Deadeye Comics - Deadeye Samurai


May 12, 2005
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Hi I'm Paul 'Deadeye' Knight

But Dedi or Deadeye are fine too,

A good few years ago I was all set on a comicbook artist career, when my sight gave out on me, due to a genetic birth defect, and i was struck blind for nearly a decade

Getting my sight back in only one eye now - i want to make up for lost time and resume my comicbook career - but as a Writer

I'm still not a bad artist - but i'm old and slow and I just cant compete with you young guns out there, who are better and faster at what you do

Anyway without further ado - here is my new comic book and its FIRST character series



This is a great drawing by my good friend and wonderful artist Kal-El - Ron Miranda

Please check out Kal's Thread if you havent already

This is going to be My flagship character for the new comics I'm setting up both in limited run "real world " from and in webcomic from


Well thats the plan anyway

Cos I'm disabled (sight problems hence the screenname), a recovering artist, Writer and model maker - I am spreading myself too thin and its effecting my health - as i'm putting in every hour nearly that God sends me

I aint no spring chicken no more

So Please do versions of this character in whatever medium you please - CGI, photomanip or classic comicstrip

I also want to know if anyone would like to draw, co-write, ink or colour the book as well

This is one of many other comic projects that are coming up

I dont care if you are the best artist in the world (tho that would be nice) as long as you love comics and would like to help out

Post your fanart of this character doing different stuff

His swords are Katana/ninjato like and composed from pure light and can turn into ANY martial arts weapon - so be creative

So they have to be the brightest things about the character as he is surrounded by a corona of red sunlight energy like the GL Corps glow (but Red)

I dont just want to see swords - longbows, naginatas, nunchuks, bo staffs etc can be done too

i'd also like to see a multi figure combat scene -

again be creative with what he is fighting -

Common streetpunks and gangsters to supernatural demons or aliens

He also has a redsun jewel in the middle of his forehead - How he "sees" as the sunburst energy burnt off all his hair and blinded him
hence his name

The concept of the character has elements of GL, Ghostrider, Daredevil and EleKtra

And I'm writing the prologue just now and will post it here first

Heres the Overview/Synopsis for issue one

This is a project all the great talent on the board can get involved in - even if its just one page of pinup art or a sequential piece of storytelling

Thanks again for looking:) :up:

Paul 'deadeye' Knight

This is a quick pencils sketch posted by Smoke87


Smoke87s pencils sketch base coloured by Spiderfan08 -

theres still red lightsaber razzmatazz to be worked upon it



Pencil Sketchs again by my man Smoke87 (Please visit his thread also) -

Last one corrected by CyberMonkeytron

Great work and thanks fellas

Need some comabat scenes tho - (((((Hint hint))))):) :up:

heres who he'll be fighting over 300 years - mortal enemy - the ONI


Some quick concept PC work (as I cant draw small outside a PC dude to my sight) for Japanese Oni Demons - tall, skinny, silver haired white faced demons are the generals - while the ogre or troll like ones are the foot soldiers

They should be armed with all matter of weponry from huge twisted warblade like katanas to gigantic iron clubs called Tetsubo all these weapons are cursed by dark magic

This stuff is by Big Dirty Ogre and Myself taken from an ink concept drawing by BDO

This is a sketch I got over PM from Nosebleed

It looks great so far and he calls this messy - it shows a a great sense of motion and battle readiness for the opening strike:) :up:
Deadeye sent me this smoke87 pencil to color, so here it is:


Whoever did the original design did a nice costume: I guess Kal-El did the original desing.

Just a note--I darkened up the wrist wraps as well, because I felt it added a little bit of POP to the forearms, and some glow on the center of his chest because it looked like the jewel on the forhead, and, to me, I can't think of another reason why there's a big, blank circle in the center of the chestpiece.

Again, this is a great character design, and I'll do a few sketches myself when I get a chance.

That is a real nice piece of coloring triem -

Good to have you aboard my man - sure you wont be disappointed in the designs we got coming up also

As for deadeye samurais design?

