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DTL Season 4-Week 4 (Set 2)


Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of four threads, each containing two match ups.
The threads will be in use for 6 days.
Days 1-4 (Thursday-Sunday) are strictly setup time for owners to plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help from you, the fan.

When Day 5 (Monday) rolls around, I’ll post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Only after doing so will voting start. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count.
To vote, look over the matchups and read the owners strategies and take them into consideration. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match up and post up the teams you think will prevail.
(Note: The length of a writeup is up to the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, give each writeup a score out of 10, with the team you feel winning the match earning the higher score. No tie votes are allowed, one team must get a higher score, even if only by a single vote.

Remember, to vote for each match up or your vote will not count!

The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 6th day (Tuesday) will get a W while the other will get an L.

The battleground for this week is: Cable's island paradise of Providence

Justice Society
Black Panther(MR)
Black Canary II(DR) (F)
Wolverine (MR)


Chaos & Order
Proctor (MR)
Fate (Jared Stevens) (DR)
Scarlet Spider (MR)
Deadline (DR)
Jaine Cutter (MR)

The Underdogs
Green Arrow (DR)
Blue Beetle (DR)
Booster Gold (DR)
Captain America (Avengers Forever) (MR)
Hawkeye (MR)


The Incorrigible Punkasses
Ambrose Chase (DR)
Girl 13 (DR)
Silent Majority (DR)
Black Knight (Dane Whitman) (DR)
Libra (MR)

Jaine Cutter, Fate (Jared Stevens), Scarlet Spider, Deadline, Proctor

Deadline is behind the counter in a restaurant digging through a refrigerator. That's when he hears the door open behind him so hard it slams in the wall. Deadline stands up to see someone he's never seen before.

DL: "Hey, you must be a new teammate. Wanna beer? Finally found some on this floating island."

The stranger stomps up to Deadline, fury across his face. "Just who the f...yeah, I'll take one." The man grabs a bottle, pops the top with a large gold knife, and drains half the bottle in one try. "Damn, that hits the spot." The man sits down and props his legs up on a table. "Now, to finish my question: ...uck are you?"

DL: Sits down at the bar and takes a big swig of brew himself. "Name's Deadline. Professional assassign."

The man takes another sip as he spins his knife in his hand. "Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service."

DL: "I like it. Where'd you hear that?"

The man just shrugs. "Movie I saw once. It was alright."

DL: "I think I saw that too. With the old Korean..."

"That's the one," the man nods, lifting his beer in a salute and finishing it off. "Anymore of this stuff around."

DL: "Couple of cases back there," Dedline says as he drains his bottle dry.

"Nice. Want another?" the man says as he gets up, puts his knife away, and opens the refridgerator.

DL: "Sure. Keep 'em coming." Deadline catches a beer that's tossed to him. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Not sure if I want to say. Everytime I do I seem to get in trouble."

DL: "Try me."

The man shrugs. "Ok. Name's Jared Stevens."

DL: Shrugs as his he drinks. "Doesn't mean a thing to me."

"Some folks call me Fate."

DL: Spits his the beer in his mouth all over the wall. "FATE?!?"

Fate: "****! I knew it." He takes out his knife. "Bet you wanna start somethin'."

DL: "Hell no, man! I'm just wondering what happened to you since the last match. Where's you helment, and fancy cape, and everything?"

Fate: "Listen man, I don't know what you're talkin' about, who the hell you are, or what's goin' on here. Hell, I don't even know where here is! And I ain't the Fate your thinking about. That guy's dead and I got screwed with his stuff."

Fate goes on to describe everything that happened to him. A few beers later, Deadline tells him all about the tournaments that Chaos & Order has been participating in. That's when another person, following the sounds of laughter and raunchy jokes, and the smell of booze, bursts into the room.

Cutter: "Where the ****'s the beer?!?" she demands.

DL: Almost falls out of his chair as he tries to stand up. "JAINE!" He goes to grab her and she punches him in the jaw, knocking him down. "Beer! Where? Now!"

Fate: "I like you," he says, tossing her a bottle.

Cutter: Grabs the beer from the air. She downs the whole bottle and wipes her mouth. "I'll like you too if you've got anymore of that."

Fate: Tosses her another. "I think I'm in love."

DL: "Hey," Deadline says, trying to stand, but just staggering, "she's with me."

Cutter: "Meh, I'll just go through both of you."

Fate: "Now I know I'm in love." That's when they hear a crash in the distance and take off running. Well, Jaine runs, Jared and Deadline just bounce off the walls as they try to run.

The three run into a large storage room, and Jaine ducks just as Proctor flies over her head and smashes into the wall. "I'll rip you ****ing head off!" another voice shouts. Proctor teleports just as Ben Reily's knee smashes into the part of the wall his head had been against.

