different in appearence


Jun 19, 2005
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how does thanos hotu look, havet found a picture or a scan of him with the hotu, does he looks the same as he do with the ig.
Heart of the Universe, Eli.

And yeah, I've seen on the other forums on the net and they're throwing him against the Phoenix Force, so there's a guage on the power in case you were wondering. (Which I'm sure you already know what he was capable of, rewriting all realities, ect.)
That I knew what? The going on's of other Forums or the extent of the powers Thanos weilded through the HotU?
Genesis 1.0 said:
Heart of the Universe, Eli.

And yeah, I've seen on the other forums on the net and they're throwing him against the Phoenix Force, so there's a guage on the power in case you were wondering. (Which I'm sure you already know what he was capable of, rewriting all realities, ect.)
lol, I must have missed something. Wolverine is confused and Varient is smiling at me. Not cool.
I still haven't got my question answered, does his apearance change after he merge with hotu. or does he look exactly the same as with that ig-infinitie glove
btw, thanos with hotu is the strongest in all of marvel right, i mean he eradicated every single being,living tribunal, and pretty much whats left of the phoenix force, with the universe. and later recreated it
yeah, he was

but no, he didn't look any different
btw, is there more than one hotu in the multi-universes
and is it as stated here.

LT=Servant of the TOAA
HTOU=The power of the TOAA
It's easy to understand why no one could stand a chance against Thanos.
LT and other uber alles beings where stupid thinking that a collective assault could have any effect, Thanos was now God, in every sense.
How can they challenge someone that with a wave of his hand obliterated a Celestial?If Thanos wanted to, he could shut down all their powers and change them into nice white rabbits.
does this mean that the one that possesses the hotu have the power of the one above all - toaa
I know toaa sacreficed himself to provide for long term defenses for temple world.
No, that you knew what hotu stood fer.
Spend a little time in the Dragonball/Anime-forum. They got abbreviations for everything!
Who is LT? You con't go using these abbreviations without letting anyone know what your talking about, and epect that we aren't going to get tired of these topics pretty darn quick.
LT = Living Tribunal.

[edit] What I don't get is why the Living Tribunal even tried to resist Thanos. He is supposed to serve "the one above all" and when Thanos acquired the heart of the universe he became that being. In my reasoning the Living Tribunal should have then been serving Thanos.

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