
A Necessary Evil

One. Bad. Day.
Nov 15, 2010
Reaction score
Anyone else think we'll get David Arnold, since they have a really good relationship together? I'd love to hear a superhero score from Arnold, and feel this could be right up his alley. Or maybe someone else. Post thoughts here.
Would absolutely love Arnold to get this.
Murray Gold composer for stage, film, and television and a dramatist for both theatre and radio.

Best known for doing all of modern Doctor Who music and isn't as overexposed as some other film composers.



Murray Gold composer for stage, film, and television and a dramatist for both theatre and radio.

Best known for doing all of modern Doctor Who music and isn't as overexposed as some other film composers.



I'm vouching for him :)
Thoughts on Danny Elfman? His Batman, Spider-Man, and Hulk themes are among the best superhero themes ever composed in my opinion. I think Elfman could create a mood fitting for Ant-Man, even if Edgar Wright sticks to the action spy-thriller concept he described 7 years ago.
I like Danny Elfman but alot of his themes sound similar and I think he is over used in the genre already. He also did Hellboy 2 and The Flash tv show scores as well as the ones listed above.
i like danny elfman but alot of his themes sound similar and i think he is over used in the genre already. He also did hellboy 2 and the flash tv show scores as well as the ones listed above.
this ^
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I like Danny Elfman but alot of his themes sound similar and I think he is over used in the genre already. He also did Hellboy 2 and The Flash tv show scores as well as the ones listed above.
Right, because people will so be going, "What, this sounds exactly like that totally unobscure, culturally ubiquitous Flash TV show score with which everyone's familiar."

All kidding aside, I don't totally disagree that many of his themes sound similar, and I wouldn't want him to write an Ant-Man theme that sounded like everything else; but I don't think that he is overused in the genre. I still think he could come up with something unique and definitive for the character.
Steve Price who did the score for Gravity, The World's End and Attack The Block could be a possibility.
Steve Price who did the score for Gravity, The World's End and Attack The Block could be a possibility.

After Gravity I hope it's Price, big time.

Looks like you both got your wish.

Steven Price is the composer of Ant-Man. I haven't seen Gravity or heard any Price's score to it (or any of his scores in general). So I can't give an opinion on him, but am glad they went with a composer who hasn't scored a movie in this genre. So it'll be interesting what he'll come up with for Ant-Man.
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If you have a Spotify account, the GRAVITY score is on there. Like, the whole thing. For free if you use your laptop like I do. You can also check out his other work as well.

The GRAVITY score is a dream and a half. It's sublime. I hope he is a favorite for the Oscar!

This is really exciting. Pope on cinematography, Wright behind the lens and on script with Cornish, and Price on music with the cast shaping up the way it is? Incredible for Ant-Man!
Huh. Guess I need to listen to Gravity then. I have heard great things about it. Anyways, this is a slight shock, as normally Wright works with David Arnold. I'm guessing Maaaahvel said no lol.
The really great thing is that Price is also nominated for an Oscar. I think he's got a really good shot too. His other work is awesome, but GRAVITY is freakin' top shelf.

Give it a listen on YT or Spotify! Spotify's great b/c the sound quality's pretty good it'll go through the whole soundtrack for you in full. Actually, you can listen to ALL the Price you want on Spotify.

ETA: I forgot but Wright named a character after him in TWE (Paddy Considine's character… well, kinda. Steven Prince, not Price) :) I'm loving this thing where Gunn and Wright bring their people on board to make their movies.
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can't wait to see what he comes up with. i rewatched Attack of the Block, this past Sunday; to get a sampling.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did something quirky with music like used a Adam and The Ants song for the trailer or in the used movies like Guardians Of The Galaxy used Blue Swede.

Edgar already posted a pic of his ipod playing a Adam and The Ants song as a wink to fans on website
Congrats Steven Price on your oscar!!!
So this movie now has an oscar winning composer doing the score. Lol so much talent going into this.

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