Scarlet: "****ing bastard! You didn't have to kill him!"

Proctor: "Are we still talking about this. That is in the past. We should focus on the battle ahead."

Scarlet: "When I rip your head off, the rest of us will do just that." Ben leaps, but twin blasts from Proctor's eyes smash into Ben's chest, sending him back to the wall. Ben flips and lands on his hands and feet, and sticks.

Fate: "This is our team?"

Cutter: "Guess so."

Fate: "Dandy. Hey morons, might not have noticed, but we've got **** to do. So chill the **** out! Anybody want some beers?"

Scarlet: Ben pants heavily, but the logic of the situation reaches past his anger. "Yeah, you're right. And I could use one."

Back in the resturant, the teams calms down and gets down a couple of bottles, all except Proctor who sits impatiently.

Proctor: "Why are we so underpowered. Where is the Lantern, where is the real Fate?"

Fate: "Thanks."

Scarlet: "He actually makes a good point, for a change. How can the five of us fight the other team without some real powerhouses?"

Fate: "Meh, they don't look so tough." The others just look at Fate with questions on their faces. "What?"

Deadline: "Who doesn't look so tough?"

Fate: "Those guys standing over there." Everyone jumps up, but don't see anyone.

Cutter: "What the **** are you talkin' about," she asks as she puts her Second Skin away.

Fate: "Cool trick," Fate comments. He takes a swig. "You don't see those five standin' there?" They shake there heads. "Damn eye."

Cutter: "What?"

Fate: Points to his marked eye. "My damn eye, I can see everybodys fate except my own."

Scarlet: "So you know what's going to happen to us?"

Fate: "Not really. Don't see that right now. But I see who we're going to fight...and for some reason, their names too. That's even weird for me."

Fate describes their opponents, and the team realizes that both sides are underpowered for this fight. Discussion and drinking continues until everyone except Proctor passes out. Proctor leaves the room, shaking his head, not looking forward to the next day fighting alongside this new team...

Scarlet: "You sure you want to do this?"

Fate: "Sittin' down with my feet propped up, drinkin' a beer? Yeah, I can manage that."

DL: "I sort of think he meant the part about being a sitting duck, sitting out in the open garden and all that."

Fate: "Feels like I been a target my whole life. Ain't gonna start botherin' me now."

Proctor: "You're mentally unbalanced."

Fate: "You should talk." He takes another long swig. "You guys better get out there."

Scarlet: "Listen this plan..."

Fate: "Would you just go! We don't have time for any bull." They start to leave. "You just watch your end out there," he says to the spider.

Scarlet: Nods his head. "Thanks, I will." Ben turns, then turns back. "You saw something about me with that eye of yours, didn't you?"

Fate: "...maybe." Even under the mask, Jared could see Ben gulp. "Like I said, watch your ass."

Cutter: The group starts to leave when Jaine turns around. "There better be some beer when I get back."

Fate: "No promises."

Cutter: "I'll cut off your balls if it's all gone."

Fate: "I'll leave a case stashed in the fridge."

Cutter: "Two," she says with a smile, and runs off.

DL: "Just remember, she's my girl."

Fate: "No promises," Fate says, giving a toast with his bottle.

Battle: Part I

Fate calmly sits in his chair, enjoying the indoor garden as sunlight pours in from the small dome above. That's when he hears it. "I could smell you a mile away. Got anymore brews on you, bub?" Fate can't see where the voice is comming from, but it doesn't really matter. "Sorry, this is my last one." "Damn shame," the voice says. "Wouldn't have minded sharin' some suds before tangling with you. Guess I got nothin' to do know but take you out." Fate grunts to himself. "You can sure try." All Fate hears is a growl more animal than human...

"Holy crap!" Deadline shouts as energy blades pass right through his body. The assassign turns in the air on his anti-grav sleds, but doesn't see anything. Even his advanced hearing doesn't pick up a rustle as more energy blades pas through his body. Deadline swoops out of the air in evasive manuevers, randomly shooting the ground and walls of the buildings, trying to flush out his attacker. Speeding near the ground, Deadline's visor picks up a movement of shadow in a tree, and he launches a couple of gas pellets. He sees a dark figure blend in with the gas, not even phased by it, and disappear into a building. Deadline knows that if he follows, he'll likely have less room to manuever and possibly be at a disadvantage. "...oh...what the hell." Deadline follows...

