The Winter Soldier Does The Falcon Need A Superpower Upgrade?


Psychological Anarchist
Jan 25, 2008
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I mean, all he does is fly and control birds.

Not much of a threat to any respectable villain..
I mean, all he does is fly and control birds.

Not much of a threat to any respectable villain..
He's also a skilled martial artist and gymnast. Plus, I think they'll go more with the Ultimate version, where he's a former soldier who became an agent of SHIELD to continue his scientific research.
Nope. Black Widow and Hawkeye didn't get a superpower upgrade and they were just fine.
As long as you make his wings into some type of weapon that could help him during battle in the sky, then nope.
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my guess is that this will be based on the Ultimates version.. and so they may ignore the bird telepathy altogether..
Just give him some all purpose wings similar to Hawkeye's bow/arrows/quiver.
Flight alone is actually one hell of a "super" power, and highly underrated. He can go places that Cap can't even think about reaching. But I hope they jazz up his wings, and make them very hi tech.....they are weapons in their own right. Plus, the fx crew has the opportunity for some truly innovative and stunning aerial combat moves here.

No disrespect to poor Redwing, but count me in the camp that says bird telepathy is one of the lamest superpowers EVARRR. And just how many black falconers has anyone actually seen....? Yeah, no thanks.
Flight alone is actually one hell of a "super" power, and highly underrated. He can go places that Cap can't even think about reaching. But I hope they jazz up his wings, and make them very hi tech.....they are weapons in their own right. Plus, the fx crew has the opportunity for some truly innovative and stunning aerial combat moves here.

No disrespect to poor Redwing, but count me in the camp that says bird telepathy is one of the lamest superpowers EVARRR. And just how many black falconers has anyone actually seen....? Yeah, no thanks.
I agree. The bird telepathy thing just doesn't seem all that great.
Yeah, but Redwing could seriously claw some eyes out, so there's that to consider. :word:

As long as Falcon has the capability to fly at high speeds, coupled with his combat skills, he really doesn't need a power upgrade.
I suppose people will wonder why Steve doesn't just get Iron Man to join him on his next adventure and for that reason I could see Falcon getting a power upgrade.

But ultimately, I'm okay with him being able to fly and maybe slice things with his wings. They could just say that Iron Man doesn't want to be part of things because he has a bad experience with the military so Falcon steps in to give Steve some air intel and help him adapt to the modern world.
I don't see them doing the whole telepathy thing with birds. I can see him only 1 bird that he trained. Name it Redwing and I'm happy. :)
I don't like the "controlling birds" thing but seeing what birds see is actually kinda cool and could be a pretty important ability for spying and military strategy.
Nope. Black Widow and Hawkeye didn't get a superpower upgrade and they were just fine.

This is a fair point.

But Black Widow is made more appealing by being fanboy eye candy and Hawkeye's "power" is far more dangerous than flying around.
I don't like the "controlling birds" thing but seeing what birds see is actually kinda cool and could be a pretty important ability for spying and military strategy.

You just gave me an idea. Maybe Sam Wilson could make "Redwing" a hi-tech drone.
Have you ever had a bird crap on you? Well imagine one in the scale of Sam Wilson, that in itself would be one hell of an "offensive" weapon.
Why would he? He never had real powers.
Falcon reeks of cheese. i was REALLY hoping we wouldn't see him in the movies. But, looks like we will. I think they need to restructure his backstory and abilities a little bit.

Former Air Force Special Ops
Offered a spot with SHIELD as their aerial expect/pilot (think Rip Cord from GI Joe, something similar)
Extensive martial arts training
Received undercover Ops training through SHIELD
Specializes in aerial assault
Doesn't fly, uses technology similar to Christopher Nolan's Batman
Doesn't control birds, because that's stupid
He's essentially an aerial Hawkeye
Falcon reeks of cheese. i was REALLY hoping we wouldn't see him in the movies. But, looks like we will. I think they need to restructure his backstory and abilities a little bit.

Former Air Force Special Ops
Offered a spot with SHIELD as their aerial expect/pilot (think Rip Cord from GI Joe, something similar)
Extensive martial arts training
Received undercover Ops training through SHIELD
Specializes in aerial assault
Doesn't fly, uses technology similar to Christopher Nolan's Batman
Doesn't control birds, because that's stupid
He's essentially an aerial Hawkeye
You basically described the Ultimate version of Falcon, which is what most are thinking they'll slant towards in CA2.
cybernetic implants, hollow bones, super serum knock-off, all just fine with me.

The ability to "fly" (more like glide) via a mechanical harness, plus martial arts training, just doesnt cut it.

Even the new Bourne , a much more realistic character/story, has super-human augmentations. And I'm actually hoping theres some reference to BW's having some sort of enhancement in the next movie.

So I say yes yes yes. Nothing too radical, but something to put him on par with Cap, and make his flying more plausible.

A "super soldier experiment gone wrong" subplot would do the trick.

Flying at high speeds/altitudes without an IM-style power suit is just bat **** crazy. Even in the context of a CBM. A Hammer Industries knock-off would be better than mechanical wings and a jet pack.
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cybernetic implants, hollow bones, super serum knock-off, all just fine with me.

The ability to "fly" (more like glide) via a mechanical harness, plus martial arts training, just doesnt cut it.

Even the new Bourne , a much more realistic character/story, has super-human augmentations. And I'm actually hoping theres some reference to BW's having some sort of enhancement in the next movie.

So I say yes yes yes. Nothing too radical, but something to put him on par with Cap, and make his flying more plausible.

A "super soldier experiment gone wrong" subplot would do the trick.

Flying at high speeds/altitudes without an IM-style power suit is just bat **** crazy. Even in the context of a CBM. A Hammer Industries knock-off would be better than mechanical wings and a jet pack.

If it was a simple thing to design a Stark-style suit, then everybody would be doing it. Iron Man's technology is unique, largely due to the arc reactor tech. *That's* what separates his suits from just yer basic flying shellhead.

Weaponized mechanical wings may not be an ideal gadget, but neither is a bow with nifty arrows, nor "widow's bite" tasers mounted on your wrists. But this genre isn't about practicality or reality, it's about style. And a dude flying around like a guardian angel --- OF DEATH!!! FROM ABOVE!!!!! :cmad: --- is definitely stylin'. Ya know?
This is a fair point.

But Black Widow is made more appealing by being fanboy eye candy and Hawkeye's "power" is far more dangerous than flying around.

Black Widow was more than eye candy. She was a great role model for younger female Avengers fans. Hawkeye was a bit boring tbh. He's alright but I could take him or leave him.

Falcon does more than 'just flying around'. He's sharp, able to cut through things and a superb spy. He's provided priceless intel for Steve over the years.

I agree, the talking to birds thing is dumb so they can leave that out but there's nothing wrong with Falcon as a character as long as they give himself to do! Don't just have him stand around saying 'Wow, you sure are great Steve!'
You just gave me an idea. Maybe Sam Wilson could make "Redwing" a hi-tech drone.

Drones have been controversial lately. I hope a Marvel film doesn't glorify them.

I do think Falcon beeing able to see what birds see has a more mystical element which would be pretty cool. Kind of like Odin using his ravens.
I don't like the "controlling birds" thing but seeing what birds see is actually kinda cool and could be a pretty important ability for spying and military strategy.

You just gave me an idea. Maybe Sam Wilson could make "Redwing" a hi-tech drone.

maybe not a drone, but what about a trained bird outfitted with some type of spycam that allows him to see everything the bird sees (instead of telepathic control or bond with the bird)

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