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DTL Season 5-Week 6 (Set 4)

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of four threads containing matches.
The threads will be in use for 9 days. Days 1-4 (Dec 6-9) are strictly setup time for owners to plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help from you, the fan. Owners can debate only when their opponenet has finished posting their writeup.

On Day 5 (Dec 10) I will post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Only after doing so will voting start. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count.

Look over the matchups and read the owners strategies and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match up. (Note: The length of a writeup is up to the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, post the team names you think will prevail in each match. Remember, to vote for each match up or your vote will not count! The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 7th day (Dec 12) will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal votes will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Titan's Tower (San Francisco)

The Immortals
Superman M* (DU) - Enhanced Kryptonian powers, along with other super senses, including ESP.
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme (MU)Mage who combines high level magic with powered armor.
Disruptor (DM) - Suit of armor which dsirupts the natural order of things.
"Death"Wolverine (MR) - Mutant with cloaking tech, sword that fires energy blasts, healing factor, super senses, indestructible skeleton and claws.
Midnighter (DR) - Tech-enhanced fighter with move-prediction, enhanced durability, super speed and senses.


Heroes of the New Age
Superman (Kingdom Come) (DU) - all the traits of superman but added resistance to telepathy,magic and kryptonite. Also all his abilities are heightened ie speed, strength etc
Captain Britain (w/Excalibur) (MU) - Strength, Flight, Speed, Immunity to magic and telepathy, Can see through invisibility/illusions/cloaking spells, wields indestructible blade which can cut through anything.
Cosmic King (DM) - can manipulate any element in the periodic table also has a little bonus of being able to create Kryptonite from anything
The Atom (DR) - can shrink to microscopic sizes and fit between radiation waves.
Batman (DR) - The Batman, has a belt with lots of gadgets,brilliant strategist and martial artist.
I gave descriptions to add to this.....
Superman of Kingdom Come had no added resistance to magic seen by how easily he cut himself on Wonder Womans sword and how much Marvel's lightening hurt him.
Marvel's lightning should have done a LOT better against him.



That's it, I quit! **** you and your couches!
I'm sorry, baby, you know I only yell at you 'cause I luv you, now c'mon back to bed, okay?
The Gathering

In a flash of light, five figures appear in a building unfamiliar to all, but in a manner four of them are now intimately familiar with.

"Oh, God. Not this crap again, man, what the hell?"

The man in the dark red suit, looking very distressed, paced around, glancing nervously at the various faces of the other four.

"What is going on here? Who are you people, and what did he mean, not again?"

Kal Kent, Superman from the 853rd century, floated two inches above the floor, scanning his surroundings with X-ray vision, and every other useful sense in his repetoire.

"For that matter, what time is this? I'm guessing... early 21st century?"

"We never know, my friend. Each time, we appear in a different universe, a different location, a different time period. This is your first time, correct?"

The speaker motioned with his hand, and the faceplate of his helmet disappeared, revealing the man underneath. Looking down at him, Kal's super-ESP told him the people he shared a room with meant him no harm, although those weaker three.... very unpleasant people, they were.

"My first time doing WHAT, exactly?"

At that, they proceeded to explain. Five people, brought together to do battle. Knowing only the most minor details about their opponents. Stark, Midnighter, and Death are nearly veterans at this point, while Michael Beldon, the Disruptor, had only been pulled into this conflict for the second time.

"I won't fight! Not without knowing the reason! There is no Justice in this!"

Kal raged, while Stark moved in closer, waiting for him to pause.

"If you refuse to fight, you leave us outnumbered and overpowered. Each time, it has taken every member of these five-person teams giving it their all. I guarantee you, Kal, the other team Will fight. And they may not be as merciful as you would hope."

It took some time, but eventually Kal was convinced they had no choice. He would fight, but refused to kill. And though he said nothing, the others knew he expected the same restraint from them.


As soon as he agreed, knowledge of their opponents appeared in all five minds at once. Using his technopathy, Kal interfaced with Tower systems, learning everything he could about their surroundings, and changing the security system's programming, so that anyone other than his teammates would register as a threat, and be attacked and hindered accordingly.

Stark, after using the most durable materials from the Tower to reinforce his suit's armor,once again began loading what he thought would be the most useful spells for this battle into his suit's database, ready instantly. Death, Midnighter, and Disruptor, left to their own devices, decide that sticking together is nearly always the best method of combat for those in the lower power brackets.

