Yes, fun over substance, but still substance. As much as people didn't feel drawn into Superman Returns, the substance, a child out of wedlock, a vindictive villain with all the informatin, a world that claims it doesn't need help were all there. The actors delivered these emotions but... most people didn't care? Why... the relationship between Clark and Lois wasn't "fun." There was no magic, no pop, no zing. It was "boring." The action scenes were intense with well done suspense building. But they weren't fun to watch. They were exercises, it seemed, in Superman doing what he always does. They were "boring." My friends, the substance was certainly there, but you didn't enjoy it, because it wasn't fun.
I of course, didn't need to have fun. Superman doesn't have fun most of the time, why should I? But then, I'm weird...
Spider-Man had substance, but the MOST important thing was FUN. You had to have comic scenes, even if they didn't go with the origional script. You HAD to see Spider-Man swing and do crazy stuff as he moves around? Was that substance? no, that was FUN, it made you want to BE Spider-Man and drew you into the movie. All the peter parker scenes, with everything going comically wrong. The song Montage from SM2. Bruce Friggin Campell. It made the movie fun.
Batman Begins. Not only was Batman thinking of himself as Bruce Wayne with Batman being a costume (not how the comics are), not only was he cracking jokes and pining over a woman, but his costume and Batmobile were WAY off from anything we've ever seen before. But it was a great movie... why? Because it was FUN. You go to a movie to be entertained (fun), not to be educated (substance). Fun comes first. Incredibles: fun FIRST, then substance. Hulk: Substance FIRST, then fun. Elektra: Substance first, then fun. Blade: Fun first, then substance.
Now, of course, ALL fun and NO substance makes for a bad combination as well. Catwoman had plenty of fun moves, a romantic tryst, mistaken identity, catcalls (heh) and Capoeira (always cool). But what was it about? A woman with no direction, fighting evil cosmetics and deciding she should do whatever the heck she wants? Bargh? The fact that it wasn't Selina Kyle didn't hurt this movie nearly as much as the plot being completely benign. And having been done before, better, in BTAS.
But to think that Substance should come first, is a serious mistake. One made by Great Movies like Hulk and Hero, movies that fans despise because they didn't have as much fun as they expected.
Again, to think that we go to movies to gain substance is silly.