Dukes of Hazzard
Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar
Rating: 6/10
First off this was one of those movies everyone hated on for the sake of hating on it but then again it's not quite good either. It's a fun flick that has it's moments but over-all it's not great. The movie starts off with a narrator and then uses the narrator as a crutch through out the movie and while it's funny at times it gets somewhat annoying the whole "Stop let narrator speaka and then continue the film". Another one of the problems with the film is the fact that it try to be one of those silly wacky adventure movies but doesn't manage to set the tone up right for something like that so it falls a bit flat on it's face. Another thing is useless characters such as Jessica Simpson's Character and Willie Nelson there useless other than to expand the demographic of the movie. Though I really dug Sean William Scott... I'm sorry but the guy just makes me laugh every time he's on screen even if it's the same damn thing over and over again. There's obvious chemistry between Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott so the movie rolls on pretty well but it's everything we've seen before, and I think the film was going with it but it didn't push the enevelope far enough in terms of over the top action and antics to really be effective. There are some funny gags in the film but nothing truely hilarious or memorable. THere really isn't anything that memorable about the film, I'm going have to say best to pass on this unless you see it on TV.