Finally, as the time for battle drew near, Kal left the tower completely, hovering above it and watching for the appearance of their opponents with X-ray vision. Stark, using his armor to maintain their control over Titan Tower, begins casting his illusion spell, once again giving each of the dozen illusions the ability to cast a simple but effective hypnotism spell. Holding them in check until the last moment, Stark began casting another spell as the seconds ticked down towards their battle. As he called on the power of the Eternal Vishanti, the Hosts of Hoggoth, and even, shockingly, the name of Dormammu, a hand began appearing in the air, diamond-hard when necessary, as ethereal as the wind is need be. Even as the battle began, Stark cast the hand out after its target, even as a crash rocked the tower...

The Battle

Kal Kent vs KC Superman:

The instant the other team appeared, looking as if they had been there the entire time, Kal rocketed towards his chosen opponent, blowing through the levels in less than a second, only to grab Clark Kent by his shoulders and fly them both out the nearest wall and into the sky. His force vision blocking a blast of heat vision from Clark, he spoke directly into his mind.

"Stop this! Don't make me fight you! You are Clark Kent, my ancestor... well, an alternate version of my ancestor, but still a good person! I am stronger than you, more powerful and with my powers."

Clark answered with a blow to the jaw the rocked Kal back a bit.

"I can't do that, son. I don't stop you, I leave my team in the lurch. I'm sorry for this."

"So am I.."

In the upper atmosphere and still rising, they clash: heatvision against heatvision, Kryptonian fist pounding against Kryptonian flesh. Breath cold enough to snuff a red giant star chilled Clark even as his strongest blow cracked one of Kal's ribs. Force vision held Clark in place as super-ESP attempted to convince him to stop, surrender, fall asleep, forget how his powers worked. Clark answered with another blast of heatvision, hot enough to boil the Atlantic but focused into a beam the diameter of a pencil, leaving a line of scorched skin across Kal's face even as the duo passed Mercury... and Kal realized what Clark was attempting: a trip into the sun. Grabbing his ancestor by the shoulders again, he sped up, confusing the old man. Then, suddenly, a wormhole opened up before them, booming in the airless void. They passed through before Clark could break free and suddenly were surrounded in pitch black. In a part of the universe so empty they couldn't even see a glimmer of the nearest star.

There, they unleashed hell. Punches that would dislodge continents hammered into each opponent at the speed of light. Skin covering knuckles burst and bled as energy enough to reignite a dying sun lanced through the black. It became apparent to Kal that, though he was more powerful, he was burning up his power reserves faster than Clark. Battered and bruised, he drew back a fist and, unbeknownst to Clark, focused the lionshare of his remaining energy into his right arm.

The punch brushed aside the hand raised to block it, shattering most of it's bones, and landed squarely on Clark's chest, sending him rocketing through space, finally broken. His own power sufficient only to keep him conscious for the next few hours, Kal engaged his boom tube suit, intercepting the unconscious Kryptonian comet, and then sending them both crashing to the Earth, somewhere in Siberia. And there they lay, under the sunless night sky.

Stark vs Captain Britain:
Even as he sent the mystical hand flying, Stark sent his illusions out, seeking out their intended target. Using his suit's phasing abilities to pass through the walls of the tower as easily as the illusions themselves, they flew out of the tower to see Britain staring into the sky after the two departing Kryptonians, knowing full well he couldn't follow them if his life depended on it.

The illusions darted around him, casting their spells and obscuring his vision even as Stark himself cast the Vapors of Valtorr to surround and imprison his foe. Struggling through the mental cloud created by the illusions, Brian slashed through the vapors as if they were flimsy but physical objects, dispellign the mystical feint with ease. Turning around to face his true foe, he didn't even notice the hand streaking out of the sky towards him until it was too late.

This was the same spell cast to remove Mjolnir from Thor's possession. Strong enough to pluck it out of his grip in midflight, the hand easily overpowered Brian. Gripping the crossguard (and losing a finger that brushed too hard against the edge of the blade), the magical hand tore the sword from his grasp even before he could react and flew toward the horizon.

"Well. Now that I've disarmed you, I don't suppose you'd consider surrendering?"


Britain answered by streaking through the cloud of illusions,s till casting their spells and further blunting his mental faculties, bit by bit. Before he could even cross half the distance, sonic energy battered his ear drums, even as the Winds of Watoomb flung him into the ground. Even as he rose, repulsors drawing on raw mystical might and a fusion energy core blasted into his back, tearing a hole through his suit. Still, the champion of Britain arose, only to be blasted by the Flames of the Faltine, and attacked by the Vipers of Valtorr, which bit at and hindered his movement. This was what made Stark such a threat: not only were his magics powerful, they crashed against their target unceasingly, like tsunami waves against a lone building. Even as he fought through the burning pain and mystical venom, mystical winds picked him up and hurled him into the ground with supernatural force. Stark blasted him with the sonic weapon, powerful enough to shatter enchanted stone.

