The Sage said:
See the beast, be the beast? WTF?
Bale saw Batman as a man driven with the intensity of a beast which why he showed a beast like tone and growl as Batman. He even explained that just little method acting thing. What's so hard to understand about that?
The Sage said:
The same critics and articles that berated Keaton when he got cast are the same ones who praised him his performance. The fact that people are still arguing and defending him is a testament to his performance. He came off as a tortured soul on a mission who gets distracted by the possibility of having a normal life. Not showing it from his perspective retained the mystery of Batman and made it even more so great as everything came together towards the end.
And that scene in Vicki Vale's place is solid gold.
But those same critics who have reviewed movies for 20 years have said Begins is the best adaptation. If you want contrete examples look at Roger Ebert. The implicit argument here is that the movie hasnt aged well and Batman Begins shows that. I didnt say it was bad movie I said 5 times it's good for what it is but its flawed and if it came out in 2006 with movies being done this well it would get slated for being too flamboyantly custom to Burton's presence. It never got the same amout of reviews that were postive as BB. I am saying that if you compare the two and analyse them then you can really B89 apart and show and see flaws. All movies have flaws and I'm telling where one film did one thing better than the other. I'm comparing not slating but you dont seem to get this. You like to argue and have a history of it.
As far as Vicki Vale's scene goes. It was corny, lotta people felt that way. But I dont have to hear it from other people to know that myself. If Joker was in there he would cap vale Barbara Gordon style. Keaton's whole "Come on you wanna get nuts" is corny as shyt to me. He caps him and he falls, what was that a BB gun? It was stupid and made Joker seem less threating. Like to me that was an opportuinty to show how evil he was. All the dude was fart and leave at the end lol wtf?
The Sage said:
Not even close to a no contest. Burton captured the atmosphere, mood, and tone of Batman. His Gotham City was great. I love that Batman Begins did a gritty portrayal and worked hard at making everything realistic, but I love how BATMAN embraced that it was also based on a fantasy character and wasn't ashamed of it.
Sure his city was great because he created his world. I said it was a great Tim Burton movie with music and over the top early 20th centurty meets goth style but when you look at it now there's so much emphasis on style and lacks the sophistaction and explination of a Nolan version. And again when you compare it loses out. You can embrace the fantasy, but when someone makes a version that captures the core spirit so authentically, real shyt wins.
The Sage said:
Great movies explore stories in-depth. Whether origins are explored or not depends on the focus of the story, and Batman's origin wasn't the focus of the story.
That's why I dont think looking back now it wasnt a great story at all, it was focused on great style that was customised Burton but I really dont think as a Batman story it covered depth and I've explained why by taking the one version that was an orgin story to one that wasnt.
The Sage said:
Did you miss this on purpose?
Nah but did you miss my counter point to that back a few posts on purpose? Begins works by showing how the fear leads to vengangce (becoming the thing he fears the most). Back in 1989 they show that like I said only the most hard core of fans would connect. Begins showed that world that may be blatant to you and me but redefines the character in a mainstream aspect by showing the journey, and little things that make him a great character. So again comparativley (which has been the basis of my case) It's just simply better to the point that comparing shows how inferior it was and looked like he didnt even care about it ( he dont even go through it on commentary on the DVD it's all style, style, jack, goth, dark etc)
The Sage said:
Emoted? That means showing emotion? Wouldn't that be a good thing?.
Batman (the character) is emoted, this (89) is understated. Not subtle understated.
The Sage said:
And Burtonites don't have to forget a f**king thing, LOL.
Of course they dont, which was my point in my last post and they come through to always remind us cause they dont wanna let go of the inferior past. You can love the movies but when you compare, lets do the analysis here and explore each one's depth you know which is better.
The Sage said:
It's just a movie? For real? You f**king serious? I didn't know that ****.
Obviously not, you dont read what people say when they answer your question or explain so I can figure you would think that...
The Sage said:
And Chris Nolan ain't Bob Kane either. But wait, wait...Bob Kane liked Batman 1989.
Of course, look how low standards were back then all he had to compare was Adam Wesr's jawn. If he was alive today of course he would liked Batman Begins more, the writers who have wrote Batman over the years too. That maybe an assumption but it's an educated assumptions because let's keep it realer than real: it was one for the fans and they loved it.
The Sage said:
Do you base your opinion on what others think like a tool or do you form your own? I agree that BB is the better written movie, but B89 is more fun to watch. It's a great Batman and Tim Burton movie, just as BB is a great Batman, and Chris Nolan movie.
So wait because I use other examples of people who feel that way I'm a tool? It's call backing up and supporting your theory. If you like Begins because it had better writing that automatically by your logic makes you a tool too. LOL! You gotta include the fact that it was emphatically praised from a peer and critical standpoint that it gives it credibility and is a strong pro for it.