[E3 2006] [PS3] WarDevil is a PS3 Exclusive

i find it funny sony is trying to get as many exlusives as possible to get peopleto buy the console, i love when companies start to gravel.
GoldenAgeHero said:
i find it funny sony is trying to get as many exlusives as possible to get peopleto buy the console, i love when companies start to gravel.

The PS3 is getting just as many exclusives as the 360 is. And neither of those systems have nearly as many exclusives as Nintendo has considering most of their games are developed by Nintendo themselves.

And while this game might be cool (this is the first I am actually hearing about it) that was a terribly boring trailer.
GoldenAgeHero said:
i find it funny sony is trying to get as many exlusives as possible to get peopleto buy the console, i love when companies start to gravel.

The game has been designed for the PS3 from day one, I doubt they're gravelling, more so developers are choosing to make exclusives for them due to their strong brand or there's money involved. Often both, but that goes for any third party exclusive.
GoldenAgeHero said:
i find it funny sony is trying to get as many exlusives as possible to get peopleto buy the console, i love when companies start to gravel.

Lol, people who say this kind of stuff make me laugh. And they have no reason to grovel, lol just check out Resistance fall of man... Best game on PS3 i've seen so far.
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