well guys Ill give you a rundown of the ones I rememebr and check later to make sure I got them all (sorry cant download, my computer is ancient ( )
First I'll cover Jean's scenes for the guy who asked:
Pheonix destruction- this is just an extended scene of when she goes dark pheonix towards the end of the movie
Pheonix vs Prof x- same scene, just with inner voices playing out the conflict too, as well as physically
Pheonix demonstraits her power at the camp- she demonstraits her power at mag's camp, and nearly kills everyone with a nuclear type blast- magneto clearly has trouble controling her
Magneto asks for Jean's help- during the last battle, Magneto demans Jean to help. Jean doesnt respond. he demans again but she just replies ''you sound like him again''. magneto clearly doesnt control her.
Pheonix detects a scared young girl on the golden gate bridge
magneto tortures wolverine- we see pheonix is affected by this
pyro warns magneto that the cure has been announced (one shot with magneto clean shaven, once with beard)
x men boarding the blackboard before the last fight- wolverine debating with the younger x men if they should come or not.
iceman freezes Phat- a brief battle with iceman freezing phat before colossus shatters him with a punch
storm creates a wave- final battle, storm creates a wave to engulf the enemy then electrifys the water
extended battle at jeans house- more juggernaught/wolvie
alternate first meeting of beast and wolvie
here's juggy- alternate take of im the juggernaught *****, with a reference to the shining
beast calls trask to warn him of magnetos plans
shadowcat/bobby kiss while skating
alt. ending- rogue didnt take the cure, her and bobby embrace
alt ending'- new school year, beast returns to teach and leech arrives at the school
brief shot of leech in the lab
and another good one
alternate ending: logan returns to canda- and ends up in the same bar from the first movie, with the same bar tender (''i remember you!'' ) and orders a beer, even though its closed. tendery says ''you got caught in a bad storm'', and wolvie replies, ''yeah....i did''