Justice League Does the release of a JLA film place Superman's franchise in harm's way?


No More Miracles
Aug 31, 2007
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With all of this uncertainty as to whether a JL film will be made in time to come out for either a 2015 or 16 release; one must wonder, IF MOS is a box office hit, would it still be in danger of getting cancelled due to a JL film?

One must wonder on what the reactions will be like if not only a Superman franchise is unjustifiably put on hold because of a JL film, but what reactions would be like if the JL bombs and thus has the potential to destroy any chances of seeing any more superman films, or other hero films, for a very, very, long time.

The only way that I see Superman's franchise being safe is if JLA is pushed back towards being release closer towards 2020.
There is no reason to think that MOS sequel will be put on hold, as WB now have full rights to Superman property, and in addition I expect MOS movie to be fairly successful (I am thinking that it will surely make around 700 mil worldwide, maybe some more..)

If some big name producer / director takes charge of JL movie project, then he may be able to convince WB that rushing the JL movie in 2015 it is not a good thing.

Even if JL goes ahead and gets released in 2015, we should still expect MOS sequel in 2016.

As far as JL damaging the Superman property,I don't think so, if anything JL will further help Superman's popularity.
JL bombing can happen but I think probability of that happening is very low.
There is no reason to think that MOS sequel will be put on hold, as WB now have full rights to Superman property, and in addition I expect MOS movie to be fairly successful (I am thinking that it will surely make around 700 mil worldwide, maybe some more..)

If some big name producer / director takes charge of JL movie project, then he may be able to convince WB that rushing the JL movie in 2015 it is not a good thing.

Even if JL goes ahead and gets released in 2015, we should still expect MOS sequel in 2016.

As far as JL damaging the Superman property,I don't think so, if anything JL will further help Superman's popularity.

I hope you're right; it's just with Superman looking at though he'll finally get the film and franchise that he deserves, it would just suck if its momentum was halted with the production of a JLA film, which is why I hope that whoever does get hired to helm it can convince the suits to slow their pace down and allow them more time to work on it while superman has his run at the BO.

In a lot of ways, the success of The Avengers was somewhat of a stab at DC since not only did they beat DC to the bunch for a big superhero ensemble film, but they've blinded those in charge of Warner Bros. with so much greed that all they can think about is trying to copy the same formula.
With all of this uncertainty as to whether a JL film will be made in time to come out for either a 2015 or 16 release; one must wonder, IF MOS is a box office hit, would it still be in danger of getting cancelled due to a JL film?

One must wonder on what the reactions will be like if not only a Superman franchise is unjustifiably put on hold because of a JL film, but what reactions would be like if the JL bombs and thus has the potential to destroy any chances of seeing any more superman films, or other hero films, for a very, very, long time.

The only way that I see Superman's franchise being safe is if JLA is pushed back towards being release closer towards 2020.

A Justice League bomb would even sink Batman for several years. People think Batman is unassailable after the Nolan trilogy, but an appearance in a John Carter/ Green Lantern level flop would damage Batman and Superman, and bury the other heroes.
A Justice League bomb would even sink Batman for several years. People think Batman is unassailable after the Nolan trilogy, but an appearance in a John Carter/ Green Lantern level flop would damage Batman and Superman, and bury the other heroes.

no it wouldn't. and even if it where a terrible movie, it would still make a **** load of money. you have superman and batman on screen for the first time together, joel shumacher could direct another bat centric turd sandwhich and it still gonna sell. batman is teflon.
ЯɘvlveR;24988797 said:
no it wouldn't. and even if it where a terrible movie, it would still make a **** load of money. you have superman and batman on screen for the first time together, joel shumacher could direct another bat centric turd sandwhich and it still gonna sell. batman is teflon.
Some of us care more about artistic and brand integrity than how much money WB makes on the film.

KangConquers is right. If JL is a failure critically, Batman and Superman will be affected negatively just by sheer association.

In terms of sequels to MOS, well just look at what the 'shared, cohesive' universe did to Iron Man 2. Basically threw out meaningful storytelling in favor of set-up for The Avengers.

