Did Batman '89 have any deleted scenes?

Mr. Socko

Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score

Found that on google. My guess is what they originally had planned then later did a reshoot of Jack showing his face then shooting Grissim.
On the Batman SE DVD, there is one deleted scene I believe. A scene of Batman rescuing a small girl during the alley confrontation...

That picture you found is probably a behind the scenes pic of Jack Palance and Jack Nicholson discussing the death scene with each other
There were quite a few deleted scenes, the Joker with Grissom, the girl in the alley, Batman fighting Bob, and there was a scene where Vicky and Batman try to hide from the Joker.
Just going by the script drafts, there was no deleted Joker/Grissom scene, and no "Hiding from the Joker" scene.

The only deleted scenes we have access to are the aforementioned "rescuing the girl" and "Exteneded Press Conference" scenes that are presented in the middle of parts 2 and 3 of the SE DVD "Shadows of the Bat" documentary.

Various behind-the-scenes footage through the years (including the SE DVD feature "On the set with Bob Kane" and the Topps cards) shows the Bob/Batman fight.

The SE DVD featurette with the deleted Robin scene is a sequence that didn't make it past the script stage. The scene still existed, even once new drafts cut Robin out, though. The DVD feature doesn't show the setup for the scene, however, it appears in the novelization. The scene originally took place right after the scene in Vicki's apartment, originally set near dusk, and after "shooting" Bruce, (Who instead deflected the bullet accidently with the utility belt inside his shoulder-bag) the Joker takes Vicki to go photograph him taking the mayor hostage. Then, as the DVD featurette shows, Bruce wears a ski-mask from Vicki's apartment and, with his belt, swoops over the Gotham rooftops after the Joker, calling Alfred, who drives by in an unmarked vehicle and throws Bruce his costume (The novel actually has his dismount from his horse and get into the back seat of Alfred's car to change), Batman then continues the pursuit in costume. The horse was acquired from a mounted policeman, who faints due to the Joker drugging all of the cops in the city with doctored coffee. The Joker gets to the 200th birthday gala and takes the mayor hostage, revealing that, instead of a statue of John T. Gotham, the dedicated statue was of the Joker. Batman appears and forces the Joker to run away in a rather exciting scene.

But after the mishap with Sean Young involving horses, the sequence was reluctantly cut from the film.
Thanks guys. I don't remember a deleted scene section in the SE though like with BF.
Batman Forever was cut a lot, 30 mins was missing from the film so stupid of WB I like the opening scene of Akham "THE BAT MUST DIE" that was in BF graphic novel tho.
Two Face said:
Batman Forever was cut a lot, 30 mins was missing from the film so stupid of WB I like the opening scene of Akham "THE BAT MUST DIE" that was in BF graphic novel tho.

There isn't thirty minutes missing from Batman Forever. There just isn't. There's fifteen at most.
I dont know why they didnt put all the deleted scenes in the SE edition...
Two Face said:
Batman Forever was cut a lot, 30 mins was missing from the film so stupid of WB I like the opening scene of Akham "THE BAT MUST DIE" that was in BF graphic novel tho.

"THE BAT MUST DIE". I loved that part. Was there a dead guard hanging from ceiling fan in that scene or am I thinking of something else?
.... the Joker takes Vicki to go photograph him taking the mayor hostage. Then, as the DVD featurette shows, Bruce wears a ski-mask from Vicki's apartment and, with his belt, swoops over the Gotham rooftops after the Joker, calling Alfred, who drives by in an unmarked vehicle and throws Bruce his costume (The novel actually has his dismount from his horse and get into the back seat of Alfred's car to change), Batman then continues the pursuit in costume. The horse was acquired from a mounted policeman, who faints due to the Joker drugging all of the cops in the city with doctored coffee. ....

But after the mishap with Sean Young involving horses, the sequence was reluctantly cut from the film.

So how would those two scenes have fit together?
When would Sean Young(Vicki Vale) have been on the horse?
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How would those two scenes have fit together?
When would Sean Young(Vicki Vale) have been on the horse?

There was actually another excised sequence during Vicki's night at Wayne Manor where Bruce and she go horseback riding on the manor grounds, obviously in the mid-day and not at night.
There was actually another excised sequence during Vicki's night at Wayne Manor where Bruce and she go horseback riding on the manor grounds, obviously in the mid-day and not at night.

Thanks, that makes sense, wow they really were establishing the horse scene.
To bad 89 Batman riding a horse through Burton's Gotham would have looked surreal.
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best part of the storyboarded batman going after Vicki was the fact that it had Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill voicing Batman and Joker for all the lines from the 'scene' from the script :awesome:


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