Crystal Sky took Werewolf by Night off it's Website

Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
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but Deathlok still remains. I e-mailed them to ask them if they lost the rights and got no response. They used to always respond and even told me once it was filming this year. Funny. Bet Marvel got the rights back. :)
This is one of those questions that we probably won't get a straight answer to until Avi finally sets up that blog of his over on the Marvel website. When's that supposed to go live, btw?
Does anyone really want to see Werewolf by Night?
TheVileOne said:
Does anyone really want to see Werewolf by Night?

Darth Elektra said:
Dang, This sucks, I want Werewolf by night.

I also would've liked to see it. Then again chances of it being any good weren't very high.
Mr. Magoo said:
I also would've liked to see it. Then again chances of it being any good weren't very high.

I agree, I wanted to see it but I was afraid it wouldnt be that good.
I've been wanting to see Werewolf By Night since they first announced it ages ago.
I really wanted to see this dang guess we won't know. :( Maybe he will be in Blade.
This is probably for the better. This movie would have probably ended up like Man-Thing.
To bad I like the Man-Thing movie.Well the costum for Man-Thing anyway.
Yea, Man thing overall was a pretty good movie considering it didnt have a big budget.
I honestly have to admit, I am anxious to see this movie if it gets made. It seems Marvel's lesser known characters have the most potential to score on screen because you dont go in expecting the world. It happened with Blade remember. With Spider-Man & the Hulk, you kinda knew the story, at least of how they became who they are already before you sat down & knew they somehow were gonna come out on top. Werewolf by Night can be fresh, & let you really sit back & let you have no expectations.
Yeah, I don't get how people can get so angry at Marvel making movies with little known characters when the Blade movies turned out so good. There's potential for good stuff to come from obscure characters.
People complain because there are still movies about Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor to be made and Marvel is concentrating on characters such as Mort the Dead Teenager, Werewolf by Night, and Man-Thing.
Hippie I don't know why I have to explain this to you but I think you know the real situation. Let's start from scratch. Marvel hasn't made a movie yet. It sold rights to other studios that other studios wanted to buy. They were trying to sell Captain America, Universal gave up on Hulk, New Line gave up on Iron Man, Sony gave up on Thor, etc...Marvel sold all of these rights eary on to make money to get themselves out of bankruptcy. Trust me Marvel wants these movies made just as much as we do. The problem was that studios started draggin their feet on making some new films and sequels. The good news is Marvel got the rights back and has the most incentive to make these movies happen and continue with sequels. Marvel is not concentrating on Mort the Dead Teenager, Werewolf by Night, and Man-Thing. Those were characters that other studios bought on the cheap because they were unknown and cheaper to buy compared to Thor or Cap. Now that Marvel is it's own studio we don't have to worry about that but remember these Marvel studio films aren't gonna start happening till 2008 and beyond so in the meantime we have to deal with what the other studios have to offer. You know good and well Avi Arad and company thought Iron Man was coming in 2005 and New Line f'd it up, Crystal Sky f'd up Werewolf by Night, Unviersal dragged it's feet on Hulk 2, etc...With the Merril financing...Marvel has feelers out for directors and writers on 12 films right now. When they find the right writer they'll hire him, when they find the rigth director...same thing. THis is all very new for Marvel and by the way a great reason to invest money in the company. I can assure you the stock will be 50% higher than it is today by the end of 2007.
Advanced Dark said:
Hippie I don't know why I have to explain this to you but I think you know the real situation. Let's start from scratch. Marvel hasn't made a movie yet. It sold rights to other studios that other studios wanted to buy. They were trying to sell Captain America, Universal gave up on Hulk, New Line gave up on Iron Man, Sony gave up on Thor, etc...Marvel sold all of these rights eary on to make money to get themselves out of bankruptcy. Trust me Marvel wants these movies made just as much as we do. The problem was that studios started draggin their feet on making some new films and sequels. The good news is Marvel got the rights back and has the most incentive to make these movies happen and continue with sequels. Marvel is not concentrating on Mort the Dead Teenager, Werewolf by Night, and Man-Thing. Those were characters that other studios bought on the cheap because they were unknown and cheaper to buy compared to Thor or Cap. Now that Marvel is it's own studio we don't have to worry about that but remember these Marvel studio films aren't gonna start happening till 2008 and beyond so in the meantime we have to deal with what the other studios have to offer. You know good and well Avi Arad and company thought Iron Man was coming in 2005 and New Line f'd it up, Crystal Sky f'd up Werewolf by Night, Unviersal dragged it's feet on Hulk 2, etc...With the Merril financing...Marvel has feelers out for directors and writers on 12 films right now. When they find the right writer they'll hire him, when they find the rigth director...same thing. THis is all very new for Marvel and by the way a great reason to invest money in the company. I can assure you the stock will be 50% higher than it is today by the end of 2007.