And still the Captain struggled up, even as blood drooled from his ears, and luncged through the air as Stark paused a second to decide which spell to cast next. A punch that would have dented a Vibranium wall landed clumsily, against Stark's shoulder. Still, though his shield absorbed the brunt of the hit, he was spent spinning to the ground. Not giving his armored foe an instant's rest, Britain flashed after him , swung again... only to pass through his opponent as if he were just another illusion. Phasing! Before he could turn around, Stark summoned the illusory versions of himself, which had been circling above the battle the whole time. Casting their hypnotism spells relentlessly, they wore down the battered Captain's formidable defenses, even as the Crimson bands of Cyttorak wrapped around him, and the Mists of Morpheus, a spell that had once even worked on Odin, finished the job.

Shoulder dislocated, and one repulsor and his sonic weapon rendered useless, Tony Stark floated away, dispelling his illusions and waiting for word from the rest of his teammates, knowing he could not participate in the battle within the tower unless the worst befell his allies.
Death, Midnighter, and Disruptor vs Cosmic King, Atom and Batman:

Moving under Death's cloak, the two men with enhanced senses found it rather easy to find their opponents: follow the sounds of weapons firing and being destroyed. Rounding a corner, they came into a huge hall, presumably used for training, to see Batman doing what he does best: dodging around and making automated weapons systems look ******ed and Cosmic King destroying them without effort.

As they had planned, disruptor stepped out of the cloak, looking as if he had rounded the corner. Coincidentally, Bolto had just finished turning the final laser cannon into a pile of sand just in time to see him appear. Without a word, he sent a wave of the metal composing the floor rushing towards the dark red man... only to watch it reverse direction and shatter. He gestured, attempting to turn the air int he man's lungs into water, and stared in horror as the skin of his fingertips made the conversion instead. Laughing at his shock, Disruptor took that moment to gloat.

"Ha! You idiot! You can't possibly take me out when I know right where you are!"

"Really. How interesting."

A shadow detached itself from the wall and fell towards Disruptor... who didn't even look up as a second flash of black met it in midair, sending Bruce flying towards the far wall. Landing in a roll, Batman came to his feet, crouched low and staring across at a man in a black trenchcoat, smiling cockily.

"I'm the Midnighter. I think it's only fair to warn you: I've already played this fight in my head a million times, from every angle. I know every move you can make and how to counter it. You've already lost, you just haven't fallen over yet."

"Nice speech. Let's see if you can back it up. Don't turn around, by the way."

"What am I ******ed? You think I'm going to fall for the oldest trick in the book?"

Midnighter spun, extending his staff, and smashed a pea-sized object out of the air inches from where the back of his neck had been a split second before. A tiny scream of pain sounded, along with a thunk as the Atom, body at normal weight and density, crashed into the far wall. Midnighter turned back, ducking a razor-edged batarang and scooting back from a flurry of kicks, each of which would have crippled even him, had they landed.

"Enhanced senses. Never underestimate them."

Knockout gas pellets broke at his feet, and Midnighter just smiled and inhaled deeply. He could survive in environments that would turn normal human lungs into beef jerky. Even as Midnighter dodged an explosive batarang, Disruptor screamed in pain as, even as he slowed the flood of blood to Cosmic King's brain, a spike rose from the floor, impaling him through the stomach.

His bloodflow returning to normal, Leavar Bolto rose to his feet, only to hear a strange "snikt". Pain erupted in the back of his skull, and Bolto's vision went black. The last thing he saw was the floor, rushing up to meet him.

Cloaking himself again, Death turned and unleashed a blast of energy, blowing the pea-sized Atom through the wall, even as he had begun to stir. Finally, he turned to the Midnighter/Wayne fight. Batman was badly wounded, having resorted to hand-to-hand when it became apparent weaponry would be useless. Even as he watched, invisible, Mdinighter moved in a blur, launching a flurry of devastating punches which dislocated Wayne's jaw, broke a rib, and sent him crashing to the floor.

Slipping his staff into a pocket, Midnighter turned back to the rest of the room, to see Death appear before him.

"Well. I guess we're done here, eh?"

A few final notes.

-Disruptor's powers don't just cancel attacks out, he can also cause things to just plain go wrong, even doing the exact opposite of what was intended. Fliers suddenly crash to the ground, bones break inexplicably and speedsters find themselves running into walls. He just has to expect an attack.

-Why did Atom not stay at microscopic size and attack Midnighter from the inside? Judgement call from me. Why do that, when you can drop your full body weight, focused into a miniscule foot, onto the back of the guy you know heals really fast anyways? Still, even if he did take out Midnighter, that still leaves the cloaked and undetectable Death to deal with, who could pick him off as soon as he returned to visible size with a massive energy blast from his sword.
This isn't a vote, but the Supermen fight is one of the best written fights in terms of characterization that I've seen in my short time in the DTL, maybe the best. Not saying whether I agree or disagree with the outcome, but the way they conducted themselves, on a personal level, was very appropriate to the characters.

