Do you like being on top or bottom?


Staff member
Feb 15, 2001
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For me, I go for the bottom bunk if possible. Mainly because if the top bunk is close the ceiling, I'll start feeling like I'm gonna suffocate, and I can't sleep.

Top, baby, because if I drink too much Guinness and pass out I want somewhere for the piss to drain off to. :up:

Bottom, because I'm lazy, and it's easier to shank your cell mate from below.
It's also a hassle to wake up, and realize you have to climb down something to get the day started. Ugh.
I prefer the top, but I do enjoy watching a woman on top as well.
most misleading thread title evah
I prefere to be underneath - nothing beats the girl climbing on top
I thought this thread was about sex... :cmad:
Bottom, though I adjust the mattress so it'll be as low as possible
Bottom, I fell of the top bunk once. :down
I've fallen off the top bunk and I had the top bunk fall onto me.
What to do, what to do. :csad:
When I was little, me and my little sister shared the bottom bunk. Then when my older sister was going through her rebellious phase, my younger sister took the top. Bottom for me!
Top, because when someone's ontop if I'm on the bottom I always get that feeling it'll come down crushing me. So I'd rather crush them.
is normal bed an option? i have a fear of bunks:csad:

A close friend of mine slept on the bottom and stacked things on the top... it all fell down, while he was sleeping! He wasn't seriously injured, but I don't think i'll sleep in one ever again.
A close friend of mine slept on the bottom and stacked things on the top... it all fell down, while he was sleeping! He wasn't seriously injured, but I don't think i'll sleep in one ever again.

and thats why i fear them
Top. If I sleep on the bottom bunk on my bed, I'll crack my head open hitting the boards that support the upper bed. Also, I keep all my junk on the bottom bed.
Bottom. I hit my head on the ceiling once... plus there's that pesky ladder.
I had the bottom bunk my freshman year of college. It was generally pretty good, and I dated a girl who had a top bunk once. Getting in the bed was a hassle.
Bottom, because you can always rig the latter so that your cell mate hurts him/herself trying to get into/out of their bed.
Top, because, if the thing collapses, I'd really rather not be the one to take the blow. :wow:

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