I don't think their hearts are in the right place.
"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
Look, I understand porn isn't for everyone but banning it for everyone simply because you think it's gross is a slippery slope and it's forcing others to share your values. No one is forcing men and women to do porn. They choose to do it. No one forces people to watch porn. They watch it because they want to. Why stop people from doing things they want to do if those things based on personal and consensual decisions? It's like banning Latino dance for being too erotic. "She shouldn't be so sexually expressive. It makes guys think dirty thoughts and objectifies her." BANNED FOR EVERYONE!
Anytime you move closer to the restrictive and draconian censorship policies of places like Iran and China, you're moving in the wrong direction.