Chapter 33:
Unlocking the door from outside in the hallway, Eddie reached back into the hallway, Eddie then grabbed his bike and placed it inside his apartment. Where he then closed the door behind him, locking the door.
Cloaked behind his heavy winter clothing, protecting him from the winter storm, Terrence looked up before his view on the sidewalk; where he caught sight of a bar, named: "Big City". Terrence then moved quicker towards the bar.
Walking into the bar was Terrence, as he took off his winter attire and set it by and on the coat-rack.
"Hey, Terry," the bartender called out to Terrence. "The usual?"
"Absolutely, but once I'm finished with some buisness," Terrence answered, as he made his way towards the washroom.
"And what do you three want?" the bartender asked the three seated on the stools.
"We'll have the best, please and thank you," one of the three answered, as the bartender turned away from them towards the bar behind him.
Pulling the washroom door open, Terrence peered over his shoulder at the three seated in-front of the bar. And, unknown to him was the fact that the three were Cletus, Marcus and Berg. Terrence then turned away in-time, before Cletus caught sight of him looking over at him, as Terrence shut the door to the washroom.
With the lamp on Eddie sat on his bed, covered in his blankets, as he leaned back on the pillows behind his head and back. As doing so, Eddie looked over a strip of pictures of him and Anne taken from before. There were multiple pictures, as each of them were making funny faces. Eddie smiled, as he then set the picture back on the table next to his lamp, which he then turned off.
Finally out of the washroom, Terrence made his way towards the bar, where he sat down on a stool; where he was now seated beside Cletus, who peered over at him, as he drank his beer. Terrence then pulled out his wallet and handed a twenty dollar bill to the bartender.
"I'll be buying a new rug with this money," the bartender joked.
"And I'll be asking for a cold one, please," Terrence responded, as he sat back in his stool. Where the bartender then turned around towards the bar.
"You should've asked for the best," Cletus replied, as he took another sip of his beer. Terrence then looked over at him, as the bartender stopped as well to look back at him.
"What kind of beer are you fellows enjoying?" Terrence asked, as Cletus pulled his beer bottle away from his lips and exhaled.
"The best," Cletus answered smoothly for the lot, as he took another quick sip. Terrence nodded in approval.
"Must be quite good then, huh?" Terrence once again asked.
"...It's ----," Cletus answered, setting the empty bottle down on the counter before him. Berg and Marcus then watched over Cletus closely.
"Here you are, Terry," the bartender said, as he set his mug of beer on the counter over a coaster with the bar's name on it.
"Terry... is that your real name?" Cletus asked curiously, as he reached into his back pocket. Terrence then slowly turned to face Cletus.
"...Name's none of nobody's buisness," Terrence answered, as he himself took a sip from his beer, which he set back down safely on the coaster.
"...I see," Cletus exchanged, as he then pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out from his back pocket. Where, unbeknownst to Terrence, a gun was seated behind Cletus' shirt, as it sat between his jeans and his belt.
"Yeah," Terrence said, unaware of what to say. As Cletus then pulled a cigarette out of the pack and placed it in-between his lips, as he then lit the cigarette with the lighter. "...You read any sign in here that says you're allowed to smoke?"
The bartender watched cautiously, as Cletus pulled the cigarette out from between his lips and exhaled a puff of smoke towards the bar.
"It's my first time, to be honest," Cletus stated, as he examined the lit cigarette. "Picked it up off of a guy I mugged earlier."
Terrence looked up at the bartender, who looked back at Terrence.
"But... of course, the guy's dead now," Cletus said in return, as the bartender slowly reached below the counter, where a shotgun sat.
"How 'bout no, pops," Marcus called, as he pulled a gun out of the back of his jeans and quickly pointed it at the bartender; where he then pulled the trigger, as the bartender flew back towards the bar, as he was hit in the chest.
Cletus and Berg then reached for their guns, as the people in the back of the bar screamed in terror. Where Terrence then quickly grabbed hold of his stool and swung it at Cletus, where Cletus then fell to his knees after the blow. Terrence then leapt over the counter, just in-time to avoid the gunfire from Berg and Marcus. Terrence then grabbed hold of the shotgun that was in the bartender's hands, as he held it firmly in his hands; in firing position.
"You better hope and pray you've found a weapon down there, ---hole," Berg called, as he stepped a foot away from the counter, holding his gun in-hand.
Terrence breathed heavily, in fear, as Cletus then stepped to his feet, checking the back of his head for blood, when it was his forehead that was bleeding.
"You're a hard-hitter, Terry," Cletus coldly complemented, as he picked his gun back up off of the floor. Marcus then turned towards the other people in the bar and yelled at them with his gun pointed at them, as they screamed in terror and headed towards the wall, like they were told. "Why don't you stand up, hero?... Huh? How 'bout it?... You could be the modern-day John McClane."
Tears begun to roll down Terrence's eyes from his fear of the situation, as he tried his best to hold them back and keep up with his concentration. Cletus awaited a response, but got nothing.
"...Fine then, do it my way," Cletus said, as he then reached over the counter and pulled the shotgun right loose from Terrence's hands, as he then threw it behind him. Where he then leapt over the counter and went to grab Terrence, who was crawling away from Cletus, but was too late. As Cletus stomped on his back repeatedly, where Terrence screamed in pain.
Finally, Cletus stopped assaulting Terrence's back. However, he then grabbed hold of Terrence's hair, where he then planted one of his feet behind Terrence's head, as Cletus begun to pull Terrence's hair upwards, as Terrence continued to scream, in pain of the situation. In the worst of situations, Cletus then pulled the hair he had hold of right out of Terrence's head, as Terrence was now bleeding heavily through the top of his head.
Lost for words and screams, Terrence gripped hold of his forehead; trying to prevent further bleeding, as Terrence himself made his way out from behind the counter. Where he was then found by both Berg and Marcus, who lifted Terrence to his feet, as they held hold of Terrence's arms; to prevent him from attacking.
"Drag him over there," Cletus ordered, as he motioned towards the front entrance of the bar.
Berg and Marcus obeyed, as they dragged Terrence's almost lifeless body towards a large window beside the bar's entrance. Cletus then knelt down beside Terrence, who was barely breathing.
"...Tell Jesus, I'll be in hell if he needs me," Cletus replied, as he then stood back up, where he then patted Berg and Marcus on their backs. The two of them then made their way on each side of Terrence, as the two then grabbed hold of one of each his arms and legs.
Leaping from rooftop to rooftop was Venom, as he then landed on a corner of one of the rooftops, where he then looked down to the streets. However, to his view, a few blocks away he could see a faint figure of a body engulfed in the light of a lightpost. Venom then made his way towards the figure.
The snow storm settled, as Venom finally made it over to the figure was Venom, as he then discovered it was actually a body. Blood clouded over the snow amongst the sidewalk, as Venom turned towards the window where the body was thrown out of. Venom then looked down at the body again, as slowly begun to realize that it was Terrence.
Then, after a noise from up the street, Venom quickly lifted his head, only to catch three others running up the street.