Well it's better than 3-4 years ago when boobs started to become uncool.Heh, I guess bras are uncool again.
And, you know whats the best part?
See the snow in the corner? Think it was cold that day?
It snows in Los Angeles?
Wow, I'm surprised she doesn't use a Segway or have some big black bodyguard carry her because she is so lazy. She's too lazy to wear a bra, too lazy to button her shirt properly, too lazy to wear a thong or panties, too lazy to show up to Robert Altman's funeral after saying he was a father figure and loved him, too lazy to show up to work etc.
Enjoy your herpes!
i didn't realize she was 40.
It wasn't that cold at all.Don't know if this was before or after, but now I know why she's always in the hospital! Why doesn't she cover up? For those who live in NY, how cold was it this weekend? 30 degrees or something? Maybe less.
That's just the societal niche that many attractive women fill because they and their friends are collectively sucked into the party scene. That's not to say that attractive women are coke-****es, it's just that there exists almost an expectation for them to become party girls.I know alot of girls who look similair to that, though.
Always at the bar getting drunk. They're attractive, but they also have a very strong sleezy almost gross vibe to them. Plus they all seem like stuck up snots.
It wasn't that cold at all.
I remember wearing a t-shirt outside this past weekend.
I wish people would just leave her alone