ML Doc Ock Tentacles


May 22, 2002
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Does anyone have the tentacles from the Marvel Legends (series 8 I think) Doc Ock that they'd be willing to part with for a fair price?
Then I would just have a fat guy.

I'd prolly be willing to part with the tentys from the Sinister Six Box Set Ock.
thats an odd request.. I have the spiderman classics Doc ock tentacles...
Leave it to me to throw out the odd requests, right? I'm working on a custom and the plastic, hinged tentacles are the only thing I've been able to find that would work. I've thought about using a wooden dowel and kinda... k'nex the hinges, but I'm afraid the wood would snap too easily.
yes, as in "fat" big. it's one of the reasons the SMC ones won't work either. The other is that I really need those hinges.
You're working on a Machine Man custom, aren't you?
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Use him from Nextwave.

I love that guy.
Dammit people! I want it to be a surprise! Stop guessing and start with the helping!!! :doom:
Flash-er said:
Leave it to me to throw out the odd requests, right? I'm working on a custom and the plastic, hinged tentacles are the only thing I've been able to find that would work. I've thought about using a wooden dowel and kinda... k'nex the hinges, but I'm afraid the wood would snap too easily.

The Doc Ock that was actually released in ML8 had bendy tentacles. The one shown at Toy Fare had the tentacles that you speak of....but the final one didn't have them. sou you may be SOL.
I, having said ML8 Doc Ock, must agree with ROughneck. The ML8 Ock most definitely does not have hinged tentacles.

Sorry bro, but thats the facts.
Damn straight. Hinged tentacles would've sucked hard
Go spend money in a strip club while in a drunken daze and wake up in a puddle of garbage with no cash and many WM wave figs everywhere that will sell out before you have a chance to get money to buy them.

Aw crap. You're all right, I'm screwed. C'est la vie. I guess it's time to go to plan B.
what would plan b be? heheheh bebe
i bet a ML doc ock would look sweet with the DS ock's tentacles...
I have The SMC doc ock tentacles, if you want to try using those.. You can have them

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