Heroes Of The New Age (Owner:Nightwing)

Captain Britain (w/Excalibur) (MU)
Superman (Kingdom Come) (DU)
Cosmic King (DM)
The Atom (DR)
Batman (DR)


The Immortals (Owners: Ahura Mazda/Khellendros)

Superman M* (DU)
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme (MU)
Disruptor (DM)
"Death"Wolverine (MR)
Midnighter (DR)

Location – Titans Tower


The 5 heroes once again stand amongst each other. Batman is the first to recognise their surroundings and this makes him a perfect candidate as leader…although even Superman can see that from countless battles hes fought along side Batman in.

Having already served his time with Batman and Superman, Laevar is fully aware of their capabilities and with his time served with Batman in the DTL he knows to cooperate for his own sake.

Ray is up to speed with Batman and Superman (even if it is an alternate version) and knows to follow suit rather than try to take charge. Brian being a hero of his own universe and working with Batman is keen to listen.

Nightwing said:
Your opponents this time around….

The Immortals

Superman M* - Enhanced Kryptonian powers, along with other super senses, including ESP.
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme - Mage who combines high level magic with powered armour.
Disruptor - Suit of armour which disrupts the natural order of things.
"Death” Wolverine - Mutant with cloaking tech, sword that fires energy blasts, healing factor, super senses, indestructible skeleton and claws.
Midnighter - Tech-enhanced fighter with move-prediction, enhanced durability, super speed and senses.

Good Luck

Batman formulates a number of plans based on the descriptions and past knowledge of all their opponents.

Batman calls on The Atom to assist him in a project in the room formally of Cyborg.
Inside this room they use the technology of the Titan to create a form of neural disruptor and an EMP. This device can be used to take out both Iron Man’s suit and his body.

Brian knows he is to face Tony as he is the only one equipped to take on magic and with the device created by Batman and Ray it just requires an opening to use it, Ray and Batman have plans for Wolverine and Disruptor and Cosmic King decides to tackle Midnighter.

The plans are set and the team prepares itself for the arrival of the others. The name ‘Immortals’ is about to be put to the test…

To Be Continued…

Heroes Of The New Age (Owner:Nightwing)

Captain Britain (w/Excalibur) (MU)
Superman (Kingdom Come) (DU)
Cosmic King (DM)
The Atom (DR)
Batman (DR)


The Immortals (Owners: Ahura Mazda/Khellendros)

Superman M* (DU)
Tony Stark: Sorcerer Supreme (MU)
Disruptor (DM)
"Death"Wolverine (MR)
Midnighter (DR)

Location – Titans Tower


Cosmic King Vs. Midnighter

This battle is a short one to say the least. Midnighter, having been ported into the Tower by omnipotent forces beyond his control, winds up alone amidst the corridors. Here he is approached by Cosmic King…who does nothing.

Midnighter’s brain plans out the battle scenarios hundreds of times in mere seconds, all of which involve Cosmic King just standing where he is. Midnighter sees this as a perfect opportunity to strike, however, his ability doesn’t calculate the fact that Cosmic King doesn’t need to move to strike.

As Midnighter moves at a near superhuman speed, Laevar’s mind moves faster. The very Calcium in Midnighter’s bones is turned into lead, giving him a slight hindrance to his movements, it still doesn’t stop him. His whole body begins to drag downwards as the lead is changed to iron and the blood in his veins becomes Neodymium and the two elements react.

His teeth rip back inside his body as the metal strives to find the magnet. Chunks of iron rip through the insides of body as it attaches to the veins. Being as weak as they are the veins slice, metal slashes at Midnighter’s eye sockets rendering him blind, Cosmic King solidifies the fluid in his skull causing it to expand.

Midnighter falls to the floor, his whole body ripped to shreds from the inside. Cosmic King walks away…

Batman and The Atom Vs. Wolverine (Death) and Disruptor

This battle from the off requires teamwork. Brian having a vast knowledge of Mutants has let Batman and Atom know of Wolverine’s full capabilities including his beserker rage, this is what they plan to use to their advantage.

Batman heads off to face Disruptor, having no special powers there is a very limited effect Disruptor can have, and Batman’s plans are just to distract Disruptor whilst Atom works on Wolverine.

Wolverine sniffs out Ray and lunges with his claws unsheathed. He swipes only to hit air. Atom shrinks at an alarming rate and heads towards the most fragile part of Wolverine, his mind…or rather his brain. Once inside his skull he uses his size changing abilities to cause strain on the parts of the brain which trigger memories.