Films should have something to say. TDK was about terrorism and the ethics of counter-terrorism (torture, phone hacking). MOS seems to be a very strong depiction of the ultimate sci-fi immigrant citizen of the galaxy and seems to be taking a realistic approach to what Superman on Earth would be like (military taking him, fear, hysteria). There is a point to these films. They're not just fluff.

What can JL be that isn't what The Avengers is. Something other than a story about unlikely heroes joining together to take on larger odds. It's basically just what fanboys want to see: their A-list and B-list heroes back-to-back fighting faceless baddies. The Avengers was a very enjoyable film don't get me wrong, but there wasn't anything deep or meaningful at it's core. It was all just eyecandy.
ЯɘvlveR;24988775 said:
I'm sorry but :whatever:

Right...cause having a Batman featured in a Justice League movie that underperforms won't hurt him at all.
With Zack now said to be in charge of making a film that's a part of the Star Wars universe; I fear that the JLA film will be coming out before a MOS sequel now more than ever...stupid JLA film.
Right...cause having a Batman featured in a Justice League movie that underperforms won't hurt him at all.

and i said with him, it won't.

Some of us care more about artistic and brand integrity than how much money WB makes on the film.
because when i said
"joel shumacher could direct another bat centric turd sandwhich and it still gonna sell."
i literally meant that that's what i wanted. **** having a great work of art? am i right? :whatever:

KangConquers is right. If JL is a failure critically, Batman and Superman will be affected negatively just by sheer association.
he said that it could sink batman, i took that as him meaning that it wouldn't be financially viable. and i think that's wrong.

In terms of sequels to MOS, well just look at what the 'shared, cohesive' universe did to Iron Man 2. Basically threw out meaningful storytelling in favor of set-up for The Avengers.
and that ended up completely sinking marvel, right?
ЯɘvlveR;25001737 said:
and that ended up completely sinking marvel, right?

It didn't sink Marvel at all, but it did degrade the quality of Iron Man's own solo films by forcing so much material regarding the then upcoming Avengers film.

A lot can agree that the second film doesn't hold up to the first one, which could be argued is due to the fact that the first film didn't concern itself with the concept of the MCU in terms of the presence of the other heroes/SHIELD in the way that Iron Man 2 did.

Sure it made money, but I could argue that it could have been more memorable and could have made MORE money if they had gone into it like they did with the first film; without concerning themselves about the Avengers film.
It didn't sink Marvel at all,
that's what i was getting at.
but it did degrade the quality of Iron Man's own solo films by forcing so much material regarding the then upcoming Avengers film.
1 film. singular. IM3 is one of the most highly anticipated films this year.
ЯɘvlveR;25002055 said:
that's what i was getting at.
1 film. singular. IM3 is one of the most highly anticipated films this year.

It is kind of ironic, I mean in the sense where some would say that it's because of the preparation towards leading to the Avengers that Iron Man 2 suffered, and yet in the same time, the anticipation for Iron Man 3 has been heightened due to the success of the Avengers as well since it's the first post Avengers film.
IM3 is able to stand on its two feet after IM2 because of the Avengers.Just like the Avengers reedemed hulk.Doesnt change the fact that Ironman 2 is a bad movie though.I dont want a bad MOS 2 all because of some greedy execs and fans suffering marvel jealousy
IM3 is able to stand on its two feet after IM2 because of the Avengers.Just like the Avengers reedemed hulk.Doesnt change the fact that Ironman 2 is a bad movie though.I dont want a bad MOS 2 all because of some greedy execs and fans suffering marvel jealousy
:up: Too bad we're in the minority though.
When MOS 2 will not be used as an advertisement for Justice League (as it would come after JL) how it would not stand on its own two feet ?
When MOS 2 will not be used as an advertisement for Justice League (as it would come after JL) how it would not stand on its own two feet ?
By introducing story elements that ruin MOSall because of JL.
For example MOS seems to want to explore the idea of Superman being the one and only superhuman hero in the world....that plan goes out of the window with JL.Thats just one example.So the storymakers are forced to compromise on their vison which isnt ideal.

