Default Marvel Characters Who Would Do Better As An Animated Series?


Monkey Boy
Nov 23, 2005
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What Marvel characters would you rather see as a cartoon show? Which do you think would succeed more in animation than a live action film/series?
For example Daredevil, maybe, with his bright red costume, or maybe Ghost Rider since his last 2 films didn't go so well. What about maybe Hulk?
Pet Avengers

Yes, please! Or better yet, an animated Pet Avengers feature film. All of the characters have terrific personalities that would appeal to both kids and adults. And they fought Thanos, which gives them a tie to the human Avengers. Disney would sell so many plushies that their greedy corporate hearts would burst.
Power Pack
New Mutants

of course all based on their original incarnations
Yes, please! Or better yet, an animated Pet Avengers feature film. All of the characters have terrific personalities that would appeal to both kids and adults. And they fought Thanos, which gives them a tie to the human Avengers. Disney would sell so many plushies that their greedy corporate hearts would burst.

They would have to replace or remove Lockheed due to FOX's X-Men rights, but a film might work. I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the three projects Don Hall pitched to John Lasseter before agreeing to do Big Hero 6. I am assuming the third was Power Pack.
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Each episode or story arc takes place on a different world, using different versions of Marvel heroes. I feel like it makes so much sense. I don't understand why they haven't done it. Kids would love Morph even more than we did on the 90s X-Men show. Have Blink, Morph, and then either use the various comic book members or mix in more well-known characters to bring in more viewers. They could also make a killing on merchandise, like I'm assuming they do with Iron Man toys (because of all the various armor toys). I mean, say in season one, you have four different episodes featuring four different versions of Wolverine. That's four different toys to sell these kids.
The Punisher in a late night HBO style show.
I'd pay good money to see a Squirrel Girl MCU film, but an animated series would probably make more sense.
the Irredeemable Ant-Man story was kind of made for cartoon adaptation. Hester's art just has that look.
Runaways is another one that could be really good.
I actually think that Marvel should develop a Deadpool animated show and have it on FX. Tone wise it would be like Archer and get Nolan North to do the voice
Marvel Zombies maybe? Although I would love to see that as a movie.

Have always believed this and have yet to be convinced otherwise.
Deadpool should get a direct to dvd animated film with Nolan North voice acting.

Have always believed this and have yet to be convinced otherwise.

I have really enjoyed all three X-Men series so far. I haven't ever watched Pryde of the X-Men (not sure why, it's been around forever) or the Anime, but I have liked the others. I know a lot of people hate on Wolverine and the X-Men, but I enjoyed it.
I think a deadpool series would work great, either animated or live action.

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