Hey guys....seen hulk twice...and I noticed something (or I THINK I did..) in the opening....
During the opening flashback sequence, when banner first hulks out...I SWEAR the first time I saw it the hulks skin was GRAY. When the camera goes all POV and we can see what "Hulk" is looking at...we briefly see his arms as he swings wildly, destryoing stuff. And I swear I thought those arms were gray.
The second time I saw it, I was looking for it...and again to me they looked gray, but I couldn't be 100% sure. The lighting in the scene was very soft focus and had a bluish hue, so that alone could be enough to make green skin look gray-ish...but I'm now wondering if it was done on purpose as an "easter egg", or better yet as a set-up for Incredible Hulk 2 or 3.
Did anyone else notice this? What do you think...did they make the skin gray on purpose? Did they intentionaly light the scene to give his skin a greyish tone as a nod? Or are my eyes playing tricks?
I got to Add I'm a graphic artist, so I'm usually DEAD ON at interperating color...but it was so fast on screen it was hard to judge...but then I think that masy have been the intent.
During the opening flashback sequence, when banner first hulks out...I SWEAR the first time I saw it the hulks skin was GRAY. When the camera goes all POV and we can see what "Hulk" is looking at...we briefly see his arms as he swings wildly, destryoing stuff. And I swear I thought those arms were gray.
The second time I saw it, I was looking for it...and again to me they looked gray, but I couldn't be 100% sure. The lighting in the scene was very soft focus and had a bluish hue, so that alone could be enough to make green skin look gray-ish...but I'm now wondering if it was done on purpose as an "easter egg", or better yet as a set-up for Incredible Hulk 2 or 3.
Did anyone else notice this? What do you think...did they make the skin gray on purpose? Did they intentionaly light the scene to give his skin a greyish tone as a nod? Or are my eyes playing tricks?
I got to Add I'm a graphic artist, so I'm usually DEAD ON at interperating color...but it was so fast on screen it was hard to judge...but then I think that masy have been the intent.