Dinah Lance dashes to the corner at the end of the hallway and hugs against the wall with her back. She peeks around a corner and sees a large room parklike area with green grass, a few benches and a small fountain. There are a couple of more entryways leading into the area, but she still decides it's too risk. Too easy to get exposed and trapped, she thinks. As she turns back around, she stops short seeing a man in blue and red standing on the ceiling about a dozen feet away. Ben confidently has his arms crossed over his chest until Dinah turns around and he is distracted by her obvious...assets. "Uh...uh.......uh...hi?" is all Ben can get out. Dinah smirks, being very used to that reaction. "What is it with guys?" she asks, not for the first time. She reaches behind her back, pulls a small device from her belt, and throws it at the Spider. Ben leans back, still standing on the ceiling, letting the item pass under his chest. Then his spidey-sense kicks on and he drops to the ground as the object explodes against the ceiling. "Whoa, geez lady WHOA!!!" Ben says as he has to quickly dodge to the side to avoid a kick. Dinah lets loose a few more attacks, but it's no match for the Scarlet Spider's senses. "Your not gonna land anything on me, but I've got to admit your really really fast." "Thanks," she says. "That's the first non-sexual compliment I've gotten from an opponent in a long time." She throws a punch, and Ben grabs her wrist. Dinah smiles. "How fast do you think he is?" Ben's senses explode, and he tries to move, but Dinah grabs Ben's wrists, just as he had grabbed hers, and uses her leverage to flip him into Hawkman's range. Hawkman's mace slams into Ben's back and sends him flying. He hits a wall hard and skids to the floor. "...pretty...fast...," Ben says...
punishermax said:
Wie, could I get some info on: Proctor, and Fate.

They're in my prep-time now.

Is your Canary Dinah Lance?
The Justice Society arrives on the island.

Cyclops: Where are we?

Wolverine: I dunno, Scott.

Hawkman: Dinah, nice to see you.

Dinah: You too, Carter.

Hawkman: But, who are you three?

Wolverine: I'd ask the same about you, Bub.

Hawkman: I'm Hawkman. Where are Vartox, and Beta Ray Bill, and Comet Man?

Cyclops: Well, I'm not sure who Vartox is. But what are we doing here.

Black Panther: We are in a battle of champions of sorts. Combatants from all universes fight on teams. I have been in these before.

Wolverine: Battle of champions, huh. Well, whoever our opponents are better be ready to taste some adamantium.

Hawkman: What is adamantium?

Wolverine: Well, birdboy. It's an indestructible metal that some jackasses bonded to my body years ago.

Hawkman: Hmm....

Wolverine extends out his claws and shows them to Hawkman. He then slides one claw on his arm cutting it.

Hawkman: What are you doi....

The wound heals almost instantly.

Wolverine: I can do that too.

Hawkman: I see.

Cyclops: He can also be a pain in the ass.

Wolverine: Well, Scotty, you know me better than anyone.

Cyclops: Birdb...Hawkman, what can you do?

Hawkman: Fly.

He pulls out his mace.

Hawkman: And do a whole lot of damage with this too. And you?

Cyclops: Optic blast. I could make that mace disintegrate before you could blink.

Hawkman: I see.

Black Panther: I know Scott and Wolverine.

Wolverine: What about you girly?

Black Canary: Well....I can scream real loud.

Wolverine: That's it.

Black Canary then unleashes a sonic cry that sends all the other members of her team to their knees.

Black Canary: That was me warming up.

Cyclops: I think she'll do just fine, Logan.

Wolverine plays with his ears a bit, shaking his head.

Wolverine: Yeah......she'll be fine.

Hawkman: What about you, Panther?

Black Panther: Hit me with your mace.

Hawkman: What!?

Panther: Hit me....with your mace.

Hawkman: Okay.

Hawkman nails Black Panther in the chest with his mace. Black Panther doesn't budge at all.

Hawkman: Invulnerable?

Panther: No...my suit absorbs impacts.

Hawkman: Cool. But, wait. Where are our powerhouses, out bruisers. We always have them here. Beta Ray Bill and Vartox were here for as long as I can remember being in this thing.

Wolverine: What do you mean, "powerhouses"? Like we're not good enough.

Cyclops: I think he means someone like Colossus.

Wolverine: Oh. Yeah where are they.

Panther: Stronger than Colossus.

Cyclops: Wow, well Bill is stronger than Colossus.

Wolverine: Well, where are they?

Hawkman: I'm not sure, but my guess is someone is playing a sick, sick game with all of us.

Panther: On to our opponents for this fight.

So the Justice Society plots their course of action for the next days battle. They tell what they can of their opponents, but for the most part they will be going into the battle blind and not knowing how they will work together, or why their team is weak and hoping that their opponents are suffering the same fate.

