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Create a Supervillain team!


The Trailblazer Awakens
Jan 23, 2006
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Considering the ENDLESS amount of Superhero teams in Marvel right now, I'd say the bad guys NEED to get their act together. Construct a team that you feel can combat the likes of the Mighty and New Avengers, the X-Men and so on. There HAS to be restrictions though:

"Ban" list:
- Beyonder
- Kang/Immortus/Scarlet Centurion/Rama Tut
- Annihilus
- Galactus
- Dr. Doom (debatable)
- Mephisto
- "Clones" of heroes
- Alternate versions of villains on the same team as their current versions
- Master Menace
- "Reformed" villains...AKA the Thuderbolts!

Okay here's my team:

Termination Inc.:

With the 50 States Initiative in full swing, crimelords are having a tough time trying to operate under the constant vigil of Superheroes. Financed by a mysterious benefactor, the Arranger, former underling to the Kingpin is tasked with assembling a group of crack Supervillains to safeguard his/her interests. Accompanied by the reprogrammed Zero android, Arranger scouts and approaches promising candidates for this new "company" known as Termination Inc.

Crossbones (leader, "Supercommando")- The 'Skorzenky' of the 21th Century, Brock Rumslow has the perhaps one of the greatest credentials of any Merc: He killed Captain America. Broken out of SHIELD thanks to Arranger and the powerful teleportation abilities of Zero, Crossbones is offered a chance to finally be the one to call the shots and lead Termination Inc. Every bit as good as Captain America (with the Super Soldier formula), a weapons expert and passable tactician, Crossbones strongarms his fellow 'associates' into doing things his way while constantly being aware of each and every ability of his team.

Shriek (Sonic powers)- Rotting in a padded cell in Ravencroft,a heavily medicated Shriek subconsciously twisted the emotions of her fellow inmates, causing them o behave more violently then ever, some to the point of self-mutilation and suicide. Faking a transfer, Arranger had Shriek freed from the asylum however the once vicious Supervillainess had become reclusive and drained. Crossbones however detected the instinct to survive by tossing the broken Shriek into a dark New York alley where she was attacked by a number of would-be rapists. To Crossbones' delight, she responded violently, defending herself with her full array of powers, killing them instantly.

Crimson Dynamo (Advanced combat armor)
Living Laser (Intangibilty, Energy blast)
Lady Octopus (Metal tentacles, team scientist)
Zero (android. Mass teleportation)
Wrecker (Super strength)
The Destroyer (Odin-construct powerhouse)
The Destroyer has no intelligence or ability to act on it's own. It requires a living spirit to animate it.

Malevolence Unlimited

Shadow King
Baron Mordo
Maha Yogi
Demolition Crew

The Demolition Crew or 'The Demo' for short, are the Supervillain version of Damage Control. These entrepreneurial Hoodlums and thugs were minor supervillains who realized they sucked at being solo crooks and decided to steal uh..borrow the Damage Control business motif and tailor their expertise towards the Doctor Dooms and Moses Magnums of the world.

Why would Doctor Doom or Moses Magnum or any other vile villain need a clean-up crew? Simple, M.O.D.O.K. builds 'Evil Experimental Gamma Flux Compacitor' it go boom! M.O.D.O.K. angry secret headquarters trashed, M.O.D.O.K. need new HQ he not want S.H.I.E.L.D. on his ass M.O.D.O.K. have need of discreet men to clean up mess and rebuild HQ M.O.D.O.K. happy!

Team members:

Steamshovel - Giant bionic arms with shovel scoops for hands, superstrength in legs and adamantium enhanced spine.

MuscleShoals - Can crush any substance by staring at it while flexing muscles. Essentially he has telekenesis that's based on not his mind, but how intensely he flexes his muscle fibers.

The Nail - Has superstrength in excess of 100 tons, but only in his index fingers.

Gravelpit - Saliva/spittle that turns into rock hard projectiles, basically he spits boulders of devastating force.

Tarheel - Generates massive heat on the soles of his feet, superspeed, and anything he runs across becomes molten sludge.

Hard Hat - Wears tech enhanced 'hard hat' that emits a personal force field around his noggin and inate ability perceive how any structure was demolished and to recontruct any solid structure bit by bit to the last grain of debrii.
Seems like another offshoot of Anubis' "How Would You Do It" thread in a way, but I'll bite.

The Masters of Crime: An offshoot of the Masters of Evil, only I switched the last bit for two reasons. One, personally, no one really thinks of themselves as Evil so the villains who name themselves this really have to be sadistical MF's. The second reason is that this team is about more than doing nasty things. They are out for money, gotten illegally. Most times this can mean hiests, or being hired, or whatnot. But their main goal is money, not global conquest or revenge. Of course, that is in theory; they do have tempers. The aim here is to assemble something like Flash's original "rogues"

Leader: The Shocker: I always seen Herman Schultz as perhaps someone who was a notch below The Fixer, a genius who could cobble together fantastic devices even without the best materials; I mean he made his first "vibro-shock" units from prison scrabs he ferreted away and has usually tried to improve his costume & gauntlets every time. He's actually been one of Spider-Man's fiestier enemies; in his first 6 or so brawls against Spider-Man, he acquired a 50% success rate, and quite often Spidey has needed to be saved from him. He has gotten defeated plenty of times, though, especially by other superheroes. He also has worked in various Sinister Six/Seven/Twelve teams as well as two incarnations of the Masters of Evil so he should know what works and what doesn't. He's had successful hiests, too. He finally decides to stop taking orders and start giving them, trying to assemble like-minded allies, mostly those he has worked with before. However, he does have his own personal demons, such as wanting to amp his reputation.


