Maxwinner said:but he does not have black or brown hair!
BOND CAN'T BE A ****ING BLONDE!!!!!!!!!!!
Maxwinner said:I won't see this as an bond me it will be a bad action movie:
johnsonuk said:we do not know until we see him.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:That i agree with but from the footage we have seen..i think he is going to handle it rather well.
johnsonuk said:but the only footage we have seen shows action.Bond is more than action shots.i want to see him in a suit,looking the part and more importantly ACTING the part.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:Ok i will rephrase,he has the action down.and we have seen him in a suit..i can't wait for the teaser. he looks the part.
johnsonuk said:i mean see him suit and tie(not neccasarily tux) actually on film.but i was impressed with that pic.