Cowboy Bebop Discussion Thread


Space Cowboy
Apr 24, 2005
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Ok, before I post what I have planned to post, let me say that I am not new to these boards, I know that if I use the search function that there is probably a few threads about this show, so please don't post links to them. I do have a legitimate reason for starting a new thread, so just hear me out.

My friend has been talking about this show nonstop and has all the episodes on his computer. I have never seen the show before, so instead of spoiling a lot of the plot by reading an old thread, I decided to start a new thread (also, I'm hopeful that there are other fans of the show that are just dying to talk about it with a virgin viewer). I've only made it to episode two as of this post (for those of you who aren't good with episode numbers, Spike's lost the bounty on both the "red-eyed coyote" and Akheem at this point. He's also "adopted" the dog Akheem had stolen. The only thing I know about the dog is that he's a mutt, but he's a "data dog". So if you are going to spoil the show, please use the spoiler codec that SHH so graciously provides (if you are new to the board or just are in the dark, the spoiler codecs are [ spoiler ] and [ /spoiler ], without the spaces inbetween the word and the brackets of course). I figured the writers specifically mentioned that it is a "data dog" for a specific reason to be revealed in a later episode, although I could be mistaken.

So as of now, Spike has lost two bounties and obtained the "data dog".

I'm off to watch some more episodes because I am now hooked. I rank this up there with Fullmetal Alchemist and I've only seen two episodes so far (VileOne, if you end up reading this post, you'll understand what I'm talking about since me, you, and guitarsingerguy had that entire thread about FMA...ahhh, if only that series were longer...*sigh*).

By the next time I check this thread/the next time I post in this thread, I'll have watched at least up to episode six, so lets get some discussion going! So far, I'm extremely impressed, and if I'm going to get into an anime, I'd love some fellow anime junkies to discuss the show with :woot: . So lets get it going!
This series is quite entertaining, but please don't compare it with FMA.
This series is quite entertaining, but please don't compare it with FMA.

I'm sorry if I worded the afore paragraph wrong. What I meant was that I am enjoying watching it as much as I enjoyed watching FMA. As far as plotlines go, I've yet to see anything even come close to being as in-****ing-credibly badass as FMA's plotline was. My roommate hates anime, but I made a deal with him where he had to watch 10 episodes of FMA and then he could decide if he wanted to keep watching it or if it just wasn't his thing...we finished the entire series and the movie in four days. :oldrazz:

I am really enjoying Cowboy Bebop though. I'm a musician, so they had me at "Tank!". LOL.
Cowboy Bebop is totally up there as one of the best anime and shows ever. ****ing awesome movie as well.

Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts are no doubt my favorite music artists of all time.
Cowboy Bebop is totally up there as one of the best anime and shows ever. ****ing awesome movie as well.

Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts are no doubt my favorite music artists of all time.

I knew you'd end up in this thread, Vile. You seem to be into these kinds of shows. I'm ****ing loving Cowboy Bebop. I still think FMA is way better, though.
I bet your boy was hooked after episode 7 of FMA. lol Cowboy Bebop is awsome I wasn't trying to dog it. I still have like 3 or 4 episodes left to watch. I haven't seen the movie yet. After I finish the series I'll watch the movie.
I knew you'd end up in this thread, Vile. You seem to be into these kinds of shows. I'm ****ing loving Cowboy Bebop. I still think FMA is way better, though.

Well Bebop WAS my favorite before FMA came along. FMA is really one of those shows that just blows you away and just totally revitalizes the genre all over again much like Bebop was. And they were both produced by Studio Bones. I believe Bones was the result of a lot of guys who left Gainax and started their own studio, which was Bones. Bones produced FMA, Bebop, and their movies as well as Wolfs' Rain.

Also, like it or not, but I'd say when Cowboy Bebop started airing on Adult Swim, it was really the show that led the anime revolution in the US. For better or worse. Cartoon Network had started experimenting showing darker, more violent anime later at night, but then the AS block totally changed things and raised the bar as far as what they could show. People thought we would never see things like Bebop in the US, even though the material is almost tailor made for a US audience.

Nowadays a lot more anime rely on licenses and money from the North American market.
I have never liked any other anime other than Cowboy Bebop
I just got into it, great anime.
I watched it and Im not a very big fan of it
Cowboy Bebop is my favorite anime. I love the music, the story, the characters, it is just great. Adult Swim will be airing a episode this sunday, March 31st, at 1:30 AM, it is part of the saturday night anime block. Check your local listings.
The thing thats great about Cowboy Bebop is it doesnt follow the trappings of anime as closely as some might think.

Peoples heads dont get bigger when they yell, and storm clouds dont appear over peoples heads when they get sad. Stupid crap like that
When this first aired on Cartoon Network,it was on for 2-3 years. The original broadcasting,and even when pushed to a later time slot..people still tuned in to watch. It's one of those series you can watch over and over,forever.
I hate that AS speeds up the closing credits.
Cowboy Bebop is one of the best anime of all-time.

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