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World News
Outstanding article from Chris Arnade on the issues with US food culture.

I was just in Europe. Aside from the oft mentioned fact that the food tastes better there -- it indeed tastes vastly better -- I'll notice that even the supermarkets are more fun. I got back here and went to a Giant, the whole thing was structured to prevent shoplifting. You can only enter or leave at certain points. There was a ton of noise at the self checkout which kept glitching, because they're obsessed with catching shoplifters. I had to call help multiple times to pay for asparagus. Asparagus! The stores I went to Europe (including previous trips) weren't obsessed with preventing shoplifting.

I brought some food back. My kids and wife noticed it tasted better. The olive oil and balsamic vinegar tasted stronger. The sweets had less sugar and more flavor. We noticed the pasta actually has a higher protein content, which is apparently due to them using a different kind of wheat or a different part of the wheat.


Arnade pointed out that the southern BBQ scene is one of the best examples of genuine US food culture. It's no surprise that Twitter opinion leaders don't mention it as much, they hate acknowledging hillbillies lol.

Girls starting school early could boost fertility rate: [South Korea] state-backed agency report​

Report suggests policy measures to help enhance sexual attractiveness​

This is like the worst / creepiest reason to do ‘redshirting’ (boys and girls of the same age shouldn’t be in the same school grades because girls develop earlier than boys - which is believed to be a reason why boys fall behind girls in academic achievement.)
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Are you?

It’s like a copy/paste refrain for case exhibit 1000.

Capitalists never stop exploiting children for personal gain.

I just get tired of having to explain or having others have to explain that minors aren’t equipped to fend off internet grifters and other forms of exploitation.


It’s like a copy/paste refrain for case exhibit 1000.

I just get tired of having to explain or having others have to explain that minors aren’t equipped to fend off internet grifters and other forms of exploitation.

Thank you for explaining !

Survey Reveals Where Women Across the Country Have the Highest Dating Standards

Apparently, today’s dating scene demands men to come equipped with the trifecta: six feet tall, six-pack abs, and six-figure salaries. And if you’re packing an Ivy League degree, a trust fund, and a summer house, you might just be the Prince Charming dreamed of by ambitious single women.

We surveyed 3,000 single women (18-35) to find out where standards are highest and lowest across the country when it comes to dating. The survey’s findings have real-world implications — with policymakers losing sleep over dwindling populations and their economic repercussions, the science of singles matching has never been more crucial and is a topic of national importance.
The survey asked respondents whether they would consider dating men earning less than six figures or those (according to the eye of the beholder) deemed below average in terms of attractiveness. On average, 17% of women nationwide said they would not entertain such prospects.

Notably, the survey revealed significant regional variations. In New York, home to the financial hub of Wall Street, a whopping 41% of women here will only date guys with huge salaries and model (or part-time model) looks.

Conversely, in Alaska, just 5% of women hold such high standards, indicating a more inclusive approach to potential partners.


Texas women have among the highest dating standards, survey says​

According to DatingNews.com, 17% of women nationwide said they wouldn't consider dating men earning less than six figures or deemed "below average in terms of attractiveness."

The survey found that 86% of women would prefer to date a man who rents rather than owns a home. But note that this could be misleading, considering the high cost of renting in cities like New York, which often involves having a significant income.

Only 59% of women said they would date a man who doesn’t own a car while 64% said they wouldn't date a man if he still lived with his parents.

On the flip side, 80% of women are open to dating a man without a college degree and 85% would consider someone in a "non-traditional job.”

The survey also shows 85% of women wouldn’t mind if their partner never traveled beyond their home state.

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Apparently, today’s dating scene demands men to come equipped with the trifecta: six feet tall, six-pack abs, and six-figure salaries. And if you’re packing an Ivy League degree, a trust fund, and a summer house, you might just be the Prince Charming dreamed of by ambitious single women.

I think that this is quite the exaggeration, that said, I was a single man for a very long time, it was very difficult for me to find a good long-term relationship [a lot of which was my fault], so I understand the frustration and the need to vent. There's also a lot of bad advice out there from grifters like Aziz Ansari, Jordan Peterson, Dr. Nerdlove, and Real Social Dynamics. It was infuriating to read all of the garbage that people were spouting with such confidence.