Puff Adder: Gordon Fraley (also goes by "Gordo" or "Willard") was a member of the Serpant Society and the Masters of Evil. His skin color has changed a few times from Caucasian to Black due to errors (as well as his hair from red to black), but we actually learn he does this deliberately, via make-up/wigs/dye, to confuse his identity to others (as his serpant costume doesn't really cover his face well at certain angles). He originally had the mutant power to increase his size from 6' 2'' to 10' as well as his mass, where he presumably got extra strength & durability, but after M-Day he lost these powers. Via technology, his costume (or jaws) can emit a gass (or "puff") that is acidic and can melt metals. He also is a skilled pilot. Shocker comes across Fraley who is obviously going through confidence issues having lost his ability to increase his size; once realizing he can regain these abilities with some MGH, Puff Adder agrees to work for the team as a pilot, brawler, and lock-picker (with his acidic breath). The question is whether the MGH merely acts as a crutch that can be exploited.

Black Racer: Ariana is someone Puff Adder knows, who also undergoes disguises to conceal her identity (also due to coloring errors, but her costume always included a green wig). She can run at unrevealed superhuman speed and is apparently durabile enough to clothesline people at such speeds without harm to herself. Shocker lets her in to fill the "speedster" void left by Speed-Demon, who he no longer trusts. Eventually she changes her name to Shadow Racer because the "African American characters with Black in their names is horribly outdated" idea holds true.

Boomerang: Shocker has worked with Fred Myers a few times before and Fred usually knows how Shocker feels in terms of reputation and overcoming the stigma of beatings, or being teased by the underworld for said beatings, or for having a skill and gimmick that is quite good, but compared to others (like Bullseye or Taskmaster), it doesn't compare. They usually try to prep up one another when the other is down. In the supervillain world, someone you've worked with on a few teams and haven't tried to kill in a while for some petty reason, is the closest you get to being pals. His "assassin for hire" business hasn't gotten many hires with his low success rate, so he sticks with Shocker for, what else, cash & rep. His angle is long range offense from a variety of angles and types.

Scorpia: Recommended by Boomerang after one syndicate stint for "her tail" (which could mean a few things), Elaine Colls is busted out of jail and given new equipment by the gang and decides to stick around for a bit. In many ways she is a female version of the original Scorpian; her costume enhances her strength & speed by 500%, a tail that acts as a dangerous third limb for crushing, slicing, and blasting, durability, and even a micro-forcefield. She also has some mafia contacts via her former employer, Silvermane. Unfortunately, like Gargan, she is a diagnosed mental patient who sometimes can be unstable. But it also can give her inhuman focus.

Powderkeg: The mysterious one of the bunch, Shocker's teamed up with him and knows with his super strength, durability, and explosive sweat, he makes for a good brawler in a pinch. A longtime merc, he knows what it is to be professional.

Hydro-Man: Morris Bench can become and control water & moisture; unfortunately he usually lacks the brains or cunning to apply this to be a true force to be reckoned with. Fortunately he has worked with Shocker & Boomerang before and they help him build his confidence enough to experiment with his powers. The Wizard has helped aid him in mastering them but Morris feels the Wizard is too condesending or limited by his rivalry with Mr. Fantastic, which led to his latest humilating defeat. The underworld doesn't forget enemies who can be defeated by cement, sand, or freezers in terms of rep. With some like minded allies, he gets more focus and control, but will his confidence eventually lead him to believe he is better than the team? His ability to even drain moisture from others can be a useful talent even against the mightiest of superheroes.

Gargatua: The "main tank" of the team and someone Shocker has worked with; Edward Cobert was one of many, many government attempts to create superhumans which went wrong. In Cobert's case, growing to 25' tall with at least 75 ton strength & durability with a diminished intellect, making him a berserk killer (at least 50 people died in his initial rampage before SHIELD captured him). The team manages to track him down and they get him on some MGH that is endowed with "shrinking" properties that allow him to shrink to a lessor size (7' 7''') so he can reasonably fit into normal surroundings (before, he was stuck at 25' tall). While in this size some of his intellect returns (he used to be a scientist), but it is mostly at the level of a child beyond some "idiot savant" moments of brilliance. However, his adrenaline ******s the MGH keeping him smaller & weaker, so the madder he gets, the bigger and tougher he gets. Able to occupy teams of heroes with his berserk fury, Garg is the wildcard. The stupid lunk is often an attraction of the ladies for his "size", which riles some of the other fellas. He is much like an overgrown child, though, and sees the team as a sort of family.

