Wonder Woman - I'm not too sure. I think most of the girls know who she is, and most of the guys probably do. Yeah, she's definately "famous enough" to be in a JL movie, but I'm not sure she could support her own movie.
Flash - Most know who he is, but not everyone. Alot of my friends consider him "Lame."
Green Lantern - Not alot of people know who he/they are. I had a few friends over a while back playing the Justice League game for the PS2, and they all kept asking who "the green guy" was.
Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Atom, Hawkman, Black Canary, Captain Marvel and Plastic Man - None of my friends know who these guys/girls are.
no offense, but your friends sound pretty ****ing stupid. First off, they think the Flash is lame. They lost points for that, and they have no clue who The Green Lantern, Aquaman, or Captain Marvel are. Even those who have never read a comic book a day in there life know who those 3 are, yet I understand not knowing who Martain Manhunter, Atom, Hawkman, Black Canary or Plastic Man are, they're pretty low key characters which is a problem. DC needs to somehow give at least Martain Manhunter some more popularity, dude is very underrated IMO
as for Wonder Woman, yea! She can definitley hold a movie on her own. I'm actually looking foward to THAT and all of the DC movies that are at least "planned" to come out.