Do you think Super Villains will take advantage of this Civil War?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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Do you think Super Villains will take advantage of this Civil War? Which ones in particular?
if they were smart yes...but no one took advantage of the weak Avenger team so I dont think so
Of course they will.

It's already been said that Norman Osborn will take advantage of the situation.
That's a relief. It'd pretty much be a deal-breaker for the whole event if they didn't. I'd never be able to respect the Marvel villains as credible threats ever again.
do you have a link because everything I have read said there wouldnt be any villians in it
Well, it depends on how it goes down. I mean, it's not like there's going to be chaos in the streets. And really, I'd think that the villains would be just as devided on the issue as the heroes. Some of the more career criminal types would feel that the heroes being government sponsored woul only make things worse for them, and the types like Nefaria and Fisk who see themselves as above the law would probably feel it was best that the government reighn in America's growing problem with vigilante activity.
Nah. They'll be too busy being shot by punisher
The Question said:
Well, it depends on how it goes down. I mean, it's not like there's going to be chaos in the streets. And really, I'd think that the villains would be just as devided on the issue as the heroes. Some of the more career criminal types would feel that the heroes being government sponsored woul only make things worse for them, and the types like Nefaria and Fisk who see themselves as above the law would probably feel it was best that the government reighn in America's growing problem with vigilante activity.
Regardless of how they feel about the issue, heroes fighting heroes means it's the perfect time to set whatever schemes they had planned in motion. If your enemies are all fighting each other, you'd have to be a moron not to take advantage of it.
They are supposed to go over the Villians role in the Civil War in that Frontline mini. Or at least Osborne's anyway.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Regardless of how they feel about the issue, heroes fighting heroes means it's the perfect time to set whatever schemes they had planned in motion. If your enemies are all fighting each other, you'd have to be a moron not to take advantage of it.

True. But that also depends on how physical the conrontation ends up. If it results in the government sponsored superhumans hunting down the vigilantes, then yes, it would make sense that the criminals take advantage of the situation.
They haven't been doing anything for the past few years, why start now?
Because DC did it during IC of course.
Man. You guys remember when DC yoused to copy Marvel? Times sure have changed.
Purple Man said:
Of course they will.

It's already been said that Norman Osborn will take advantage of the situation.

It makes sense..I wonder what misery is in store for Spider-man this time? :(
Purple Man said:
Of course they will.

It's already been said that Norman Osborn will take advantage of the situation.

Osborn will take advantage of any thing. :o
Norman.... friggin' Osborn... ARGH!

He hasn't shown up in what? A year and I'm STILL sick of the bastard!
Cyclops said:
Norman.... friggin' Osborn... ARGH!

He hasn't shown up in what? A year and I'm STILL sick of the bastard!


I'm entirely sick of his mastermind stuff.It's so stale that it's got mould on it.Sins Past was the icing on the cake for this guy.

Anyways the Chameleon,and a yet unknown group of super villains he forms,take advantage of civil war to mount an assault against Spider-Man.
Personally, I think they should kill off Osborn and let someone else play the part of the criminal mastermind. Maybe the Vulture.
He'd just come back in a few years. If a 20-something-year death couldn't keep him down, nothing will.
Doc Ock said:
Anyways the Chameleon,and a yet unknown group of super villains he forms,take advantage of civil war to mount an assault against Spider-Man.
Has anyone else been praying that his "unknown group of supervillains" will turn out to be the Sinister Six? Seriously, they haven't been together since what, the early '90s? I'd love to see some incarnation of them again.
If anybody should be taking advantage of this it should be a new Masters of Evil.
Bendis said he had one planned for the New Avengers. Knowing his pacing, though, they'll probably show up in another 5 years.
I'm not sick of Osborn. I'm sick of Osborn haters. There are far more exposed villains and this guy always gets ****. Lex Luthor, Magneto, The Joker, etc, they're in some comic every damn month. Why ***** about Osborn? Just because some untalented writers use him as their way out of a hard story? Hell, as of late, Doc Ock has been far, far, far more exposed. And Spidey's got other genius level villains they could use. ***** at the writers, not at the characters.
I say that Dr.Octopus and Green Goblin need to be brought back to their former glory.

Those two villains have been ridiculous as of late. Save for Norman in Millars Spider-Man story.
TheCorpulent1 said:
He'd just come back in a few years. If a 20-something-year death couldn't keep him down, nothing will.

Has anyone else been praying that his "unknown group of supervillains" will turn out to be the Sinister Six? Seriously, they haven't been together since what, the early '90s? I'd love to see some incarnation of them again.

That's incorrect there was a lame Sinister Six story in 2000 (Electro, Vulture, Mysterio II, Sandman, Kraven II and uh, Venom) fighting Doc Ock and lameo villain Senator ward.

In MK Spider-Man Green Goblin formed the Sinister Twelve (Green Goblin, Scorpion/Venom III, Sandman, Electro, Vulture, Tombstone, Shocker, Hydro-Man, Chameleon, Lizard, Boomerang and Hammerhead) to ambush Spider-Man.

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