Ambrose Chase (DR): 1 2 3 4
Girl 13 (DR)
Silent Majority (DR): 1
Black Knight (Dane Whitman) (MR): 1 2 3
Libra (MR)

Prep Time

The not-quite-Punkasses shimmer into existence on the island city of Providence.

"Hel-lo," Ambrose says, looking at the others present. "Dane, you as confused as I am?"

"If you're wondering who the hell these other people are, then yes." Dane's eye hits a familiar figure. "Scratch that; I recognize at least one of these guys." A flick of his wrist later, Dane's blade is drawn and pressing against the throat of Libra. "Talk, Libra. What's your game here? Where's the rest of our team?"

"As I understand it," Libra replies with absolute calm, "we are the rest of your team. For this match, at any rate."

Dane blinks, looks at Ambrose, then looks back at Libra. "Say what, now?"

"I was briefed rather broadly on our purpose here. If you wouldn't mind, however, I'd prefer to share that information while I'm not at swordpoint...?"

"Yeah, well, I prefer to keep you in a position where you're under my control rather than running about loose."

"Mr. Whitman, I assure you..." Libra's hand shoots up, lightning-quick, and twists Dane's wrist so the sword moves away from Libra's throat. Then, in one fluid motion, Libra shifts his own body's balance against Dane's, forcing Dane up and over his shoulder in a flip that leaves Dane flat on his back. "... you were never in control here. The Priests of Pama saw to that when they trained me in their ways." Libra extends a hand. "Now, then... shall we start again? Perhaps with a bit more courtesy this time, I think."

Dane grudgingly takes his hand and gets back on his feet. "I'm watching you, Brandt," he says warningly.

"Very well. Now, as I mentioned, I was given information on this tournament we seem to be competing in--specifically, on this match. Who are the members you are accustomed to seeing that seem to be missing this time around?"

"Um... Well, we've had Thor or Loki in our corner most of the time so far."

"Excellent examples. You see, it appears those in charge of this game have decreed that all teams must be limited in power for this match. No doubt this is the reason why beings as powerful as Thor and his wicked foster brother are prohibited."

"All right, fair enough. So what's your stake in this? And who are your friends?"

"I am an unwitting participant, abducted, just as you were, from my daily life for this game. However, I sense that my being here will serve the balance, and that remains my cause above all else. As for our other compatriots--"

"I ain't never seen this dude before. But I got the same message he did, I guess, only without the creepy balance crap. Name's Traci Thirteen."

The last new addition to the Punkasses duplicates his form and each responds in turn: "We..." "are..." "called..." "Si..." "lent..." "Ma..." "jo..." "ri..." "ty."

The others exchange looks, unsure of what to make of their last team member. "Yo, he better not plan on talking like that all the time," Traci finally says.

"We..." "can..." "not..." "help..." "it."

"Um... all right, what about our enemies?" The sides of the buildings surrounding the Punkasses twist and morph into likenesses of their opponents. "Just great," Dane laments, rubbing his forehead. "That's Captain America. He's at the peak of human potential in all physical aspects, plus he's one of the greatest fighters who ever lived. The fighting's not too bad, though; I've matched him in open combat a few times... on my good days. The real threat is that he's probably the greatest leader who ever lived." Dane looks at the picture of Cap again and then sees the title beneath it. "Wait... apparently they've plucked Cap from time, right when he was participating in the Destiny War."

"The Destiny what?"

"The Destiny War," Dane replies. "It's a battle through time and space that every Avenger's heard of but few ever actually experienced--"

"I have experienced it," Libra says.

"That's right... the files said you actually helped out, against all logic. Why was that, by the way?"

"Aiding the Avengers... served the balance." Libra recalls a point where he shirked all care for the balance and fought beside his longtime foes for nothing more than hope and faith in all humanity. "Just that; nothing more," he reiterates. Some memories deserve to stay private.

"I'll bet," Dane replies suspiciously.

"Yes, well... Captain America was plucked from time to participate in the war at a moment when his faith in himself and humanity was at an all-time low. He lacked the confidence to lead effectively--indeed, it was a future version of the Wasp who took command, rather surprisingly. Captain America's fighting skills remained untarnished, and he had the advantage of superhuman strength at the time, but his ability to lead was strained at best."

"That means he won't organize these guys as well as he normally would, which means we may actually stand a fighting chance. Of course, there's also Hawkeye to contend with. He's held his own command, and done a damn fine job of it, too. He's a crack marksman and a pretty good fighter as well."

"The.." "oth..." "ers..." "are..." "Boos..." "ter..." "Gold,..." "Blue..." "Bee..." "tle,..." "and..." "Green..." "Ar..." "row..."

"It's like a rainbow of cannon fodder," Ambrose chuckles.

