Ever managed a movie theater?


Pittsburgh Bat
Oct 3, 2003
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Hi all,

I'm currently working in higher education but I hate being trapped in cubicle all day. I've interviewed for the General Manager position at a local cineplex and I've been asked back for a 2nd interview after the 1st went pretty well. However, I've never worked in a movie theater and don't know what to expect at all. I've managed in retail before it's obviously quite different, so I'm looking for any advice or feedback about your experiences. Thanks.
i've never managed one, but i worked almost every other position (concession, usher, ticket booth) except projection booth. if that theater is anything like the theater i worked at, don't do it. i worked for 3 months and never got the raise i was guaranteed on my 30 day review. i was one of the hardest workers there and other workers often got away with leaving the theater to hang out in the mall while they were on the clock. most of the ushers didn't clean the theater houses (only swept everything under the seats) and a lot of the people working concession weren't very clean. of course, the mall that my theater is in is considered one of the worst in the area, so don't take my experience as the ONLY way theater's operate.

anyway, outweigh the pro's and con's for each...but i say that if you're earning decent money at your current job then stick with it until you find one that's significantly better.
The pay is roughly the same, though the commute is longer. My Chrysler 300 isn't too kind on the MPG rating, if you know what I mean. It's also a huge amount of responsibility, but someone I know used to work there and said that the management & owners are the types of people you'll want to work for for the rest of your life. It's out of the way of where we wanted to move to buy a house as well, so it's a really tough decision.
yeah, that's tough. i don't know if your current job has any room for growth but how high can you really go as a theater manager? hehe...

...either way, good luck with your decision and i hope everything works out.

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