šŸŒŽ Discussion: Global Warming, Emission Standards, and Other Environmental Issues - Part 1

World News


I wouldn't be surprised if those environmentalist were hacked by hackers paid for by big oil.
No kids should have guns and ammo - that should be a crime for a minor. No guns, no alcohol, no voting, and more, kids do not have the capacity to handle these things responsibly.

The Washington Post - In 30 states, a child can still legally own a rifle or shotgun (2014)

No kids should be indoctrinated by the NRA, the mouthpiece lobbying group for gun manufacturers.

Putting aside the whole 'school shooter training' angle for a moment, next to nobody hunts. Nobody cares.

Decline in Hunting Threatens Conservation Funding.

The pusher of this NRA gun safety in schools legislation is this guy [Kavanaugh]:

Daily Kos - Arizona state representative wants to require parental consent for students to join LGBTQ clubs (liberal blog)

Daily Kos - Anti-trans Arizona lawmaker John Kavanagh targets bathrooms again (liberal blog)
I hope she runs for President someday. :)
We're going to keep breaking these records for a long time. :(
I get his frustration. We aren't moving fast enough. :(

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