"They all been in the Justice League. I seen 'em on the news. Booster Gold can fly and shoot energy, Blue Beetle's got a bunch of inventions and stuff, and Green Arrow's another archer loudmouth like your guy Hawkhead."



"All right, then, here's the plan..."
Battle: Part II

As Wolverine leaps at his victim, Fate calmly pulls the three ankhs from the skin of his forarm and tosses them at the mutant. Logan knocks two away with his claws, but the third catches him in the shoulder. He doesn't even slow down. But Fate is ready as he tips his chair back and falls, rolling over and calling the two anhks back to him. They fly back to their master and sink into Logan's back while he is in midstep. This gives Fate a moment to pull his knife and lash out, but Wolverine ignores the pain and ties the knife up in his claws. "Adamantium, bub. Indestructable." Fate laughs. "Really, cause my knife is magical. Cuts through anything." Logan pulls back his claws and gives Jared a solid kick to the gut. Jared staggers back, but his increased durability let's him take most of the blow without harm. Fate closes his eyes and thinks. Logan's taken by surprise. "What'ya think you're doin', bub." "Concentrating," Fate says. That's when a new smell hits Wolverine's enhanced senses. "****! The teleportin' mind reader!" Logan says as he turns just in time to take Proctor's eye beams to his chest. Logan goes flying over Fate's head as he dives to the floor. "Glad it worked," Fate says. "Indeed," Proctor replies as he draws his blade. Wolverine laughs. "I'm an X-Man morons, and we don't usually travel alone." It is Proctor's turn to go flying as a large optic blast hits him in the back. "You alright, Logan?" Wolverine gets up, "Always. But your timin' stinks as usual Cyke."

Deadline zooms through the small lab and just avoids being hit by the Panther's energy knife. Deadline turns and empties a magzine full of bullets into his targets chest. They hit their mark and simply fall to the ground infront of the Black Panther. "Well **** me," Deadline says. "No thank you," T'Challa replies as he extends his claws and slashed through Deadline's phased body. Deadline fires off an blast from his energy rifle, but T'Challa backflips to safety. When the Panther finally stops, he notices his opponent is gone. T'Challa leaps into the air just as Deadline emerges below him trhough the floor, firing his rifle. The Panther lands silently and Deadline rushes up to him landing several solid punches to T'Challa's body. The vibranium weave in his suit protects the Panther and he is able to land several effective blows to Deadline. The assassign is staggard backwards, but his durable skin is uninjured and he feels no pain. Taking advantage of his momentary solidity, T'Challa throws his dagger and leaps after it. But the dagger passes through Deadline, who grabs it as it exits his body, spins around, and is able to slice through the Panther's suit, drawing blood. Deadline aims and fires his rifle into the opening, putting a hole in T'Challa's gut. "That's one down," Deadline says.

Still not thinking straight after the blow, Ben is still able to roll out of the way before Hawkman can land another hit with his mace. The mace cracks the wall as it strikes it. Ben fires off a few balls of impact webbing, but they miss and explode against a wall, sealing off a doorway. Hawkman is forced to turn suddenly to avoid being trapped in the web. Ben gets to his feet only to have to avoid the Canary's attacks again. A few flips, and Ben is running up a wall. He fires off stingers at Hawkman who just blocks them with his mace. "Not good," Ben says to himself. "Dinah!" Hawkman shouts as he misses Ben and strikes the ceiling. Ben drops down but takes a flying kick to the back of his head. His mind swimming, Ben fires off a couple of weblines and gets Dinah around the ankles. A yank causes her to fall to the ground. As Hawkman desends, Ben pulls on the lines and whips Dinah into the air. Hawkman breaks his attack and flies backwards in order to catch his friend. "You alright?" he asks Dinah. She just points behind him. "Watch out!" But it's too late as a dozen stingers hit Hawkman in the back and they both fall and roll on impact. Dinah's up in an instant while Hawkman tries to stand, but falls. Dinah picks up the mace, but a cloud of gas explodes around her and she falls to the ground. "You better not have killed her," Ben says. "Nah," Deadline says. "She'll be fine in a couple of hours. Good thing I found you. These trackers you whipped up really do the trick." "Well, your timing sucks. I could have used some help a while ago." "Hey," Deadline says, "I was a little busy myself."

