Current Hulk

Mr. Roboto

Jul 22, 2005
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Haven't read Hulk comics in a while and I recently started reading Planet Hulk but what's bothering me is wich Hulk is it? I mean is it Savage Hulk? And why didn't Banner just merged with Hulk again?
Mr. Roboto said:
Haven't read Hulk comics in a while and I recently started reading Planet Hulk but what's bothering me is wich Hulk is it? I mean is it Savage Hulk? And why didn't Banner just merged with Hulk again?
I'm actually kind of curious about this myself. From what I've seen in the pages I've read, it appears to be the Savage Hulk, but smarter. If someone could clear this up, I'd be much obliged.
so is Bruce Banner the Hulk or what? i'm only new to the whole Hulk world :(
I'm old to the Hulk world and even I don't know which Hulk this is.
Well it is not merged because he does talk about Banner in 3rd person but it is not really savage given his smarts. I would almost say savage with grey's intelligence which is a new type of Hulk I guess
Ahura Mazda said:
Well it is not merged because he does talk about Banner in 3rd person but it is not really savage given his smarts. I would almost say savage with grey's intelligence which is a new type of Hulk I guess

works for me
Ahura Mazda said:
Well it is not merged because he does talk about Banner in 3rd person but it is not really savage given his smarts. I would almost say savage with grey's intelligence which is a new type of Hulk I guess
Yep, I'd say that's pretty acurate.

Actually, I don't think it's really a new personality or anything. Hulk acted EXACTLY the same way back in the old Stan Lee days. You can see a lot of this in Essential Hulk vol. 1.

This incarnation is my personal favorite. All the strength of the Savage Hulk. All the attitude and catchy one-liners of the Gray Hulk, and you still get to see a good amount of the Hulk/Human/Banner conflict that makes him such an interesting character.
Was wondering this myself. So this how Hulk originally was back when he was first created? Nice. :)

If that's so, I wonder why he was changed so many times. Though would like to see Hulk and Bruce merge as one.
Hulk's personality and powers have changed a lot in the early days. All of this is explained in Incredible Hulk # 393. There's a story, then it goes through the history of the Hulk's personalities. It's pretty cool. If you read that and Essential Hulk vol. 1 you should have a pretty good grasp on the Hulk's personalities.
Effect said:
If that's so, I wonder why he was changed so many times. Though would like to see Hulk and Bruce merge as one.
Actually that has happened resulting in the "Professor Hulk" or "Smart Hulk". That's the Hulk that was around for most of the 90's. This is also explained in #393, but if you want to read the actual issue where it happens check out issue #377.

None of those issues are very hard to find so if you're interested it won't be too hard to get a hold of those.

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