When was the last time he appeared?MyPokerShirt said:less than that, isnt it?
ShadowBoxing said:And taking steroids apparently.
He was buff in SM:TAS, and he has been drawn buff before in various places...but nothing like Bane Buff as we see there.PWN3R RANGER said:Seriously, he is HUGE.
I wonder if we'll see him in the Civil War mini itself. I'd love to see McNiven's take on buff Ock.
Ben Urich said:What the ****?
MyPokerShirt said:i think ur lookin too closely tbh. does it matter? he went all matrix last time i saw him..
MyPokerShirt said:lol. i know he's huge, just saying - y does it matter?
I don't mind the idea. After being portly for years, he'd have good reason to work out. Plus, its a good way of venting frustration towards an enemy; just ask Eddie Brock (when he was depicted as an Olympic-class weightlifter, and before he became a cancer-ridden suicide case).PWN3R RANGER said:Wow, someone has been working out!
I assumed it was Vulture because Puppet Master is a F4 villian, who appropriately showed up in FANTASTIC FOUR. Spider-man villians tend to show up in his own title. I use logic like that, not to say that Marvel can be equally illogical. "Xorn is Magneto pretending to be Xorn pretending to be Magneto, cloned by Stryfe to the 10th power, carry the one", indeed.GNR4Life said:I think he fought Goblin last time we saw him.
Is the bald dude at the bottom of that page supposed to be Puppet Master or Vulture?
I assumed it was Puppet Master since him and Mad Thinker are up to no good.