Fate throws his knife at the new arrival and turns, recalling his ankhs. Since they are still embedded in Wolverine, the rip right through his body to return to their master. Logan drops to his knees in pain while his body heals, while Cyclops blasts the knife away and hits Fate with another blast. Fate goes flying into the wall, landing next to Proctor. "Behind..." Logan is able to say. Scott ducks and rolls just as Jaine Cutter's claws slash the air where he stood. She leaps at him but takes a quick blast herself. She's up in just a second. Wolverine gets up to help his teammate, but his hearing picks up an almost silent swish. He's able to just avoid being sliced by the Ebony Blade. Logan spins around and kicks the blade from Proctor's hand, then drives both of his claws into Proctor's gut. Proctor's eyes go wide with pain as blood pours from the wounds. "NO!" Fate shouts as he leaps into the air. His knife returns to him just in time for him to drive it into Logan's neck. "****ing bastard!" Stevens says as Logan falls to the ground. Proctor falls to the ground, trying to reach his Blade. As Jaine takes another blast, Fate begins to search the wall. "Where the **** is one?" Cyclops takes a kick to face that puts him on the ground, but Jaine can't capitalize on this as she notices Logan get back up, claws at the ready. She leaps at Wolverine and they begin fighting, claw against claw. Cyclops gets back up and targets Fate. "Finally!" Fate says. He disappears just before the optic blast reaches him. Cyclops is confused, but doesn't wait as he targets Cutter. That's when a hand reaches out and grabs Cutter, pulling her into nothing. A moment later, the hand grabs Proctor's leg and pulls him away just as he grabs onto the Ebony Blade. "What the hell is going on?" Summers asks. "Got me, Cyke." "Hey!" a voice behind them says. "You two looking for a good time?" Ben Reily asks them.
The Society arrives at the battlefield.

Their opponents arrive also. Each combatant knows he and she's designated opponents. Whether or not it works out that way remains to be seen.

Chaos & Order gathers on a street corner. Proctor and Fate take lead. Cyclops, notices that it appears Proctor and Fate are the so called "captains" of the team. He theorizes if they can take out Fate and Proctor the rest of the team will be helpless.

Cyclops opens up with a massive blast on the building by the corner where Chaos and Order has gathered. Pieces of the building crumbles and falls onto their opponents. Chaos & Order scatter to miss the debris.

Wolverine charges tackles Jaine to the ground. Panther waits in the shadows for Scarlet Spider to get within reach. Hawkman swoops down at Fate nailing him with his mace. Dinah lunges and and kicks a stunned Deadline in the chest causing him to fall in pain to the ground. Cyclops finds Proctor in the rubble and blasts him at close range with an optic blast.

Wolverine vs. Jaine Cutter

Jaine gets up and raises her second skin.

Jaine: Hey, ********, try doing that again.

Wolverine: Little lady don't tempt me.

Wolverine charges her again but Jaine nails him with a backhand.

Wolverine's face gets cut up but heals quickly.

Wolverine: Well, that almost hurt.

Jaine: Yeah. Try this one.

Jaine is now the one lunging at Wolverine but he dodges and slices her back, breaking through her second skin.

Jaine: How....

Wolverine: I'm just that good, baby.

Jaine: Don't call me baby you little prick!

Jaine then slashes Wolverine multiple times.

Wolverine: Hey, *****.

Wolverine charges at her but Jaine dodges. Wolverine stops before he hits Jaine and slashes her across the chest. He also tackles her back to the ground.

Wolverine: I bet you like when guys are on the top.

Jaine: I bet you like it when guys are on the top too.

Wolverine tries plunging his claws into Jaine but she is able to kick off.

Both are on their feet circling each other.

Jaine and Wolverine jump at each other Wolverine knocks her down. They go hand to hand. Jaine is at a serious disadvantage and Wolverine has the upper hand. Wolverine is able to knock Jaine down to the ground.

She grabs her Breathing Gun and in shoots Wolverine. He is able to dodge, but he still gets hit in the leg. He falls to the ground. Even this wound will take a while to heal. Jaine senses the advantage and jumps to her feet and proceeds to kick the hell out of Wolverine.

After a few massive blows, Wolverine lays on the ground motionless. Jaine spits on him.

Jaine: I told ya' *****.

She walks away.

She gets a few yards away when she hears a rustling. She leaves it. She hears a stomp on the ground behind her.

Jaine: You assho...

She turns around and Wolverine takes his claws and plunges them into Jaine's chest.

WOlverine pulls her close.

Wolverine: Ha.

Jaine falls to the ground.

Wolverine: Gimme a call sometime.

Wolverine walks away to find his teammates.

Black Panther vs. Scarlet Spider

Panther waits in the shadows as a dazed Scarlet Spider walks around.

Panther jumps out at him, but Ben's spider-sense kicks in and he is able to dodge. He quickly turns and shoots Panther with webbing, but Panther is able slice the webbing as it's coming at him. Panther then kicks Reilly in the head.

Ben: Ow, man. You know that hurts.

Ben ducks a roundhouse and nails Panther with his own, but Panther doesn't move. Panther then grabs Reilly's head and smashes it into a wall in the alley.

