Doomsday Lives!


Don't. Blink.
Apr 8, 2006
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Holy crap i did not expect that in Villians United.
I wonder what happens in IC7
Screw Doomsday. There were three (COUNT 'EM, THREE!) panels with The Question in them. :o
awww... really, whatever happened to him and Huntress?
Huntress orchistraited the mob exicution of her biological father. The Question, who had up until that point been trying to steer Helena away from a life of senseless violence, gave up on her and left Gotham. I think they had sex, though. Or at least, it was implyed that they did. Not sure. Still, he needs to get back to Gotham and tap that ever so atractive Itallian ass. I mean, Vic doesn't really get much action. He's kind of a jerk, so girls don't tend to like him often. :(
its funny that a guy named The Question replies, and thanks for that.
I loved Oralcles narration leading up to that final fight.
SpeedballLives said:
I wonder what happens in IC7
Judging by the covers I'd say alot of fighting. But then again, the F4 cover had Dr. Doom LIFTING the hammer.
At first I was like "" But then I realized that this isn't just some throw away appearence, this is Infinite Crisis.

The presence of Doomsday and the rest of the villains behind him I feel was handled realistically. Simone made it feel like more than just some super powered showdown. People were going to be fighting for their lives.

I can't wait to see Infinite Crisis #7.
SpeedballLives said:
its funny that a guy named The Question replies, and thanks for that.

He lives vicariously through the character ;)
I loved the way that she narrated the Doomsday reveal, too; there were already lot of threats in the crowd that were just as dangerous as him or maybe even more dangerous -- like Sinestro or Bizarro -- but his appearance is the greatest trump card that most terrifies the heroes. He killed Superman. He's the ultimate symbol of the ultimate villain victory. When he appears in the battle, morale gets f***ed up all over the place. It was perfect, completely perfect.
well this explains the little bit in the superman tribute movie they were watchin in the park.
Spectre722 said:
well this explains the little bit in the superman tribute movie they were watchin in the park.

I just noticed that bit last night when I re-read the issue. :up: :D
i've gotta go back and look at it, i love this OYL stuff.
BrianWilly said:
I loved the way that she narrated the Doomsday reveal, too; there were already lot of threats in the crowd that were just as dangerous as him or maybe even more dangerous -- like Sinestro or Bizarro -- but his appearance is the greatest trump card that most terrifies the heroes. He killed Superman. He's the ultimate symbol of the ultimate villain victory. When he appears in the battle, morale gets f***ed up all over the place. It was perfect, completely perfect.

exactly. :up:

I was also scanning the pages to see if any of the characters muttered "we're boned." :o
I loved the setup of the whole issue, with the behind-the-scenes characters on either side facing off: Babs and Martian Manhunter on the heroes' side, Calculator and Alex Luthor on the villains'. I also liked the little panel where Alex commented "beautiful" with a tear in his eye just before Doomsday was revealed. He's totally bat**** looney now. :D
I have to say though even if I'm a villain I'm not going to be too close to Doomsday. ;)

Anyway I firmly believe that Doomsday is going to die.
Pksoze said:
I have to say though even if I'm a villain I'm not going to be too close to Doomsday. ;)

Hero or villain, the bastard's bat**** loony, and tough enough to pimp smack the entire Justice League around. Anyone with a shred of common sense is going to stay at least three time zones away from the guy.
The Question said:
Hero or villain, the bastard's bat**** loony, and tough enough to pimp smack the entire Justice League around. Anyone with a shred of common sense is going to stay at least three time zones away from the guy.

Thats probably why Alex picked Doc Psycho to be in charge of getting Doomsy.

No other psychic would even dare probably.

Its crazy that Turpin is fighting Bane who is right next to Doomsday.

Damn... Turpin is cool.
Turpin's the best. Especially in Superman: The Animated Series.
Does anyone know the entire line-up of heroes at the end right before the final confrontation. I dont know everyone but heres what I know from right to left:

DOnt know
Steel II(the daughter)
Green Arrow
Dr. Midnight
Dont Know
Black Lightning
Dont know
Black Canary
Dont Know
Dont know
DOnt Know
Metamorpho (or Shift, as if it matters)
Dont know
Dont know
Mr. Terrific

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