Theres also the problem of neutering-After JL MOS cant go big with its usual world threatening villains anymore because you raise questions as to why the JL didnt hep superman...so MOS 2 now has to be careful to keep its villains lowevel which is a disadvantage.

And lastly if JL is bad-MOS 2 will have the bad stink with it.
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so you guys have seen the justice league film already? was it that terrible? i probably shouldn't go see it then.
ЯɘvlveR;25005081 said:
so you guys have seen the justice league film already? was it that terrible? i probably shouldn't go see it then.
That's the thing though. It's far too easy seeing this movie not working. It seems most people on here have some extreme faith in WB that they can successfully introduce and knock out of the park at least 5 new heroes (not to mention a villain) into a 2+ hour film. Surely you can see the risk involved. Should they even be playing at those stakes?
with all due respect, its just your imagination. very few if any want a rushed, **** product. very few have faith in wb. many thought initial that mos was going to follow in their long line of **** sandwhiches. of course, many know feel mos is going to be a very good film. I'll give you that they had nolan, and a director in snyder that when steered in the right direction can make a good film. i understand that the writer for gangster squad is the same person writing the jl script, and while some here who've seen it say its not a very good film, its still very early.

the point is, give the angel time to visit mary before we go crucifying.
People have a very wide compass of forgiveness when it comes to Superman and Batman.
ЯɘvlveR;25005839 said:
with all due respect, its just your imagination. very few if any want a rushed, **** product. very few have faith in wb. many thought initial that mos was going to follow in their long line of **** sandwhiches. of course, many know feel mos is going to be a very good film. I'll give you that they had nolan, and a director in snyder that when steered in the right direction can make a good film. i understand that the writer for gangster squad is the same person writing the jl script, and while some here who've seen it say its not a very good film, its still very early.

the point is, give the angel time to visit mary before we go crucifying.
In the end there's nothing we can do to stop it from happening. I just dread the day in 2015 or 2016 when it becomes real that the MOS films are ruined because WB got Avengers envy.

At least respect the thoughts and opinions of the people that do have very real reservations about this film. It's easy to go against the current and say let's give it a chance when you don't know how it will turn out either.

The truth is even outside of it's flawed conception nothing really bodes well for this film. Seriously what can you cite that can leave us with faith regarding this film? The one writing credit (Gangster Squad) of the JL scriptwriter is only recently getting blasted with abysmal reviews citing the script as it's biggest failure. Good directors (Nolan, Snyder, Affleck, Ridley Scott) are all quickly passing on the project. The last time WB tried to introduce a new DC property into film was Green Lantern... That was 18 months ago. What can we believe in?
At least respect the thoughts and opinions of the people that do have very real reservations about this film. It's easy to go against the current and say let's give it a chance when you don't know how it will turn out either.

how am i disrespecting you? i didn't start this dialogue. you assumed I'd be happy with a terrible film for some other reason.

The one writing credit (Gangster Squad) of the JL scriptwriter is only recently getting blasted with abysmal reviews citing the script as it's biggest failure.
i mentioned that.

The truth is even outside of it's flawed conception nothing really bodes well for this film. Seriously what can you cite that can leave us with faith regarding this film?
how about we actually see MoS first? or is that too crazy a thought to have before we go losing our religion?
ЯɘvlveR;25008677 said:
how am i disrespecting you? i didn't start this dialogue. you assumed I'd be happy with a terrible film for some other reason.
I'm sorry that got misconstrued. I didn't mean you did. I'm just speaking generally. Just be open to other people having a different opinion is what I mean. I'm not attacking you.

ЯɘvlveR;25008677 said:
how about we actually see MoS first? or is that too crazy a thought to have before we go losing our religion?
Why can't we discuss anything now? What does seeing MOS change? Either it's 'Wow that was amazing, too bad JL risks polluting it now', or 'wow that was Green Lantern 2, too bad JL has to start in a new continuity now'.

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