The memories that are triggered are of traumatic experiences such as, Apocalypse attaching the adamantium to his skeleton. The strain on this part of the brain goes on for a good 5 minutes before Wolverine cant take much more. His rage kicks in. In his feral animal state he charges on a rampage, screaming as he goes. Batman and Disruptor hear the screams as Wolverine sniffs them both out.

Batman disappears into the shadows and exits as the wall of the room Batman was keeping Disruptor occupied in is ripped open. Wolverine lunges at Disruptor, slamming his claws into his chest. Disruptors suit is triggered and reverses Wolverines healing factor, applying all the wounds and pain he’s ever received. Both fall under this assault, along with Ray who is crushed inside Logan’s skull.

The Disruptor cancels his power causing him to grow but as he cant penetrate the adamantium he is crush inside.

Captain Britain Vs. Iron Man

The mage launches wave upon wave of magic at Brian. His shield granted by Merlin protects him from such blows and blasts. Tony tries to hide himself amongst illusions and spells as Brian pushes forward to launch an assault of physical attacks. Unaffected by the mind tricks he locates Tony instantly and begins to attack.

His blows are absorbed by a force field equal to his own, erected by Iron Man. Excalibur is drawn and slices through the force field. A fist follows. Iron Man, using the Eye of Agamotto, sees the next few attacks coming, however being less skilled than Dr. Strange, he needs full concentration to use the spell of fore sight and loses his link when Brian speeds things up.

Brian redirects gravity to both propel himself at Tony and to hold Tony where he is. As he does he swings for the suit and rips a huge chunk clean from the chest plate. Using the device given by Batman he sticks it into the exposed flesh.

Tony’s nervous system is overridden as a wave of electricity surges through his body, amped up by the electricity being disrupted and redirected from the suit, Tony falls unconscious, nearing death as his heart struggles to take the strain.

Superman (Kingdom Come) Vs. Superman M*

The battle, once started, causes damage and destruction on a massive scale inside the building. However M* knows full well that if Clark is able to make it outside, the yellow sun will boost his abilities. CK fires wave upon wave of heat vision as he tries to near M*, only for it to hit a TK wall. M* being somewhat faster then regular Superman tries his hand at a barrage of physical assaults, however, he underestimates this older Superman, who also faster than regular Superman. CK heads at Kal and vice versa. The impact causes a city sized earthquake which shakes up San Francisco. The tremor causes the plates to crack beneath the fault line and the whole city begins to sink.

Both Kal and CK know that innocents will die at their hands and unfortunately their battle has to be put on hold as it is in their nature to protect.

They both head to the city, Kal dives beneath the fault line using his TK to hold the rock together. Using his heat vision he seals the crack, mean while CK circles the city saving whatever citizens maybe in peril.

It takes what seems like mere seconds to prevent the catastrophe, however, there is still the pressing matter of the battle.

M* - ‘I wish not to fight you…clearly we work better as a pairing than as enemies’

CK – ‘That maybe true but it is not our decision to make…and I will not fall to your hands. You are not true Kryptonian…I am’

This rejection enrages M* and he hurtles towards CK grabbing him by the head. Clark struggles to hold on as M* hurtles towards the Source Wall. As they near the edge of the atmosphere, Clark breaks free of the grip. They both orbit the earth as they trade blows. Clark’s will power seems somewhat stronger than M* and even though he is taking more of a beating, he refuses to give up. Clark swings for M* but just isn’t quite fast enough. M* moves with great speed and grabs his arm, snapping it clean in half. Clark screams in agony.

M* - ‘I do not wish to go any further with this but you are forcing my hand…stop fighting and it will all come to an end’

Clark ignores M*’s pleas and launches himself around the earth. He hovers Venus side, with the sun eradiating energy into him. He faces M*. Clark’s healing ability starts to work his arm, Clark knows that it will take time to heal and so plans his next assault with only his good arm in mind.

He musters up as much energy as he can into his next swing as M* flies to wards him. The impact of the punch causes M* to shatter the moon. As M* gets his bearings again he launches a mind attack on Clark. It cripples him somewhat but again will power prevails. He focuses, not on the pain but on the approaching figure. Flying at half speed, he reaches out. He misses his target but tries again. Constantly missing a grip on Kal, he pushes on and on trying to get Kal out of his head. He eventually gets hold.

He head butts Kal square in the jaw, breaking it on contact. The mind blast drops and CK heads at his top speed towards the Source Wall. He releases Kal and watches as the future Superman is dragged in. Literally standing on the edge of death himself, he heads back into earths orbit…

The Heroes Of The New Age once again victorious…
Will debate properly tonight when I finish work....
This isn't a vote, but the Supermen fight is one of the best written fights in terms of characterization that I've seen in my short time in the DTL, maybe the best. Not saying whether I agree or disagree with the outcome, but the way they conducted themselves, on a personal level, was very appropriate to the characters.
And I'm not even a huge Superman fan. But thanks, I did my best.
Well no major qualms with your write up Khell...