Panther then goes to end the fight with a massive strike but Ben is able to move and nails Panther with a kick to the back. Panther stumbles but is not hurt from the impact. Ben then shoots webbing at Panther. Panther's left arm gets hit and stuck to a wall. Reilly charges, but Panther blocks with his right arm and kicks Ben away, he then cuts himself free.

Ben staggers back and Panther slices at Ben slicing suit.

Ben: Hey, this was my favorite suit.

Panther punches Ben in the face.

Panther: Get a new favorite.

Ben then realizing he has to collect his thoughts so he shoots webbing and starts swinging himself onto the top of a building he gets his from behind by Panther's energy dagger.

Reilly falls to the ground and goes unconcious from the impact of the fall.

Black Canary vs. Deadline

Dinah goes to kick Deadline again but he goes intangible and she slips and falls to the ground. He then turns tangible and nails Dinah in the chest with an energy bolt.

Deadline then flies at Dinah and nails her with an uppercut.

Deadline gets over confident and stays tangible. Dinah uses this and uses her martial arts skills and nails Deadline before he has time to react.

Deadline turns intangible and phases into a building.

Dinah runs in after him. She looks for him but can't find him. Out of nowhere he zooms out at her and knocks her to the ground. At this time Wolverine finds Deadline and Dinah.

Wolverine: Hey, Bub, get the hell away from her.

Deadline: Whatever you say.

Deadline then shoots a gas pellet at Wolverine. Wolverine falls to the ground but knock unconcious, but he is moving slowly.

Deadline looks at Canary.

Deadline: Well, little lady. Time to lose.

Dinah: No....no it's not.

Dinah then opens her mouth and lets out a massive sonic cry, sending Deadline to the ground, he is so out of it he can't control his density powers and he is shifting in between tangible and intangible.

Wolverine is slowly getting up from the gas. He sees this, he is fighting the pain from the cry. He walks over, very slowly, to Deadline and nails him with a fist to the back of the head rendering him unconscious.

Hawkman vs. Fate

Hawkman knows Fate is of a magical nature, and cannot let him up. He doesn't let up, he just smashes Fate as hard and as fast as he can with his mace, whenever Fate tries some offense of his own, Hawkman either blocked it with his shield, or dodged them.

Hawkman then takes to the sky and swoops down gaining momentum and smash Fate, but as he swings Fate disappears and then a moment later appears behind him and nails hims with some ankhs. Hawkman falls to the ground. Fate tries with some more ankhs but Hawkman takes to the air.

Hawkman dives down at Fate tackling him and taking him to the ground. Hawkman and his Thanagarian technology is keeping up with Fate and his magic, but one false step and Hawkman knows his day could be done. Hawkman makes sure not to let up, but Fate is able t take the advantage by slamming an ankh into Hawkman's chest.

Hawkman is on the ground and he is dazed, even his Nth metal can't protect him from Fate's power. He is hoping either Fate screw up or he could get some help from his teammates. No help yet, so he knows he has to hold out for help if it even comes.

Fate is using everything he has to his advantage, everytime Hawkman looks to retake the advantage, Fate would just disappear and reppear when the attack is done.

Hawkman is fading quickly, and he needs every ounce of energy he can. Just when it looked like his day was over, Black Panther comes upon the scene. He runs right up to Hawkman who is on the ground barely holding onto conciousness.

Panther looks up at Fate and charges at him. Fate quickly reaches for his ankhs and throws them at Panther, but Panther is able to swat them away. He runs up and grabs Fate around the throat. Fate is able to knock Panther away. Panther then charges at Fate again, but this time Fate nails Panther with his ankhs, Panther falls to the ground, but quickly gets back up.

Wolverine and Black Canary come on the battle also. Wolverine also charges Fate as Canary helps Hawkman up to his feet. Wolverine digs his claws into Fate's back. Fate falls to the ground, he is hurt but not done, not yet. Panther is unrelenting in his attack as is Wolverine. Even with his magical abilities, he cannot fend off both Wolverine and Black Panther.

Cyclops vs. Proctor

Cyclops blasts Proctor with a massive optic blast, creating a crater in the street where Proctor was. Cyclops feels he has the advantage but Proctor teleports out of the way of the another blast. Cyclops senses Proctor behind him, so he jumps out of the way just as Proctor swings with his "Ebony Blade".

Cyclops nails Proctor's arms with a blast knocking the "Blade" from his grip. Cyclops then charges but Proctor uses his TK to throw a piece of concrete at Cyclops. Scott falls to the ground, but he gets right back up. He charges Proctor, but Proctor dodges every single attack Summers throws at him. Scott is starting to tire, and Proctor seemingly is just warming up.

