Could a Nightwing series work?


Mar 3, 2004
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I'm just thinking, enough people know about Robin/Dick Grayson as a character, that it would be easier to do Nightwing as a Batman-less series than Birds Of Prey, which just didn't have enough familiarity going for it as far as Huntress, Oracle, and Black Canary. They had to bring in Alfred for God's sake! It'd be interesting to see Dick moving to Bludhaven, with a quick voiceover explaining how he had to leave Gotham to get from under Batman's shadow, and now, he's on his own. . .Enter: Nightwing!! That could take all of a minute! Have him be unemployed(w/ hefty trust fund) for a while, then eventually have him join the police force. Should be interesting.
Other familiar's would have to join the cast, Batgirl, Huntress, maybe robin some times, maybe even bruce could make an apearance. and have some familiar villians too.
I think it could work, I'd love to see it. The important thing is to have familiar villains in the show, and a few guest appearances by the bat-team as stated above. I don't think Batman would be allowed an appearance due to the new movie coming out.
If The Batman cartoon were renamed Nightwing, you'd have a great show right there.

Live-action, I guess it could work. I've never really been a fan of live-action superhero series, since the concept gets hokie even to a superhero fanboy like myself after a while. Something about seeing a real person in tights is just weird. Plus, if it's Nightwing, you'd need some seriously badass fight choreography. The guy's an acrobat, after all. I think a live-action would be too hard to get right for anyone to try based on Dick's recognizability, but a cartoon would kick some ass.
I was wondering the same thing a while ago

why haven't they given Dick his show?
a good question plas ,and corp maybe the COULD have made the batman "nightwing" i'd watch it :batman: :batman:
I say a cartoon Nightwing show would work.

Not live action.
If The Batman was Re-named Nightwing I would let out gunfire.
I would definatley preferr a Nightwing cartoon instead of The Batman one they have at the mo. After watching some BTAS episodes, i don't get why The Batman is wanted or needed by so many fans, other than novelty purposes.

Nightwing cartoon would be brilliant in the right hands. Live action would not, unless there was a seriously big budget. Bludhaven would be easier to do than Gotham aswell.....
Heck, they could just use Chuck Dixon's "A Knight in Bludhaven" on and have all the story ideas they'd need for quite some time.
I always thought that the first 12 issues or so of the Nightwing ongoing would be perfect for a complete season of animated episodes, just animate them and even keep the art style... that's all you need, and besides, there would be a lot of subjects to handle in the series:

-Dick's father/son relationship with Bruce, I would love to see Bruce pop up every now and then, but not as Batman, more as Bruce, offering to help out, give advice or "move influences around"
-Dick has been hinted to be of a very deep christian faith in the comics, this could be further explored in the series, specially how does he cope doing what he thinks he has to do, considering that he's basically going against his belief system
-Girl problems, let's face it, the guy is your typical more-handsome-than-he-thinks-he-is kinda guy, have at leasta couple of girls swooning over him and him not quite giving them the attention they need or ask for, hijinks ensue
-Have Tim Drake visit every once in a while, this could be a cool way to give a unique twist to the little-brother-visits-older-brother-on-campus-for-a-weekend scenario

and like I said it... the man deserves more recognition
Well, the christian faith would make people think of him as a Daredevil rip-off... I WOULD love wither a) a series of his own based on Timm/Dini's TAS or b) a live-action focusing on Richard Grayson/Nightwing... also letter b has to give enough time to the young man behind the mask... I feel hero films and movies don't give enough credit to the soul of the hero...
KenK said:
I'm just thinking, enough people know about Robin/Dick Grayson as a character, that it would be easier to do Nightwing as a Batman-less series than Birds Of Prey, which just didn't have enough familiarity going for it as far as Huntress, Oracle, and Black Canary. They had to bring in Alfred for God's sake! It'd be interesting to see Dick moving to Bludhaven, with a quick voiceover explaining how he had to leave Gotham to get from under Batman's shadow, and now, he's on his own. . .Enter: Nightwing!! That could take all of a minute! Have him be unemployed(w/ hefty trust fund) for a while, then eventually have him join the police force. Should be interesting.
man....that was the least of Birds of Prey's problems.
Birds of Prey destroyed all faith that I have in a live-action DCU series featuring actual superheroes. Smallville worked okay, but then they threw in the costumes and it all went to hell.

I think it would have to be animated--but that does NOT mean "dumbed down" for kids. I want a smart, mature show, because that's what the character deserves. Maybe something on CN's "Adult Swim" line-up. Not like The Batman. Say what you will about it being the perfect Nightwing cartoon and whatnot, I saw the Penguin episode yesterday and I abhored it. I was bored to tears.
"The Batman" should not be Nightwing; that show is not so great and even the inclusion of Nightwing would not save it. "The Batman" so far goes through the motions and attempts to use action and exaggeration of nearly everything to hide it's ineptness.