I still think Brian is tougher than you make out....firstly he has a heightened resistance to magic thanks to his suit. He can see through illusions so they would be completely useless against him. As for his physical attacks....i agree that Starks shield would take most of the brunt of it but Brian moves at the speed of sound maybe faster and would get a lot of attacks on Stark....although his intangible state would make that difficult.

I liked your Supes vs Supes battle....you too played M* down a peg or two which is honourable of you....and your strategy to have them out of the way of battle was good, however wouldnt the direct contact from the yellow sun (when in orbit) make Supes KC stronger and faster and increase his healing?

Atom I feel you made completely useless....but then again i picked off your Midnighter as easily....i just dont think someone the size of a pea could launch himself to the height of about 6ft in the air....his tactic is more crawling up the body....but still believable in your outcome....

I do have a question though.....why would Batman and Laevar entering a training room? Batman of all people would know or be aware that the security systems are online if your team is in there first....esp if he knows the place quite well...he would know to avoid those rooms.....

but other than that good fight....
I go with Nightwing's matchups, and I give him all but Cosmic King vs. Mignighter--Midnighter's not dumb enough to make that mistake. If he has information on who he's dealing with, he won't make faulty assumptions. Still, he can't stand up to the onslaught of the rest of the team.

Nightwing over the Immortals
I still think Brian is tougher than you make out....firstly he has a heightened resistance to magic thanks to his suit. He can see through illusions so they would be completely useless against him.
You seem to have misunderstood the purpose of the illusions. They were there to, first, find Brian for Stark and then distract him by casting their hypnotism spells. Stark wasn't trying to hide behind them.

As for his physical attacks....i agree that Starks shield would take most of the brunt of it but Brian moves at the speed of sound maybe faster and would get a lot of attacks on Stark....although his intangible state would make that difficult.
Err, Brian may fly that fast, but I don't think he's ever unleashed a flurry of punches at those kinds of speeds. And, like you even admit, it'll only take one hit to convince Stark to go intangible, and one hit will NOT put him down.

I liked your Supes vs Supes battle....you too played M* down a peg or two which is honourable of you....and your strategy to have them out of the way of battle was good, however wouldnt the direct contact from the yellow sun (when in orbit) make Supes KC stronger and faster and increase his healing?
I guess I didn't make it clear, but I was writing him as if he had gotten something of a boost. You'll notice that, at first, it took a huge blast of intensely focused heatvision to even burn his skin, and then once they had boom tubed out, they were doing pretty evenish damage, with Kal having the upper hand but draining himself faster. And, sure, Clark's healing is enhanced, but it doesn't make him immune to knockouts, especially with the kind of power you'd get with Kal focusing a massive amount of his power into a single punch. Especially from a Kal who, while expending power, wasn't written as being dangerously low yet.

I do have a question though.....why would Batman and Laevar entering a training room? Batman of all people would know or be aware that the security systems are online if your team is in there first....esp if he knows the place quite well...he would know to avoid those rooms.....
Err, no reason, really. I just wanted their fight to happen in a big, wide room, and "training room" is the first thing that came to mind. Substitute "training room" with "conveniently placed giant empty hall for battle". And I wrote under the assumption that security systems would be attacking them no matter where they went, training room or not.

Anyways. One huge, glaring error I noticed in your writeup is how your team just magically finds mine. I had perfectly reasonable explanations for my team finding yours: Kal's X-ray vision, the illusions tracking Britain down for Stark, and the enhanced senses of my regs led them to the sound of your guys wrecking the automate defenses.

In your writeup, Midnighter just... winds up alone? With no explanation, except that you seem to be confused about the fact that they spent their preptime in the tower, so there would be no random teleporting in.

And, Disruptor can only have a limited effect on Batman?? The hell? Stopping the bloodflow to his brain or just rupturing every blood vessel in his body? Causing every explosive on his person to go off at once? Disabling his nervous system? That's what you define as limited effect?

Also, exactly how do your guys even find Death when he constantly travels while cloaked, right up until the point that he attacks, in the comics themselves? Short answer: they don't, until it's too late.

Again, I'm curious about legit examples of Brian landing a flurry of superspeed punches on someone. I've actually read a fair amount of Excalibur, and don't ever remember seeing that.

And as for the EMP gun and synapse disruptor, those would be the very next things he did away with, following Britain's sword. Also, good luck EMPing a suit that is powered by both magic and scientific power sources.