Proctor then tosses another piece of concrete at Scott, but Scott is able to dodge, and while dodging, he nails Proctor with a blast to his head. Proctor falls to the ground, but he gets up, he is dazed.

Proctor: This is enough.

Cyclops then starts feeling pressure on his head, like his head is in a vice. It's getting tighter and tighter, Cyclops is wearing down, but the vice like grip is broken by a loud sonic cry. Proctor falls to the ground as Dinah is walking closer and closer to him. He tries his best to stop her but he can't concetrate enough to do anything. The cry stops and Proctor turns to face Dinah, but is met with a kick to the face by Black Panther. He falls to a knee, Wolverine then runs up and slashes him with an uppercut. Proctor is now on both knees. Hawkman ends the fight by building his momentum by flying full force at Proctor and nails him in the skull with his mace.

Proctor falls limp from his knees.

The Society, in this incarnation, once again survives intact. They did not work together the best, but they did enough to get the victory. Whether or not this team assembles again is left to be seen, but they did win this battle.
The Society goes their separate ways, for now.
Voting may now begin....

Battle: Part III

"Where the **** are we?" Jaine asks as she looks around at the psychedelic landscape. "I pulled us through a spatial rift." Jaine and Proctor look at Jared. "It's how I teleport. You think this is bad, you should explore this place as long as I did. Makes a bad LSD trip look like a day in the park." Jared notices that Proctor is now standing, even though blood is pumping from his wounds. "Man bleeds like that, he's gonna die." Proctor looks down. "The pain is intense...but bearable. As long as I hold my blade, I cannot die." Jaine looks at the blade closely. "Nice little side effect. I think we should get back before the twisting landscape makes me barf." Jared smiles, "You got it..."

Bullets rip through Logan's flesh, but he ignores them as he keeps slashing at the intangible Deadline. "This is fun," Deadline says, "but you're not gonna touch me." "That's what I said to this guy." Ben says dodging another blast from Cyclops. "You sure got some kick ass training," Ben says as Scott dodges some stingers and vaporizes webbing. "Only the best," Scott replies. That's when two bodies fly into the room out of nowhere. Cyclops turns to see Proctor and Jaine on the ground. Fate steps from the dimensional rift. "Sorry, not used to having passengers." Cyclops fires at Proctor, who teleports out of the way. The optic blast hits Jaine's second skin, pushing her into Fate, and smacking both of them into the wall. "Nice teamwork," she says. Proctor reappears behind Cyclops and hits him in the back with his own eye beams. Summers falls to his knees in pain, and Wolverine turns to help him. That's when a black boot kicks Proctor's hand and knocks the Ebony Blade into the air. By the time Proctor turns, the Black Panther has hit him in the face three times. He snatches the Blade from the air, spins, and launches it. Even though he is phased, the Blade burries deep into Deadline's chest. The assassign looks down as it sticks out. "Fuck..." He falls to the ground.

Compression webbing explodes over T'Challa, pinning him to the ground. Ben lands, pulls off the Panther's mask, and puts two stingers into his neck. The Scarlet Spider flips into the air just before Logan's claws can punch through his skin, but he's caught by an optic blast, hits the wall, and slumps onto the floor. Proctor strikes Cyclops in the face, putting the X-Man down. But without his blade, blood loss takes its toll and Proctor drops as well. Logan takes a moment to judge his position. The rest of his team is apparently down, but only Fate and Jaine Cutter remain on the other side. "Just so you know," Wolverine says as he gets in position, "you ain't gonna be able to kill me. I'll just keep comin' for you and, trust me, you don't want me to lose control. So just give up now." Fate and Jaine look at each other. Fate shrugs and pulls his knife. "I don't need to kill him." Fate runs at Logan, who roars and runs himself. They hit in the air, and Fate's increased strength lets him push Logan backwards and through a spatial rift, off of the battlefield.

Jaine looks around at the fallen fighters and mess. She waits a few moments, but neither Fate or Wolverine reappear. Jaine retracts her second skin. "Hmm. Wonder if there's any of that beer left." She walks out of the room, stops, and walks back in. She bends down and picks up the Ebony Blade. "Nice." She walks back out of the room.

Chaos & Order continue on their way...
Set #2
Justice Society: 6
Chaos & Order: 7

The Underdogs: 0
The Incorrigible Punkasses: 6
Justice society 7
Chaos and Order 8

The Underdogs 1
The Incorrigible Punkasses 7
My votes are
The Underdogs 1
The Incorrigible Punkasses 4
Final scores are:

Justice Society 13
Chaos & Order 15

The Underdogs 2
The Incorrigible Punkasses 24

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