Now I definitely will see The Departed. My friends love Dane Cook though, so...ANTHONYNASTI said:I refuse to see a film that would dare to insult my intelligence in such a blatant manner. Dane Cook is incredibly unfunny, he has but a few truly funny bits IMO. Jessica Simpson can't do anything more than look good. I don't know who Dax Shepard is, but if he willingly allows himself to star in dreck like this, he mustn't be any good either.
Bottom line: spend your money on something more worthwhile. Like The Departed.
Warhammer said:Dane should stick to stand-up.
That's great, but when he has to be leveled down for movies and SNL, he's terrible.
People shouldn't go see this just because Dane is in it.
ShadowBoxing said:Now I definitely will see The Departed. My friends love Dane Cook though, so...