Also, about your Superman battle: What the hell? Where is the Source Wall, again? Is it in orbit around the Earth? Because in a single paragraph you have them heading towards the Source Wall (implying that it was close) and then just barely being outside Earth's atmosphere. And then near the end there, they're back at the Source Wall.

That just didn't make any sense.

So, anyways.

Giant mystical Thor-overpowering hand > EMP gun.

Death's Cloak> Batman's brand new ability to stumble across his opponents.

My impressive manhood> your dad.
You seem to have misunderstood the purpose of the illusions. They were there to, first, find Brian for Stark and then distract him by casting their hypnotism spells. Stark wasn't trying to hide behind them.

Those things wouldnt work on Brian....
Khellendros said:
Err, Brian may fly that fast, but I don't think he's ever unleashed a flurry of punches at those kinds of speeds. And, like you even admit, it'll only take one hit to convince Stark to go intangible, and one hit will NOT put him down.

Dont forget Brian has gone toe to toe with Thor so one punch could put Iron Man down....especially when Brian is also magically protected...

Khellendros said:
I guess I didn't make it clear, but I was writing him as if he had gotten something of a boost. You'll notice that, at first, it took a huge blast of intensely focused heatvision to even burn his skin, and then once they had boom tubed out, they were doing pretty evenish damage, with Kal having the upper hand but draining himself faster. And, sure, Clark's healing is enhanced, but it doesn't make him immune to knockouts, especially with the kind of power you'd get with Kal focusing a massive amount of his power into a single punch. Especially from a Kal who, while expending power, wasn't written as being dangerously low yet.

well like i said i enjoyed your version of events with this battle....that question about the boost was just a curiosity not a dig.

Khellendros said:
Err, no reason, really. I just wanted their fight to happen in a big, wide room, and "training room" is the first thing that came to mind. Substitute "training room" with "conveniently placed giant empty hall for battle". And I wrote under the assumption that security systems would be attacking them no matter where they went, training room or not.

ok again....just a querie not a dig

Khellendros said:
Anyways. One huge, glaring error I noticed in your writeup is how your team just magically finds mine. I had perfectly reasonable explanations for my team finding yours: Kal's X-ray vision, the illusions tracking Britain down for Stark, and the enhanced senses of my regs led them to the sound of your guys wrecking the automate defenses.

In your writeup, Midnighter just... winds up alone? With no explanation, except that you seem to be confused about the fact that they spent their preptime in the tower, so there would be no random teleporting in.

well when we write our write ups we do it in the mind set that the other team doesnt get preptime....and if you re-read it Wolverine actually locates my team....it was only Midnighter who wound up alone....

Khellendros said:
And, Disruptor can only have a limited effect on Batman?? The hell? Stopping the bloodflow to his brain or just rupturing every blood vessel in his body? Causing every explosive on his person to go off at once? Disabling his nervous system? That's what you define as limited effect?

well unless your gonna provide links to state he can do this or scans or atleast more info in your descriptions, how the hell am i suppose to know this??im not psychic and id never heard of the guy before so i went off the very tiny amount of info you provided....the info stated he could cancel powers....Batman has none so thats how i got to that one.

Khellendros said:
Also, exactly how do your guys even find Death when he constantly travels while cloaked, right up until the point that he attacks, in the comics themselves? Short answer: they don't, until it's too late.
again he found us and also your links description were hazy....infact the link was freakin useless.....all it said was he worked for Apocalypse.....

Khellendros said:
Again, I'm curious about legit examples of Brian landing a flurry of superspeed punches on someone. I've actually read a fair amount of Excalibur, and don't ever remember seeing that.
ok so i dont have examples but if he went toe to toe with Thor he will have needed to speed things up....also he can move at great speeds....just like supes can and MM....cant remember the last time they used a speed flurry of attacks but we all know or assume they can based on their speeds.

Khellendros said:
And as for the EMP gun and synapse disruptor, those would be the very next things he did away with, following Britain's sword. Also, good luck EMPing a suit that is powered by both magic and scientific power sources.
it wasnt a gun.....it was just a device designed to affect flesh and machine....it was from cyborgs technology who is flesh and machine....also a magically protected Brian is going to be able to get into Tony's suit one way or another....it was just a case of redirecting the electricity to his nervous system......a valid tactic imo

Khellendros said:
Also, about your Superman battle: What the hell? Where is the Source Wall, again? Is it in orbit around the Earth? Because in a single paragraph you have them heading towards the Source Wall (implying that it was close) and then just barely being outside Earth's atmosphere. And then near the end there, they're back at the Source Wall.

That just didn't make any sense.
I was going off Batman/Superman when supes grabs Darkseid and flies him to the scource wall.....he does it in mere seconds.....

Khellendros said:
So, anyways.

