with him is when it was robin under the mask.
so robin was red x for a while.

and when the hell were kid flash and wondergirl on the show?
No clue. I once tried to stay up-to-date with the animated show but I never knew when the new episodes aired so I was stuck with old ones and re-runs and soon forgot all together when they showed even those. :O
well i might buy the season 1 dvd set, the batman was pretty good, after i made myself buy it because i have every thing batman
Assassin said:
well i might buy the season 1 dvd set, the batman was pretty good, after i made myself buy it because i have every thing batman

Well. I have tried to say the same thing about other animated series (rest of the BTAS, Batman Beyond, Justice League) but things keep jumping in front lol. I do not like spending too much all at once. Even though I disliked some stuff from The Batman I have considered buying the series not only because it is Batman but because I have put into thought that this is what like the "Ultimate Batman" would be if DC had a series like Marvel's Ultimate. Teen Titans I am not sure because a lot of the episodes I disliked greatly.
the batman is onli 12.99 at best buy lol
Yea but spending on money I need rather than want comes first. Which is what has pushed back me finishing my collection of BTAS Volumes 1-4 which is the animated shows I want most.

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