Anyway, to further comment on what I was replying to SpideyInATree...
When you are explianing your position on a certain subject, it can actually be more to do with protecting your own reputation, not trying to defame someone else's. Last night, *that* is what I was more concerned with, people accusing me of being a fool, when I am not.
I'm not gonna have people dredge sh** up from the past, and accuse me of being a fool.
I am entitled to my own opinion, there is truth in what I believe, my opinion should also be respected.
Other people have strong enough character to hold their own opinion, and so do I.
I know people, and I can recognise behaviour patterns. I have been in positions where I have figured sh** out when no-one else knew what the hell was going on, and was vindicated later when the truth came to light.
And the funny and ironic thing is, I was putting all this sh** in the past, and giving this subject the benefit of the doubt that this sh** wasn't gonna continue.
And now what? This sh** is dredged up again by other people, just to make me look like a fool?
I didn't drag it up back up again, you all did, so don't ****ing try to make me out as the bad guy.
Same old bs, make me look worse than I am, and make someone else look better than what they are.
Why? Because that is what goes on around here, cause that is what suits the status quo.
I am not the type to try and turn my gf off something she likes, but I am also not the type of person who likes her thinking I am a deluded fool, when I am not, I will defend my own reputation to the hilt.