Was slightly disappointed in this on. Most of the controls felt like point analog stick in correct direction and press jump button like 80% of the time. There just seemed like no skill to it and i was playing on the hardest setting it would let me. Also the story seemed a bit off just one very unconvincing scene near the end. I am buying castlevainia instead of this on Oct 9th
I sadly agree with Smylex on this one. Uncharted might've seem a bit too easy platforming wise, but at least the interactive points didn't blink at you or anything.

And it's sad to see how horrible the combat played (and what I've heard), with Monkey being so unresponsive, and not being able to cancel his animations and all, considering this team will be making DmC. Hopefully the uncapitalized m will warn gamers off, along with the developers pedigree.
@Smylex- if you're pissed about Monkey surviving the crash landing, then just use the right side of your brain more when you play games. And at least Monkey isn't an obvious clone, Castlevania is the mutated baby of a Kratos/Dante/Prince orgy. And no, I'm not against orgies, or consensual gay sex.
Having sad that, I don't doubt the combat ends up being fleshed out in the game, but I need fluidity for my $60. No matter how awesome the story apparently is (trust me when I say story matters, GOWIII is my least favorite of the series, even though the combat is polished to a mirror sheen), I'm gonna wait for the bargain bin with this one. If I can do it for RDR, F3 GOTY, and Borderlands GOTY, I can wait for this game to cost $30. Hope it does reasonably well so it gets cheaper faster, but that the critics are loud enough that the Ninja Theory hires some GOW/NG/DMC guys to show them how it's done.
The demo doesn't do it justice!!!
I would hope it's as off as the Dead Space demo was. In that instance, they completely misrepresented the entire feel of the actual game, making it feel like RE5 with good controls. But Enslaved had a long demo to show off both the combat and the platforming, and it still didn't grab me.
I'm glad you seem to have such a grand with your game purchases my good man, I am sadly more nit picky than thou.