The Official Praise for Daniel Craig thread

Mister Sinister

Picture of Paul McCartney
Apr 8, 2004
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"As for Daniel [Craig] as Bond, I think it is an absolutely brilliant choice. He is butch, male, attractive and a bloody good actor. He was by far the most plausible choice." -Samantha Bond (Moneypenny)

"He is a very dark actor and a very interesting one and I think he will be brilliant. It will reinvigorate the whole thing." -Toby Stephens (Gustav Graves)

"I think Daniel is a very fine actor," -Pierce Brosnan (The Fifth 007)

"People should not pass judgment until they have seen the film," -Christopher Lee (Scaramanga)

"terrific choice... a completely new departure". -Sean Connery (The First 007)

"It would be a very foolish person who made any kind of judgement from how he answered tabloid questions at a press conference," -David Arnold (CR composer)
christopher lee has the best one knows either way until we see it and connery said the exact same when dalton was cast.
Craig may be a brilliant actor, but acting counts for little with James Bond. Bond movies are about the lead actor coasting on his charm and wit, pulling all the mayhem and babes together. Connery, Moore, Brosnan - there's not much acting there, it's largely pure charisma.

Timothy Dalton is one of the greatest actors you'll find anywhere, but he didn't have the charisma or charm, audiences didn't enjoy his performances and thus he's judged as a bad 007.

If Craig realises what Dalton didn't - that the main job of the James Bond actor is to entertain the audience - then he'll be on the right path.
Brosans and Stephens comments are exactly the same ... :|
Wolverini said:
Brosans and Stephens comments are exactly the same ... :|

Is that a simple typing error - or evidence something very strange happened on the Die Another Day set?
Kevin Roegele said:
Is that a simple typing error - or evidence something very strange happened on the Die Another Day set?

Or maybe Stephens is just a parrot. Okay, that's a bit unfair, but since Die Another Day, I hate him with a passion. Whatever he really said about Craig, he proved he knows nothing about James Bond.
Everyman said:
Or maybe Stephens is just a parrot. Okay, that's a bit unfair, but since Die Another Day, I hate him with a passion. Whatever he really said about Craig, he proved he knows nothing about James Bond.

I don't think anyone in the cast or crew of Die Another Day, except Pierce and Dench, knew anything about James Bond.
A thread that's been open for 24 hours and has only 8 posts is probably a thread with not much to say, despite the title.
Kevin Roegele said:
I don't think anyone in the cast or crew of Die Another Day, except Pierce and Dench, knew anything about James Bond.

True. And this movie was made with such disdain by everyone. Everybody was more a spoof of a Bond character than a genuine character. We had parodies of Bond girls with a parody of villain and a parody of a plot... Anyway, not to get off topic, but I don't really care if Toby Stephens says that Craig is a good choice or not. Actually, not true, if Halle Berry, Tamahori or Stephens was saying that Craig is a terrible choice, I would be the most adamant Craig defender of this forum.
Daniel Craig is by far the most versatile actor to don the License to Kill as of yet. He's proven that through Tomb Raider, Road to Perdition, Sylvia, Layer Cake, and Munich. He'll probably prove it again in The Visiting with Nicole Kidman. He's going to be the person who gives Bond the most humanity he's ever had. I can't wait!
Threshold said:
Daniel Craig is by far the most versatile actor to don the License to Kill as of yet. He's proven that through Tomb Raider, Road to Perdition, Sylvia, Layer Cake, and Munich. He'll probably prove it again in The Visiting with Nicole Kidman. He's going to be the person who gives Bond the most humanity he's ever had. I can't wait!

I agree fully. Craig will be perfect.
Daniel Craig has the official Darthphere stamp of approval.
Kevin Roegele said:
:up: Can't argue with RoboCop. He's not a guy, he's a machine.


Patients Kevin...were only human.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:

You don't approove of ROBO2??

Sorry dude, I find RoboCop 2, as with every other RoboCop spin-off, completely misunderstands the original movie. It reverts Robo himself back to OCP zombie, when the climax of the original saw the Murphy persona overcome the programming and achieve his independence and reclaim some of his humanity.
No..Robocop 3 was a joke. Robocop 2 had it's moments.
I loved the bit where OCP had a promotional video showcasing the prototypes of the evil robot dude.

However, I DO NOT like the fact that they made the OLD MAN into a bad guy...out of no where!
I think that Craig will be great. He's a differnt kind of Bond but I think he'll do great.

And Robocop 2 had it's moments but it can hardly hold a candle to the original.
The original script for ROBO2 is much better than the version we got.

I agree with you kevin..they ignored what his charactor became..but if you remember in ROBO2 hetries to regain his old life by visitinghis family..but knowing he could never be with them he pretended he didn't know his wife could move on.

"They made this to honer him..your husband is dead..i don't know you"
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
The original script for ROBO2 is much better than the version we got.

I agree with you kevin..they ignored what his charactor became..but if you remember in ROBO2 hetries to regain his old life by visitinghis family..but knowing he could never be with them he pretended he didn't know his wife could move on.

"They made this to honer him..your husband is dead..i don't know you"

You're right, that bit is good, and Frank Miller's original ideas were superior to what reached the screen.

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