Fallout 4

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Hope the game will be sponsored by a different color this go round. Fallout 3, brought to you by the color brown.

Im excited to hear more though. Another Fallout using beths newest engine? Yep, im in.
A Fallout game with Skyrim's style of game-play would be fantastic. Would you guys want them to add more playable races to this? IE, ghouls and super mutants over just being a human?
Weird. I just started playing Fallout 3 last night completely out of the blue. I guess I should finally get around to playing New Vegas. I wish I would have picked up the Ultimate Edition on Steam when it was on sale for $4.99. :/
A Fallout game with Skyrim's style of game-play would be fantastic. Would you guys want them to add more playable races to this? IE, ghouls and super mutants over just being a human?

That might be cool. I kind of want them to do more to separate it from The Elder Scrolls though.
A Fallout game with Skyrim's style of game-play would be fantastic. Would you guys want them to add more playable races to this? IE, ghouls and super mutants over just being a human?

I say sure, why not? I mean i wouldnt ever use them, but its always great to have more options.
I hope they do an overhaul to the UI bc the Pip-Boy with the map and how quests were laid out sucked
Oh my...the ability to play as a Super Mutant...My mind boggles with the thought.
Or an android, that could be neat.

Exciting (if inevitable) news! Normally with news like this my mind races with all the things I'll want out of the game, things that could be improved from before. For Fallout 4 I have a single wish, however. My wish is that the followers are interesting with stories of their own, hopefully Bethesda will take some cues from New Vegas and we won't get the slew of cardboard cut outs we got in Skyrim.

I wonder where it will take place. I forget the name of it, started with C and got mentioned a lot during Fallout 3. The Commons? Anyway, it sounded like a big city somewhere. Could be cool to have a more urban environment this time around.
Hope they go with a combat similar to mass effect or at least skyrim. I despise VAT system.
I could take or leave the VAT system. However, I totally understand everyone who hates it.
The Commonwealth.

That's it! :D Yeah, let's go there.

Regarding VATS, I liked it well enough because it was a cool feature but I definitely came to rely on it way too much. I used it a lot less in New Vegas and enjoyed combat more. If it's in Fallout 4 that's okay, but if it's not I won't complain.
I actually hope they greatly expand VATS. Turn it into a proper turn-based thing.
I actually hope they greatly expand VATS. Turn it into a proper turn-based thing.

How do you mean? Like the way X-COM works, or something different?
How do you mean? Like the way X-COM works, or something different?

That would be awesome if not ideal, but I doubt their engine is that flexible, and I don't think Bethesda would even be interested in doing anything like that. What I mean though, is that I would like it if they fleshed out VATS a lot more. I haven't played New Vegas, but in Fallout 3 VATS has zero tactical value and is little more than an "OH ****!" button that you can hit when you get in a jam. It slows everything down, makes you virtually invincible, and allows you to get nothing but headshots. That's it.

What I want them to is make it a core gameplay mechanic by expanding it and giving you, as well as enemies, more options and more things to do in VATS mode. Heal, take cover, change weapon, target enemy, attack, throw grenade, charge, melee, etc. These would all be options available in my version of VATS.

Either I want them to do that, or just drop the RPG pretense and make the shooting gameplay actually good. Whichever.
I like your version of VATS a lot. If they have it, which it seems unlikely they won't, I hope they come up with something similar to what you're talking about.
I hope that this time they really do something about the followers...

Take cues from what they did with Serana, making them more than just pack mules, use Serana like AI etc.

As for VATS, i like it for what it is...the slo mo effect.It's one of the defining aspect of FO 3...seeing the bullets, missile flies at slo mo. I don't really use it for tactical purposes, really.
Yeah, I can shoot a teddy bear at a super mutant in slow motion. I think that's it's only intention, lol.
LOL ..yeah exactly. That slo mo thing has become a kind of trademark for FO3. remember that book of Eli movie? with that shot of the missile hitting that building in slo mo? Lotsa VATS comments from youtube users from what i remember.

Anyway, things i hope they'll implement in FO4:

-Better character creation. I can'believe that Skyrim has even fewer options for character creation than FO3! Beth really need to do something about this IMO.

-Overhaul of the companions/followers. Make them more like Serana. Nuff said.

-Better cover system.

-Better/more options, more animations for unarmed/melee combat.

-Bring back the Enclave.

More later...
Screw the Enclave. How about something better.
I just hope the amount of weapons, quests, and locations doesn't decrease. New Vegas had over 250 weapons after the DLC, whereas Fallout 3 was MUCH more limited in terms of content.

In any case, I'm extremely excited for Fallout 4. I have 100% achievement completion in Fallout 3 and I'm working on it for New Vegas (Stupid Caravan game!), so I'm definitely in love with this franchise. I don't know if I expected Boston as the location, though.
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Screw the Enclave. How about something better.


I just hope the amount of weapons, quests, and locations doesn't decrease. New Vegas had over 250 weapons after the DLC, whereas Fallout 3 was MUCH more limited in terms of content.

FO3 was their first go round in terms of new gameplay mechanics, AI and what have you.

Rest asured that they will step it up in terms of content with FO4.
It'll probably be rogue mad scientists if we're talking the Commonwealth.

Maybe an android rebellion. I'd toss in some Brotherhood Outcasts as well. Don't need the Enclave anymore. Time for a new threat. Just imagine what 200 plus years of unregulated Super Science could produce? Hopefully something better than the Big Empty. :o
Totally forgot about the commonwealth! if it's true that the next stage will be Boston..

1950's version of terminators!
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