The team assembles, scopes out hits, trains, and then commits them. They split the money evenly amongst themselves and part of the training is "road-tripping", going to states between NY and CA where superheroes are still rare as the 50 State Intitiative is being set up. I picked a range of decently known C-Listers and some more relatively unknown or lower level criminals for some range and development.
Not a bad line up can't go wrong with Shocker, I really think he needs a mini-series.
Demolition Crew

The Demolition Crew or 'The Demo' for short, are the Supervillain version of Damage Control. These entrepreneurial Hoodlums and thugs were minor supervillains who realized they sucked at being solo crooks and decided to steal uh..borrow the Damage Control business motif and tailor their expertise towards the Doctor Dooms and Moses Magnums of the world.

Why would Doctor Doom or Moses Magnum or any other vile villain need a clean-up crew? Simple, M.O.D.O.K. builds 'Evil Experimental Gamma Flux Compacitor' it go boom! M.O.D.O.K. angry secret headquarters trashed, M.O.D.O.K. need new HQ he not want S.H.I.E.L.D. on his ass M.O.D.O.K. have need of discreet men to clean up mess and rebuild HQ M.O.D.O.K. happy!

Team members:

Steamshovel - Giant bionic arms with shovel scoops for hands, superstrength in legs and adamantium enhanced spine.

MuscleShoals - Can crush any substance by staring at it while flexing muscles. Essentially he has telekenesis that's based on not his mind, but how intensely he flexes his muscle fibers.

The Nail - Has superstrength in excess of 100 tons, but only in his index fingers.

Gravelpit - Saliva/spittle that turns into rock hard projectiles, basically he spits boulders of devastating force.

Tarheel - Generates massive heat on the soles of his feet, superspeed, and anything he runs across becomes molten sludge.

Hard Hat - Wears tech enhanced 'hard hat' that emits a personal force field around his noggin and inate ability perceive how any structure was demolished and to recontruct any solid structure bit by bit to the last grain of debrii.

I really love the logic behind this team. Big ups Deemar
The Destroyer has no intelligence or ability to act on it's own. It requires a living spirit to animate it.

Malevolence Unlimited

Shadow King
Baron Mordo
Maha Yogi

Really? Then who's soul resided in it while it played Herald to Galactus?
Dread used the Shocker...makes me tear up a little.

How about a reverse Illuminati?

Baron Mordo
Norman Osborn
Doctor Doom
Shadow King
Dread used the Shocker...makes me tear up a little.

How about a reverse Illuminati?

Baron Mordo
Norman Osborn
Doctor Doom
Shadow King

I like that, here's mine:

Baron Mordo
Sebastian Shaw
Reverse Illumnati should be nemesis of Illumnati:

Doctor Doom
Baron Mordo
Maximus and Krang have relatively little power or influence. The Whole point of the Illuminati is that they were individuals of power and influence in their own respective spheres.


The Ultimate Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Not related to ultimate comics)

Dark Beast
Fever Pitch
Black Tom

Basically, every living Powered Mutant that is a bad guy, excluding guys that don't really team up...like Apocalypse, Omega red and Silver Samurai.


A flunkie of Namor who considered himself a rival for Namor's rule and for the Lady Dorma. Namor and Dorma seemed almost oblivious to the fact that Krang thought he was a rival. I think that it has been 30 years or so since I even came across the name. If you are going to choose a Namor foe it would have to be Attuma.
Yeah, I've heard of that dude. I don't know why I didn't remember him. :o
Here's an idea I've posted before, but it's a good way to start things off:

The Lowlifes:

Adrian Toombs (The Vulture)

Herman Schultz (The Shocker)

Peter Petruski (The Trapster)

Jonathan Ohn (The Spot)

Aleksie Sytsevich (The Rhino)

They're basically supposed to be the Marvel equivalent of The Rogues. A gang of thieves who use high tech weapons and, in the case of two of them, super powers to pull of robberies, but stay out of the Bond villain-y take over the world plots and are above the actions of cold blooded psychos like Osborn or Purple Man. Adrian's the leader, Herman's the tech specialist, Petruski's demolitions and other chemical stuff, Ohn is their transport, and Aleksie is the muscle in case a heist goes sower.

Another idea I had was for a group of villains, consisting of Norman Osborn, Doctor Octopus, Typhoid Mary, and Electro, who enact some big master plan to take over the world. Not sure of the plot, but it involved political manipulation and the such.
How a stealth/Special ops team Along these lines

How a stealth/Special ops team Along these lines


Taskmaster and Bullseye aren't exactly Stealthy. Spymaster would be a better choice.
Dread used the Shocker...makes me tear up a little.

How about a reverse Illuminati?

Baron Mordo
Norman Osborn
Doctor Doom
Shadow King

I like everyone's Reverse Illuminati but you haven't done the TRUE reverse.

Dr. Doom

:doom: :doom: :doom:
Maximus seems a bit of a stretch. The guy's a nutjob! How's the 'Grigori' (I called it!) supposed to work with him??
Attuma is an arrogant thug with limited intelligence who would probably not work with anyone else. He is however the only major long term foe of Namor that I can think of.

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