According to DatingNews.com, 17% of women nationwide said they wouldn't consider dating men earning less than six figures or deemed "below average in terms of attractiveness."

The survey found that 86% of women would prefer to date a man who rents rather than owns a home. But note that this could be misleading, considering the high cost of renting in cities like New York, which often involves having a significant income.

Only 59% of women said they would date a man who doesn’t own a car while 64% said they wouldn't date a man if he still lived with his parents.

On the flip side, 80% of women are open to dating a man without a college degree and 85% would consider someone in a "non-traditional job.”

The survey also shows 85% of women wouldn’t mind if their partner never traveled beyond their home state.

I'm not sure if much can be discerned from these trends. Even if we assume the numbers are reliable, there's a huge amount of variation in what people have to offer and what people want. I also think that in dating, or in fact in everything, you have to do your best to pay attention to what people do, not what people say.

By the way, what counts as a "non-traditional job"?
Apparently, today’s dating scene demands men to come equipped with the trifecta: six feet tall, six-pack abs, and six-figure salaries. And if you’re packing an Ivy League degree, a trust fund, and a summer house, you might just be the Prince Charming dreamed of by ambitious single women.

I think that this is quite the exaggeration, that said, I was a single man for a very long time, it was very difficult for me to find a good long-term relationship [a lot of which was my fault], so I understand the frustration and the need to vent. There's also a lot of bad advice out there from grifters like Aziz Ansari, Jordan Peterson, Dr. Nerdlove, and Real Social Dynamics. It was infuriating to read all of the garbage that people were spouting with such confidence.

Despite the 'redpill' content creators and their female equivalents like the 'Sprinkle Sprinkle Lady', their data shows it's still a minority of single young women that wants a six figure income and above-average in looks man, though it's closer to 50/50 in New York and to a lesser extent California, two of the higher income and most expensive cost-of-living states of them all.

By the way, what counts as a "non-traditional job"?

On a more positive note, the survey found that 80% of women are open to dating a man without a college degree, and 85% would consider someone in a non-traditional job, such as an artist or gig economy worker.

Ultimately people can have whatever preferences they want though the more boxes and hoops they introduce the less % of people can ever match them. And 'settling' for most will have to become an eventuality else they remain single.
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Monday called on Congress to require a tobacco-style warning for visitors to social media platforms.

In an op-ed published in The New York Times, Murthy said the mental health crisis among young people is an urgent problem, with social media “an important contributor.”

He said his vision of the warning includes language that would alert users to the potential mental health harms of the websites and apps.

"A surgeon general’s warning label, which requires congressional action, would regularly remind parents and adolescents that social media has not been proved safe," he wrote.

Vivek Murthy said:
Legislation from Congress should shield young people from online harassment, abuse and exploitation and from exposure to extreme violence and sexual content that too often appears in algorithm-driven feeds. The measures should prevent platforms from collecting sensitive data from children and should restrict the use of features like push notifications, autoplay and infinite scroll, which prey on developing brains and contribute to excessive use.

Additionally, companies must be required to share all of their data on health effects with independent scientists and the public — currently they do not — and allow independent safety audits. While the platforms claim they are making their products safer, Americans need more than words. We need proof.
Ultimately people can have whatever preferences they want though the more boxes and hoops they introduce the less % of people can ever match them. And 'settling' for most will have to become an eventuality else they remain single.

People put up walls and rules and other obstacles when getting to know new people, and it's too bad we're raised that way because we all need companionship.

In July, Virginia will become 1st state in the South to end child marriage​

Virginia is the 12th state to completely ban child marriage. There are 38 states that still allow legal exceptions, like parental consent or legal emancipation.
I bet they're all Red States, right?
Associated Press - Census shows US is diversifying, white population shrinking (August 2021)
In addition, there is now no majority racial or ethnic group for people younger than 18, as the share of non-Hispanic whites in the age group dropped from 53.5% to 47.3% over the decade.

NPR - The 2020 census had big undercounts of Black people, Latinos and Native Americans

NY Times - 2020 Census Undercounted Hispanic, Black and Native American Residents

The Census Bureau said the overall population total of 323 million was accurate but counts of minorities were skewed. Advocacy groups promised to go to court.

That means that 57.8% non-Hispanic white percentage nationally was overcounted for 2020 and it was lower that year (and even lower now).


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