Giant mystical Thor-overpowering hand > EMP gun. wasnt a gun...was just a small device (see above)

Death's Cloak> Batman's brand new ability to stumble across his opponents. again he found my characters.

My impressive manhood> your dad.
My Impressive manhood satisfied both your mum and your dad
Those things wouldnt work on Brian....
REALLY. I would just love some proof of this supposed complete immunity to magic-based mental attacks. I'll take scans, or even just issue numbers.

Dont forget Brian has gone toe to toe with Thor so one punch could put Iron Man down....especially when Brian is also magically protected...
And if we were talking about a blow from the sword, you might have a case, though Stark wouldn't be stupid enough to give Brian even one free hit with that thing. Fact is, most of the Iron Man armors can take at least a few hits from high end Ubers like Thor, and this is an Iron Man who specifically reinforced his armor before the fight and would be packing his own mystical shields.

well when we write our write ups we do it in the mind set that the other team doesnt get preptime....and if you re-read it Wolverine actually locates my team....it was only Midnighter who wound up alone....
That... seems pretty absurd. I mean, fine, no prep time to buld things and arm themselves, but the idea that they'd just wander off from each other, even though they have at least some idea of who they're facing? Naw.

well unless your gonna provide links to state he can do this or scans or atleast more info in your descriptions, how the hell am i suppose to know this??im not psychic and id never heard of the guy before so i went off the very tiny amount of info you provided....the info stated he could cancel powers....Batman has none so thats how i got to that one.
Fair enough. Let's see. He stopped the flow of Beast Boy/Changeling's blood in New Teen Titans 20. In the same issue he also did the same thing to Wally West and apaprently caused Donna Troy's ribs to break. In New Teen Titans 42 he caused water pipes to explode. Annd in Titans Secret Files he stopped the flow of oxygen to Kyle Rayner's brain, knocking him out. All things that had nothing to do with effecting super powers.

again he found us and also your links description were hazy....infact the link was freakin useless.....all it said was he worked for Apocalypse.....
And yet the description provided, the one your team is supposed to have, specifically mentions he has cloaking tech, and he's also put it to use in every round I've ever used him in. But, yes, Wolverine did find them. He just didn't act in character at all (using the cloak until just before attacking, etc.).

ok so i dont have examples but if he went toe to toe with Thor he will have needed to speed things up....also he can move at great speeds....just like supes can and MM....cant remember the last time they used a speed flurry of attacks but we all know or assume they can based on their speeds.
Well, at least you admit you don't have examples. Probably because they don't exist. In comics, especially Marvel, great flight speed does NOT equal great fight speed. And to survive against Thor, all he would really need is a decent durability showing. Also, when was it he "went toe to toe" with Thor? As in, what issue? I'd like to see that for myself.

it wasnt a gun.....it was just a device designed to affect flesh and machine....it was from cyborgs technology who is flesh and machine....also a magically protected Brian is going to be able to get into Tony's suit one way or another....it was just a case of redirecting the electricity to his nervous system......a valid tactic imo
Well, it's a device you poit at someone and fire. I didn't think I was too far off base calling it a gun, but okay. And, again, you say Brian is magically protected, but he's not invulnerable. And Stark has access to weapons that can severely hurt him that aren't magical in nature. I also think the idea that he's immune to magic is dubious. Resistant, yes, fine, but totally immune? Very unlikely.

I was going off Batman/Superman when supes grabs Darkseid and flies him to the scource wall.....he does it in mere seconds.....
Eh. I think you'd chalk that up as an impressive flight speed feat, or an unthinking writer. As far as I know, the Source Wall isn't anywhere near Earth.
Nightwing, I don't understand what you meant about the other team not getting prep-time. Both teams get 24 hours prep-time on the battle field.

Khell's writeup kind of confirms my initial thought during all the debate over Superman 1-Million, namely "Geez, I'd be more worried about Tony Stark, Sorcerer Supreme." Can his illusions seriously (a) gather information for him, and (b) cast their own spells? That's a hell of a power. I always pictured illusions being nothing more than images floating in the air, not magical minions.

On the whole, two good writeups. I particularly liked the bit in Nightwing's where Atom got screwed by having his power turned off while he was inside Wolverine's unbreakable skull. The way I'm picturing that in my head is pretty funny, in a disgusting way.

But I agree with Khell that Nightwing didn't really portray Disruptor or Death Wolverine using their powers to the fullest extent. Nightwing, you know you can ask any questions you want, so there's no reason you need to settle for trusting bios. If I saw the discription Khell posted for Disruptor ("suit of armor which dsirupts the natural order of things") the first words out of my mouth would be "OK, what the hell does that mean?"

So I guess I give this match to The Immortals, in a close one.

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