Dr. Strange abducted and replaced NA: I #5?


Nov 25, 2002
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Is Dr. Strange a Skrull now? I think so. He was taken just after the skurll broke free of the crimson bands, the panel where his face is distorted.
Also I find the cover disturbing, strange is the largest hero on the cover and he's looking straight at the reader.

It would make sense also to have Strange as a skurll, so he could spy on the new avengers, since they were the ones to discover the invasion.
Could be. Let's try to keep the Illuminati/Skrull/Secret Invasion stuff to the appropriate threads instead of starting new ones, cool?
I do love all this speculation stuff. It's good comics.:up:
It's cool until the comics actually come out. Then it's just disappointment. :(
The mark of the Bendis. AMAZING ideas, set up that takes forever and anti-climax payoffs.
The mark of the Bendis. AMAZING ideas, set up that takes forever and anti-climax payoffs.

Don't forget the page after page of "Ultra-realistic, this is the way people really talk" dialogue. That's my favorite.
...that was only Dr. Stranges astral form...
Yeah, I don't recall the comic perfectly, but I'm pretty sure Strange was only physically there near the end of the issue. Before then, he was just there in his astral form.

What's the world coming to when freaking Bendis knows that Strange can cast spells in his astral form and Greg Pak doesn't?
If he was a Skrull, why would he have teleported the others away right before Iron Man nuked everything....he would have just let them die.
If he was a Skrull, why would he have teleported the others away right before Iron Man nuked everything....he would have just let them die.

Guess some folks just like the pretty pictures, and not those annoying white circles filled with letters.:huh:
If he was a Skrull, why would he have teleported the others away right before Iron Man nuked everything....he would have just let them die.

too fool them and earn his trust duh!

by the way issue 3 of NA:I was perfectly written, I don't know if was brain Reeds writing that balanced bendis 's or what but it was a very good read.(im trying to catch up on the Illumnatti stuff)

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