I think a Nightwing animated show COULD work, and if you think about it, the premise for "The Batman" would actually fit him better; a hero in his mid-20's, with access to a fortune, employs gadgets, martial arts, and near inhuman agility to fight crime in a city where the cops aren't on his side.

A "Nightwing" show could have been the best of both worlds. You can have all new villians (like the ones from his own series, like Blockbuster, Double Dare, etc) who can be designed however they want, plus justified cameos by Bat-rogues and even Batman himself. He could have all sorts of stuff to naturally sell toys with. Plus it continues from the Timm/Dini era.

Plus, you could recast Loren Lester, who voiced Grayson before if one likes; he was perfect.

But it won't happen. Batman and his rogues are more memorable, and anyone who doesn't believe that merchandising prospects aren't a main reason why cartoons are made anymore needs to enter reality and sniff the millions that Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh/Digimon made. And it's a shame.
Loren Lester is the perfect Nightwing,He would have to gruff his voice up.Dread you are absolutly right NightWing in some ways makes more sense then a batman animated show.
The Flash series was actually pretty damn good, and the costume was perfect. A shame that seven years later, the Flash costume in the thankfully unaired Justice League Pilot, proved to only look nowhere near as good as the 1990 suit, but it looked worse than most superhero costumes from the seventies!!

Originally Posted by KenK
I'm just thinking, enough people know about Robin/Dick Grayson as a character, that it would be easier to do Nightwing as a Batman-less series than Birds Of Prey, which just didn't have enough familiarity going for it as far as Huntress, Oracle, and Black Canary. They had to bring in Alfred for God's sake! It'd be interesting to see Dick moving to Bludhaven, with a quick voiceover explaining how he had to leave Gotham to get from under Batman's shadow, and now, he's on his own. . .Enter: Nightwing!! That could take all of a minute! Have him be unemployed(w/ hefty trust fund) for a while, then eventually have him join the police force. Should be interesting.

man....that was the least of Birds of Prey's problems.

Yes, between bad acting, cheap villains and cheap sets, Birds of Prey was certainly no prize. And could any less effort been put into Huntress's costume? She basically leaves work and puts on a long black coat!! Although, I though they did a great job with Batgirl's costume for flashbacks and the ep where she took on Lady Shiva, too bad they reduced Shiva from the worlds deadliest assassin to a petty thief.
checkout my thread in doing an indie film on NW...theres pics of me in the mask there 2.
KenK said:
The Flash series was actually pretty damn good, and the costume was perfect. A shame that seven years later, the Flash costume in the thankfully unaired Justice League Pilot, proved to only look nowhere near as good as the 1990 suit, but it looked worse than most superhero costumes from the seventies!!

Originally Posted by KenK
I'm just thinking, enough people know about Robin/Dick Grayson as a character, that it would be easier to do Nightwing as a Batman-less series than Birds Of Prey, which just didn't have enough familiarity going for it as far as Huntress, Oracle, and Black Canary. They had to bring in Alfred for God's sake! It'd be interesting to see Dick moving to Bludhaven, with a quick voiceover explaining how he had to leave Gotham to get from under Batman's shadow, and now, he's on his own. . .Enter: Nightwing!! That could take all of a minute! Have him be unemployed(w/ hefty trust fund) for a while, then eventually have him join the police force. Should be interesting.

man....that was the least of Birds of Prey's problems.

Yes, between bad acting, cheap villains and cheap sets, Birds of Prey was certainly no prize. And could any less effort been put into Huntress's costume? She basically leaves work and puts on a long black coat!! Although, I though they did a great job with Batgirl's costume for flashbacks and the ep where she took on Lady Shiva, too bad they reduced Shiva from the worlds deadliest assassin to a petty thief.

I thought that was pretty ironic...the one person they give a "costume" was the one person who wasn't supposed to have one. Don't get me started on the Huntress, Barabra (in her friggin wheel chair) AND lilDinah beating Shiva up.

Then there's all the Shumacher influence on the tone and The Huntress and Shemar Moore starting at each other at the end of every damn episode. Had me screaming "Just go ahead and get a damn motel!" I almost forgot about the Oracle creating some way to nuetralize the badguys powers at the end everyone too. Cheesy...

I really really wish I could grab hold of the writers and explain to them there's no such thing as a half metahuman...either you are or you aren't.
After i am done with my Nightwing movie...i am going to write and propose a series to HBO...i think a Nightwing HBO series would be very interesting.

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