Its a cross between Kal-El and I designing it - my original concept - his superb skills and patience

I'll post the original concept stages between Kal, Myself and another friend - Kazuya

Originally he had hair but since hes caught in a heatblast explosion - giving him his powers - he has no hair left and has been struck blind

The crystal shard piercing his forehead into his pineal allowing him to mystically "see" again, binding the entity in the crystal to his being

Though he can fight Just as well at night as well as thru the day - He has to charge his powers by facing the rising japanese Sun every so often - so has to make a pilgrimage to Japan and sit atop mount Fujiama

So in that respect he is like a GL a bit as well as his powers being light based

He calls himself a totally different name to deadeye samurai - Akai Taiyo - that is the name of the ancient entity that has possesed him - a Guardian Kami (shinto spirit)

Created to do one thing and one thing only - DESTROY EVIL

But the Newpapers give him the name of Deadeye samurai for obvious reasons - as is the case in comics:) :up:

Kal-El's Early concept Sketch For Deadeye Samurai

Note the hair compared to the final piece
This is a concept Sketch from a good friend in Norway - Hyperion, of what the Kami spirit inside Deadeye Samurai could look like

A floating ball of red solar energy abstracted in the form of a giant grim samurai warrior


Another good friend Daffyboy69 will do a few versions from this in different styles and poses and combat scenes

Could somebody please colour this?

I want it to be Incandescent red sunlight and abstracting the central figure who is made out of pure light too

Thank you:up:
triem23 said:
Whoever did the original design did a nice costume: I guess Kal-El did the original desing.

Again, this is a great character design, and I'll do a few sketches myself when I get a chance.

Thanks Triem. DediKnight let me know what he had in mind and I tried my best at it. The colors were tricky but I got them. I'm just glad my good friend Dedi liked this pic.
I have done a drawing of your Deadeye Samurai, and have started to color it. here is a preview I hope you like. I am doing it in a cartoon style color.

Great stuff from Nose bleed and Brad - Thanks alot dudes

If you guys would like to do anything in sequential fights scenes please do so

Single figures are great n all - but if anyone would even like to do a pinup fight scene we could work that in as a panel in a sequential layout - or as a splash intro
everything looks kickass bro, i cant wait to work with you on this...maybe at some point we can have Deadeye and Blue Inferno cross the way hypsters...Blue Inferno is my City of Heroes character that i am turning into a comic book...heres a screenshot of him from the game...

let me know if anyone wants in on that too...
Here is the finished one.


Great stuff Brad would u like to do anymore on the book?

sequentials or splash pages?
Pinups? Or covers?

Let me know man

That is a wonderful drawing - thanks buddy
You know if you need a pin up or splash page. This was a quick drawing and coloring job. I am pretty busy with putting some of the final touches on my book. However that being said I would happly make room for a small project. :up:

everything looks kickass bro, i cant wait to work with you on this...maybe at some point we can have Deadeye and Blue Inferno cross the way hypsters...Blue Inferno is my City of Heroes character that i am turning into a comic book...heres a screenshot of him from the game...

let me know if anyone wants in on that too...

Buddy between you and me writing the Deadeye Samurai stories and blocking out fightscenes with each other - this project will be at least two issues finished hopefully years end

And if you give me a hand with this, I repay help with help in return


Cos I'm disabled - I got plenty of time to commit to the projects, a good creative mind and a reasonable amount of artistic talent

I'm sure all of us working as one we'll get stuff done faster

Theres strength in numbers:cool: :up:

You know if you need a pin up or splash page. This was a quick drawing and coloring job. I am pretty busy with putting some of the final touches on my book. However that being said I would happly make room for a small project.

Brad what can I say, ANY artistic involvement from you will be of course GREATLY appreciated

And thanks to Nosebleed also who PMed and said he'd like to commit to the book and do sequentials

You guys tell me if you just want to do pencils or full work - Brad from what you just said - you might like to tackle everything yourself

Cool man thanks a lot:up: :cool: :up:
Hey deDIKnight, just send me any daetals on an enemy he fights to my email.
You can get it from my Website link in my Sig.


LEY!!!! Spider that is wonderful and FAST work from a guy your age - you work hard at school - get to artschool and ANY comic company would be insane not to hire you as a colorist

DAMN lil guy thats incredible
BRADHey deDIKnight, just send me any daetals on an enemy he fights to my email.
You can get it from my Website link in my Sig.
I calculated the odds of this succeeding against the odds that I was doing something incredibility stupid, and went a head and did it anyways.

Brad M.
Doomed Culture Graphics

Man - you got it bro:cool: :up: - thanks again

Thats very cool of you Brad - the enemies for the first issue are on this page

The Oni & DaiOni - machinations of the japanese "Satan" character Amatsu-mikaboshi

I'll put together more details on them this week

we need more images of them from you talented dudes out there

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