I know about the situation. I was explaining to Mr. Magoo why people b***h about no-named characters getting movies and it's mostly because the big-named characters don't have ones yet.
^ I thought you knew that. The complainers need to take a few minutes to research what's going on because Marvel does want to get these big films in front but the studios have to pay for them and that adds to the risk. Not only do they have to pay up front but they had to share profits. Now Marvel can play studio and not share the profits and it's much less risky for them to do this than for Fox or Universal because even if the movie doesnt' make the profit they expect...the toys and video games, and merchandise will be boosted up by the film. Hulk toys made way more than the movie which is why Hulk 2 is a sure thing. Now that Marvel got the rights back it's just a matter of securing financing. Marvel told me they will not annouce Iron Man or Hulk 2 until the financing is secure and a director is in place. Though we may here directors revealing that they are in talks...Marvel won't say a word till the deal is done. That doesnt' mean they're not working on it. You know.
hippie_hunter said:
I know about the situation. I was explaining to Mr. Magoo why people b***h about no-named characters getting movies and it's mostly because the big-named characters don't have ones yet.

There's nothing to explain as far as I'm concerned. We just don't agree. Although, I do think you should speak for yourself as far as why certain people b***h about no-namers getting movies. A lot of times I'll read comments from people who are completely uninterested in seeing Ant-Man or Werewolf by Night or Deathlok get their own films, not just angry at "Marvel" for making them first.

Look, I like Marvel. Probably not AS much as some of you people, but I do. But I well and truly just don't understand why it's so important that the "big" characters get movies first. Is it like a competition or something? Are you going to expire before 2008? As long as Marvel shows an active interest in making an Iron Man movie, I could care less which order it actually comes out in. I'd prefer that they do whatever it takes to get it done right rather than fast anyway. I guess you don't, which is fine.

However, if you want to go with the "A-listers are better" argument, then I'll put it this way: ever hear the expression "save the best for last?" ;)
Mr. Magoo said:
There's nothing to explain as far as I'm concerned. We just don't agree. Although, I do think you should speak for yourself as far as why certain people b***h about no-namers getting movies. A lot of times I'll read comments from people who are completely uninterested in seeing Ant-Man or Werewolf by Night or Deathlok get their own films, not just angry at "Marvel" for making them first.

Look, I like Marvel. Probably not AS much as some of you people, but I do. But I well and truly just don't understand why it's so important that the "big" characters get movies first. Is it like a competition or something? Are you going to expire before 2008? As long as Marvel shows an active interest in making an Iron Man movie, I could care less which order it actually comes out in. I'd prefer that they do whatever it takes to get it done right rather than fast anyway. I guess you don't, which is fine.

However, if you want to go with the "A-listers are better" argument, then I'll put it this way: ever hear the expression "save the best for last?" ;)

The reason it's important (for Marvel) to have big characters first is because they are the type of characters that are "even pics" supported by huge amounts of merchandise, toys, video games, etc...These same characters are usually picked up by coporations to promote their products during movies. You wont' go to McDonalds and see Blade Happy Meals. That's one reason. The other is the big pics are likely to gain alot of attention and make alot of money to stimulate other studios and give them confidence and making more films. The other reason (for the fans) is that the big characters are big for a reason. They're the most popular. That's about it.

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