X3 Forum Debate Of The Week!

I have a topic..

Everyone and their Mama kept talking about how Brett kept X3 "in the same universe" as Bryan's films. How he respected the tone of the first two movies. Do you believe this to be true or not, as I know most fans (Including myself) feel that Brett's film feels like it is set in an entirely new world.

You got dibs on next Monday JP. Please make a thread and I'll sticky it. Thanks.

Keep 'em coming guys...we're gonna get to all of them in time, but I'm trying to mix it up subjectwise.
I said one possible issue in the first page, I think.

Was "The cure", if you would like to make it as a future debate.

Was the plot used well? What could have been done? What was poor and needed more development? Any scene that would have been great, emotional, sad, powerfull...?
I said one possible issue in the first page, I think.

Was "The cure", if you would like to make it as a future debate.

Was the plot used well? What could have been done? What was poor and needed more development? Any scene that would have been great, emotional, sad, powerfull...?

Go ahead and take debate #7 Angamb. Make a thread for it and I will stick it later. Thanks.
I got one:

The X-men AS A TEAM. Did it work? Were the correct characters fit to be in the team? What do/did they offer? Which characters should the team had been consisted of?
I got one:

The X-men AS A TEAM. Did it work? Were the correct characters fit to be in the team? What do/did they offer? Who should have been put on the team?

I like that ideas good one Javon!
I got one:

The X-men AS A TEAM. Did it work? Were the correct characters fit to be in the team? What do/did they offer? Which characters should the team had been consisted of?

Great Idea!!
I got one:

The X-men AS A TEAM. Did it work? Were the correct characters fit to be in the team? What do/did they offer? Which characters should the team had been consisted of?

You're up this week Javon. Thanks.
BMM said:
Realism and the X-Men: How much is too much? What works and what doesn’t? Suggestions for the future?

You're up to represent this week! Thanks!
in relation to X-Men the last stand (which i just watched) i have to say that up till Xavier is killed that i loved the film. however what takes place after it make me so angry, i mean the lack of the phoenix storyline is in my oppinion which kills this film. i mean if the story had still be focused on both the cure and Jeans story i feel the film could have been much better. Additionaly i feel angel was a wasted character as were Rouge and Cyclops but for me personaly i dont mind Cyclops choping it near the begining.

However because Cyclops, Mystique and

Xavier all bite the dust the film should have then foucsed more on the younger x-men and could have developed Angel alot more, well thats my oppinion

sorry about the posting
Here's my suggestions for topics:

1.Could Colossus have a greater role in the movieverse? Did we get the best we could get in the limited time and scope of three movies? How might it be improved in any future films.

2. Brett Ratner famously said: "But I did stay very true not only to the first two movies but to the comic books." Discuss this statement. And discuss how close the previous two movies were to the comicbooks. And also how important closeness to the comicbooks really is in X3 and in other superhero movies.
Here's my suggestions for topics:

2. Brett Ratner famously said: "But I did stay very true not only to the first two movies but to the comic books." Discuss this statement. And discuss how close the previous two movies were to the comicbooks. And also how important closeness to the comicbooks really is in X3 and in other superhero movies.

well this is a lie i mean brett did take parts of the comic stories but completly riped tham appart, i wish they had left the dark phoenix story alone ... i'm so upset :csad:
Go ahead and take debate #7 Angamb. Make a thread for it and I will stick it later. Thanks.

Oh, I never saw this, hahaha. Sorry. I only entered in each debate of the week, but never here.

When you want this debate, or when do you think I could create it, send me a PM, if you can, and I'll do it.

See you.
Here's my suggestions for topics:

1.Could Colossus have a greater role in the movieverse? Did we get the best we could get in the limited time and scope of three movies? How might it be improved in any future films.

Please proceed with the above X-Maniac. Thank you.
Rogue! Boo!!1!

What's the matter with her?
We all know that Rogue's role was supposed to be a little longer in X-Men: The Last Stand. early script leaks showed she had "one of the most dynamic roles of the movie, once again". She would visit Brotherhood meetings, etc.

But as we all also know, Anna Paquin wasn't available, and was the last actress to sign up, clearly being in doubt of participating or not.
Was Paquin's "busy" schedule responsible for Rogue literally sucking in this movie? Was it the screenwriters fault, since the scenes she was in were terribly short and she took the cure? Was it yet another case of irresponsibilty concerning characters not called Wolverine?

I predict this should be a polemic subject, considering the love/hate reaction from X-men fans when it comes to movie/comic Rogue...
Although the Storm one wasn't as polemic as I thought it would be...
I would preffer other theme for a next debate, something more about script, a plot or other thing, but I like Rogue and would give my opinions pleased.

When the new debate then?
i think rogue accepting the cure was abit of a cliffhanger . i thought xmen 3 was open ended as well with magneto seeming to regain some of his powers .
Here's my suggestions for topics:

1.Could Colossus have a greater role in the movieverse? Did we get the best we could get in the limited time and scope of three movies? How might it be improved in any future films.

2. Brett Ratner famously said: "But I did stay very true not only to the first two movies but to the comic books." Discuss this statement. And discuss how close the previous two movies were to the comicbooks. And also how important closeness to the comicbooks really is in X3 and in other superhero movies.

1. although colossus was somewhat a minor character , i think he got an apt amount of screentime. i think they did well with most of the side characters and we got the fastball special , so im not too dissapointed , i would like to see more of him in future films . like iceman his role could expand .
2.i think ratner did a good job of staying true to the previous two , but his devotion to the comic book is ultimately tainted with the killing of cyclops character.
Are we ever gonna have a new debate of the week?

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