Captain America

Spider-Man embodies them, too. Of course, part of the reason for that has been retconned to be his admiration for Cap.
I don't know. America is in a bad way now. That's why I think Cap is very applicable even today. I think Americans want and need a power symbol to unite behind. Something that is this opposite of the war, corruption, greed and downtrodden people that have come to symbolize America in recent years.
that symbol is Steve rogers, not captain america.
I wonder if Peter could and/or would eventually grow into a Cap-like figure of integrity and leadership if Marvel ever let him grow up.
Spider-Man embodies them, too. Of course, part of the reason for that has been retconned to be his admiration for Cap.
spidey's basically cap with powers a(and a lil head screw) when it comes to fighting

he never gives up and is always pretty much way out of his league in his fights yet he ploughs on.

It's just more exaggerated in cap so spidey is overlooked in that respect.
I wonder if Peter could and/or would eventually grow into a Cap-like figure of integrity and leadership if Marvel ever let him grow up.
He grew into a surprisingly boring father in Spider-Girl. Seriously, I get that the series is about May, but he's been almost a complete non-entity in there. Mary Jane has far more of her classic, sassy personality than Peter has of his Spider-Man personality.
I'm not big on the MC2 Universe. It's supposed to take place in the future, but everything looks to 80's and 90's. It's gross.
I like it. Average, every-day buildings and clothing haven't changed a whole lot in the last 10 or 15 years in reality. Granted, the state of electronics should probably be a lot more different, but I don't mind.
I'm talking about the costume designs and the bad mullets and pony tails.
Oh, that's just Ron Frenz's fault. They weren't so bad when Oliffe was drawing it. I really wish someone other than Frenz would take over on SG.
that symbol is Steve rogers, not captain america.
No, the symbol is Captain America. The stars, the stripes, the red, white, and blue. That's the symbol. But it's Steve that makes that symbol have a special meaning. That's how I look at it. What makes Cap so great isn't super soldier serum, martial arts training and a shield. It's Steve Rogers.
Oh, that's just Ron Frenz's fault. They weren't so bad when Oliffe was drawing it. I really wish someone other than Frenz would take over on SG.

I couldn't think of the name. Ron Frenz. He was the king for me, back in the day. His Thanos and Silver Surfer are pretty much the definitive versions of those characters, in my book. I just can't get into his current work for whatever reason, though.
I like his Thor work, but I think he's totally wrong for Spider-Girl. The book is supposed to capitalize on the fact that it feels like you're reading old-school Spider-Man stories when you read it, but that doesn't mean it has to literally look like it was drawn in the '70s or '80s. A more modern artist would do wonders for it, I think.
I think so, too. Ron Lim definitely has the definitive Thanos, as far as I'm concerned. His Surfer's up there, too. Frenz is most famous for his old-school Thor art:


As for Spider-Girl, I haven't thought that far into it. I guess someone with a cartoony style but not overbearingly so. Casey Jones did a great job on the issue he penciled, with Sean McKeever writing. Rob Haynes would be cool, too. Maybe Karl Kerschl.
Yep, that's what I did. Ron Lim is the dude who's work I used to really enjoy as a kid. Frenz did some great Thor work, I'm remembering correctly now.
Yes, he did. Always had a tendency to draw Mjolnir a bit small for my tastes, though.
I can see that, especially in the actuall hammer part. Not so much the handle. And Rob Haynes is ****ing brilliant. I love his stuff. So's Karl Kerschl, although if he's doing ongoing work, he's convinced me that there's no one better suited right now to be drawing the Flash then he is. Those few pages that he did a few months ago were fantastic. Casey Jones has done some great work in the past (I mostly remember his Quicksilver run), but I haven't seen his more recent work.
I really wish I knew what Rob Haynes is doing right now. The only major comic I remember seeing his art on was a Daredevil mini-series a few years back. I didn't even read the series, but I've been captivated by his art ever since. Few artists have such a command over dynamic lines.

Totally agree about Kerschl on the Flash. He'd be an improvement by leaps and bounds to Freddie Williams III. He's drawing a Teen Titans Year One mini-series soon, though, so I can at least enjoy his art there.

I think I saw Jones' work on something relatively recent, but I can't recall what it was now. Possibly Birds of Prey or Blue Beetle.
Oh God, do I hate FWIII's art. My dream team on Flash would be Waid and Kerschl. It's so tangible, too. Make it happen DC.

I remember that Daredevil mini; Daredevil: Ninja. That, along with an issue of the main DD series, are the only two places I've seen his art. I loved every panel, though.
Waid's not staying on the Flash for much longer, I don't think. But his co-writer, John Rogers, is the regular writer on Blue Beetle, and that book is excellent. I wouldn't mind if he took over full-time on Flash after Waid left, preferably with Kerschl at his side.

Although I mostly agree with you on Williams' art, I found myself really liking his portrayal of Iris in last week's issue. She looked almost too adorable. His Jai's not as good and his Wally downright sucks, but Iris looked great.
Be that as it may, one good depiction is not enough to win me over, unfortunately.
I wonder if Peter could and/or would eventually grow into a Cap-like figure of integrity and leadership if Marvel ever let him grow up.

They kind of are pointing more at Hawkeye for that now. I don't think Pete would want the mantle of Captain America, given that he probably would have self doubts.

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